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Versão do artigo: Enterprise Server 2.18

Tipos de eventos do GitHub

Para a API de eventos de GitHub, saiba sobre cada tipo de evento, a ação de acionamento em GitHub e as propriedades exclusivas de cada evento.

As contas corporativas estão disponíveis com GitHub Enterprise Cloud e GitHub Enterprise Server.

Neste artigo

A API de eventos pode retornar diferentes tipos de eventos acionados por atividades no GitHub. Cada resposta ao evento contém propriedades compartilhadas, mas tem um objeto de carga único, determinado pelo seu tipo de evento. As propriedades comuns do objeto de evento descrevem as propriedades compartilhadas por todos os eventos, e cada tipo de evento descreve as propriedades da carga que são únicas para o evento específico.

Propriedades comuns do objeto de evento

Os objetos de evento retornados dos pontos de extremidade da API de eventos têm a mesma estrutura.

Nome do atributo da API do eventoDescrição
idIdentificador exclusivo do evento.
tipoO tipo de evento. Os eventos usam PascalCase para o nome.
actorO usuário que acionou o evento.
actor.idO identificador único para o ator.
actor.loginO nome de usuário do ator.
actor.display_loginO formato de exibição específico do nome de usuário.
actor.gravatar_idO identificador único do perfil Gravatar para o ator.
actor.urlA URL da API REST usada para recuperar o objeto do usuário, que inclui informações adicionais sobre o usuário.
actor.avatar_urlA URL da imagem do perfil do ator.
repoO objeto de repositório onde ocorreu o evento.
repo.idO identificador único do repositório.
repo.nameO nome do repositório, que inclui o proprietário e o nome do repositório. Por exemplo, octocat/hello-world é o nome do repositório hello-world que pertence à conta de usuário octocat.
repo.urlA URL da API REST usada para recuperar o objeto do repositório, que inclui informações adicionais do repositório.
cargaO objeto da carga de eventos é único para o tipo de evento. Veja o tipo de evento abaixo para o objeto da carga da API de eventos.

Exemplo de objeto de evento WatchEvent

Este exemplo mostra o formato da resposta do WatchEvent ao usar a API de eventos.

Status: 200 OK
Link: <>; rel="next",
      <>; rel="last"
    "type": "WatchEvent",
    "public": true,
    "payload": {
    "repo": {
      "id": 3,
      "name": "octocat/Hello-World",
      "url": ""
    "actor": {
      "id": 1,
      "login": "octocat",
      "gravatar_id": "",
      "avatar_url": "",
      "url": ""
    "org": {
      "id": 1,
      "login": "github",
      "gravatar_id": "",
      "url": "",
      "avatar_url": ""
    "created_at": "2011-09-06T17:26:27Z",
    "id": "12345"


A commit comment is created. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "commit comment" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringThe action performed. Can be created.
comentárioobjetoThe commit comment resource.


A Git branch or tag is created. For more information, see the "Git data" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

refstringThe git ref resource.
ref_typestringThe type of Git ref object created in the repository. Can be either branch or tag.
master_branchstringThe name of the repository's default branch (usually master).
descriçãostringThe repository's current description.


A Git branch or tag is deleted. For more information, see the "Git data" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

refstringThe git ref resource.
ref_typestringThe type of Git ref oject deleted in the repository. Can be branch or tag.


A user forks a repository. For more information, see the "forks" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

forkeeobjetoThe created repository resource.


A wiki page is created or updated. For more information, see the "About wikis".

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

PáginasarrayThe pages that were updated.
pages[][page_name]stringThe name of the page.
pages[][title]stringThe current page title.
pages[][action]stringThe action that was performed on the page. Can be created or edited.
pages[][sha]stringThe latest commit SHA of the page.
pages[][html_url]stringPoints to the HTML wiki page.


Activity related to an issue comment. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "issue comments" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringThe action that was performed on the comment. Can be one of created, edited, or deleted.
changesobjectThe changes to the comment if the action was edited. changes[body][from]


Activity related to an issue. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "issues" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringA ação que foi executada. Can be one of opened, closed, reopened, assigned, unassigned, labeled, or unlabeled.
issueobjectThe issue itself. changes


Activity related to repository collaborators. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "collaborators" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringA ação que foi executada. Can be added to indicate a user accepted an invitation to a repository.
memberobjectThe user that was added. changes


When a private repository is made public. Without a doubt: the best GitHub Enterprise event.

Objeto da carga do evento

Este evento retorna um objeto de carga vazio.


Activity related to pull requests. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "pull requests" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringA ação que foi executada. Can be one of opened, closed, reopened, assigned, unassigned, review_requested, review_request_removed, labeled, unlabeled, and synchronize.
numberintegerThe pull request number. changes


Activity related to pull request review comments in the pull request's unified diff. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "pull request review comments" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringThe action that was performed on the comment. Can be created.
changesobjectThe changes to the comment if the action was edited. changes[body][from]


One or more commits are pushed to a repository branch or tag.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

push_idinteiroIdentificador único para o push.
sizeinteiroO número de commits no push.
distinct_sizeinteiroO número de commits distintos no push.
refstringO git ref completo que foi carregado. Exemplo: refs/heads/master.
headstringO SHA do último commit no ref após o push.
antesstringO SHA do último commit em ref antes do push.
commitsarrayUm array de objetos de commit, que descreve os commits carregados. (O array inclui um máximo de 20 commits. Se necessário, você poderá usar a API de commits para recuperar commits adicionais. Este limite é aplicado apenas aos eventos da linha do tempo e não é aplicado às entregas do webhook.)
commits[][sha]stringO SHA do commit.
commits[][message]stringA mensagem do commit.
commits[][author]objetoO autor do git do commit.
commits[][author][name]stringO nome do autor do git.
commits[][author][email]stringO endereço de e-mail do autor do git.
commits[][url]urlURL que aponta para o recurso de commit de API.
commits[][distinct]booleanSe este compromisso é diferente de qualquer outro que tenha sido carregado anteriormente.


Activity related to a release. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "releases" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringA ação que foi executada. Can be published.
changes[body][from]stringThe previous version of the body if the action was edited. changes[name][from]


When someone stars a repository. The type of activity is specified in the action property of the payload object. For more information, see the "starring" REST API.

The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload object for this event is described below.

Objeto da carga do evento

AçãostringA ação que foi executada. Currently, can only be started.

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