Events APIは、GitHub上のアクティビティによってトリガーされる様々な種類のイベントを返します。 各イベントのレスポンスは共有プロパティを含むとともに、イベントの種類によって決まる固有のpayload
オブジェクトを持ちます。 イベントオブジェクトの共通プロパティは、すべてのイベントが共有するプロパティを示すものであり、各イベントの種類にはそのイベントに固有のpayload
Events APIエンドポイントから返されるイベントオブジェクトは、同じ構造を持ちます。
Event API属性名 | 説明 |
id | イベントの一意の識別子。 |
type | イベントの種類。 イベントの名前にはPascalCaseが使われます。 |
actor | イベントをトリガーしたユーザ。 | | アクターの一意の識別子。 |
actor.login | アクターのユーザ名。 |
actor.display_login | ユーザ名に特定の表示形式。 |
actor.gravatar_id | アクターのGravatarプロフィールの一意の識別子。 |
actor.url | 追加のユーザ情報を含むユーザオブジェクトの取得に使われるREST APIのURL。 |
actor.avatar_url | アクターのプロフィール画像のURL。 |
repo | イベントが発生したリポジトリオブジェクト。 | | リポジトリの一意の識別子。 | | リポジトリの名前。オーナーとリポジトリの名前が含まれる。 たとえばoctocat/ は、octocat ユーザアカウントが所有するhello-world リポジトリの名前。 |
repo.url | 追加のリポジトリ情報を含むリポジトリオブジェクトの取得に使われるREST APIのURL。 |
payload | イベントの種類に固有のイベントペイロードオブジェクト。 イベントAPIのpayload オブジェクトについては、以下のイベントの種類を参照してください。 |
この例は、Events APIを使用する際のWatchEventのレスポンスの形式を示しています。
Status: 200 OK
Link: <>; rel="next",
<>; rel="last"
"type": "WatchEvent",
"public": true,
"payload": {
"repo": {
"id": 3,
"name": "octocat/Hello-World",
"url": ""
"actor": {
"id": 1,
"login": "octocat",
"gravatar_id": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"url": ""
"org": {
"id": 1,
"login": "github",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"avatar_url": ""
"created_at": "2011-09-06T17:26:27Z",
"id": "12345"
A commit comment is created. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "commit comment" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | 実行されたアクション。 created になりうる。 |
コメント | オブジェクト | commit commentリソース。 |
A Git branch or tag is created. For more information, see the "Git data" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
ref | string | The git ref resource. |
ref_type | string | リポジトリで作成されたGit refオブジェクトの種類。 branch もしくはtag になる。 |
master_branch | string | The name of the repository's default branch (usually master ). |
説明 | string | リポジトリの現在の説明。 |
A Git branch or tag is deleted. For more information, see the "Git data" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
ref | string | The git ref resource. |
ref_type | string | リポジトリで削除されたGit refオブジェクトの種類。 branch もしくはtag になる。 |
A user forks a repository. For more information, see the "forks" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
forkee | オブジェクト | The created repository resource. |
A wiki page is created or updated. For more information, see the "About wikis".
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
pages | array | The pages that were updated. |
pages[][page_name] | string | The name of the page. |
pages[][title] | string | The current page title. |
pages[][action] | string | The action that was performed on the page. Can be created or edited . |
pages[][sha] | string | The latest commit SHA of the page. |
pages[][html_url] | string | Points to the HTML wiki page. |
Activity related to an issue comment. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "issue comments" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | The action that was performed on the comment. Can be one of created , edited , or deleted . |
changes | object | The changes to the comment if the action was edited . changes[body][from] |
Activity related to an issue. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "issues" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | 実行されたアクション. Can be one of opened , closed , reopened , assigned , unassigned , labeled , or unlabeled . |
issue | object | The issue itself. changes |
Activity related to repository collaborators. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "collaborators" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | 実行されたアクション. Can be added to indicate a user accepted an invitation to a repository. |
member | object | The user that was added. changes |
When a private repository is made public. Without a doubt: the best GitHub Enterprise Server event.
Activity related to pull requests. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "pull requests" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | 実行されたアクション. Can be one of opened , closed , reopened , assigned , unassigned , review_requested , review_request_ , labeled , unlabeled , and synchronize . |
number | integer | The pull request number. changes |
Activity related to pull request review comments in the pull request's unified diff. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "pull request review comments" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | The action that was performed on the comment. created になりうる。 |
changes | object | The changes to the comment if the action was edited . changes[body][from] |
One or more commits are pushed to a repository branch or tag.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
push_id | integer | プッシュの一意の識別子。 |
size | integer | プッシュ中のコミット数。 |
distinct_size | integer | プッシュ中の個別のコミット数。 |
ref | string | プッシュされた完全なgit ref 。 例:refs/heads/main 。 |
head | string | プッシュ後のref 上の最新のコミットのSHA。 |
before | string | プッシュ前のref 上の最新のコミットのSHA。 |
commits | array | プッシュされたコミットを示すコミットオブジェクトの配列。 (配列には最大で20のコミットが含まれる。 必要な場合は、追加のコミットをCommits APIを使ってフェッチできる。 この制限はタイムラインイベントにのみ適用され、webhookの配信には適用されない) |
commits[][sha] | string | コミットのSHA。 |
commits[][message] | string | コミットメッセージ。 |
commits[][author] | オブジェクト | コミットのGit作者。 |
commits[][author][name] | string | Git作者の名前。 |
commits[][author][email] | string | Git作者のメールアドレス。 |
commits[][url] | url | コミットAPIのリソースを指すURL。 |
commits[][distinct] | boolean | このコミットが以前にプッシュされたいずれとも異なっているか。 |
Activity related to a release. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "releases" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | 実行されたアクション. Can be published . |
changes[body][from] | string | アクションがedited だった場合の、以前のバージョンのbody。 changes[name][from] |
When someone stars a repository. The type of activity is specified in the action
property of the payload object. For more information, see the "starring" REST API.
The event object includes properties that are common for all events. Each event object includes a payload
property and the value is unique to each event type. The payload
object for this event is described below.
キー | 種類 | 説明 |
action | string | 実行されたアクション. Currently, can only be started . |