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Événements et charges utiles du webhook

Découvrez quand chaque événement de webhook se produit et ce que contient la charge utile.

Informations sur des événements et des charges utiles des webhooks

Vous pouvez créer des webhooks qui s’abonnent aux événements listés dans cette page. Pour limiter le nombre de requêtes HTTP sur votre serveur, vous devez vous abonner uniquement aux événements spécifiques que vous prévoyez de gérer. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Création de webhooks ».

Chaque événement de webhook de cette page comprend une description des propriétés du webhook pour cet événement. Si l'événement a plusieurs actions, les propriétés correspondant à chaque action sont incluses.

Chaque événement est disponible uniquement pour des types spécifiques de webhooks. Par exemple, un webhook d’organisation peut s’abonner à l’événement team, mais un webhook de référentiel ne peut pas. La description de chaque événement webhook répertorie la disponibilité de cet événement. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Types de webhook ».

Limite de charge utile

Les charges utiles sont limitées à 25 Mo. Si un événement génère une charge utile plus grande, GitHub ne fournira pas de charge utile pour cet événement webhook. Cela peut se produire, par exemple, sur un événement create si de nombreuses branches ou étiquettes sont poussées à la fois. Nous vous suggérons de monitorer la taille de votre charge utile pour garantir la livraison.

En-têtes de livraison

Les charges utiles HTTP POST livrées au point de terminaison de l’URL configurée de votre webhook contiennent plusieurs en-têtes spéciaux :

  • X-GitHub-Hook-ID : identificateur unique du webhook.
  • X-GitHub-Event : nom de l’événement qui a déclenché la livraison.
  • X-GitHub-Delivery : Un identificateur global unique (GUID) pour identifier l’événement.
  • X-Hub-Signature : cet en-tête est envoyé si le webhook est configuré avec un secret. Il s’agit de la synthèse hexadécimale HMAC du corps de la demande, qui est générée avec la fonction de hachage SHA-1 et dont le secret est la key HMAC. X-Hub-Signature est fourni pour assurer la compatibilité avec les intégrations existantes. Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser plutôt la version X-Hub-Signature-256 plus sécurisée.
  • X-Hub-Signature-256 : cet en-tête est envoyé si le webhook est configuré avec un secret. Il s’agit du code de hachage hexadécimal HMAC du corps de la demande, qui est généré avec la fonction de hachage SHA-256 et dont le secret est la key HMAC. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Validation des livraisons de webhook ».
  • User-Agent : Cet en-tête aura toujours le préfixe GitHub-Hookshot/.
  • X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-Type : type de la ressource dans laquelle le webhook a été créé.
  • X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-ID : identificateur unique de la ressource dans laquelle le webhook a été créé.

Pour voir à quoi chaque en-tête peut ressembler dans une charge utile de webhook, consultez « Exemple de livraison de webhook ».

Exemple de livraison de webhook

Vous pouvez choisir de recevoir les charges utiles au format JSON (application/json) ou sous forme de données encodées en URL (x-www-form-urlencoded). Voici un exemple de demande POST de webhook qui utilise le format JSON.

> POST /payload HTTP/2

> X-GitHub-Delivery: 72d3162e-cc78-11e3-81ab-4c9367dc0958
> X-Hub-Signature: sha1=7d38cdd689735b008b3c702edd92eea23791c5f6
> X-Hub-Signature-256: sha256=d57c68ca6f92289e6987922ff26938930f6e66a2d161ef06abdf1859230aa23c
> User-Agent: GitHub-Hookshot/044aadd
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 6615
> X-GitHub-Event: issues
> X-GitHub-Hook-ID: 292430182
> X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-ID: 79929171
> X-GitHub-Hook-Installation-Target-Type: repository

> {
>   "action": "opened",
>   "issue": {
>     "url": "",
>     "number": 1347,
>     ...
>   },
>   "repository" : {
>     "id": 1296269,
>     "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World",
>     "owner": {
>       "login": "octocat",
>       "id": 1,
>       ...
>     },
>     ...
>   },
>   "sender": {
>     "login": "octocat",
>     "id": 1,
>     ...
>   }
> }


This event occurs when there is a change to branch protection configurations for a repository. For more information, see "About protected branches." For information about using the APIs to manage branch protection rules, see "Branch protection rule" in the GraphQL documentation or "Branch protection" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Administration" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour branch_protection_configuration

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour branch_protection_configuration

All branch protections were disabled for a repository.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: disabled

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to branch protection rules. For more information, see "About protected branches." For information about the APIs to manage branch protection rules, see the GraphQL documentation or "Branch protection" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Administration" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour branch_protection_rule

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour branch_protection_rule

A branch protection rule was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

rule object Obligatoire

The branch protection rule. Includes a name and all the branch protection settings applied to branches that match the name. Binary settings are boolean. Multi-level configurations are one of off, non_admins, or everyone. Actor and build lists are arrays of strings.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a check run. For information about check runs, see "Getting started with the Checks API." For information about the APIs to manage check runs, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Check Runs" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to check suites, use the check-suite event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Checks" repository permission. To receive the rerequested and requested_action event types, the app must have at least write-level access for the "Checks" permission. GitHub Apps with write-level access for the "Checks" permission are automatically subscribed to this webhook event.

Repository and organization webhooks only receive payloads for the created and completed event types in repositories.


The API only looks for pushes in the repository where the check run was created. Pushes to a branch in a forked repository are not detected and return an empty pull_requests array and a null value for head_branch.

Disponibilité pour check_run

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour check_run

A check run was completed, and a conclusion is available.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string

Value: completed

check_run object Obligatoire

A check performed on the code of a given code change

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a check suite. For information about check suites, see "Getting started with the Checks API." For information about the APIs to manage check suites, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Check Suites" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to check runs, use the check_run event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Checks" permission. To receive the requested and rerequested event types, the app must have at least write-level access for the "Checks" permission. GitHub Apps with write-level access for the "Checks" permission are automatically subscribed to this webhook event.

Repository and organization webhooks only receive payloads for the completed event types in repositories.


The API only looks for pushes in the repository where the check suite was created. Pushes to a branch in a forked repository are not detected and return an empty pull_requests array and a null value for head_branch.

Disponibilité pour check_suite

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour check_suite

All check runs in a check suite have completed, and a conclusion is available.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: completed

check_suite object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to code scanning alerts in a repository. For more information, see "About code scanning" and "About code scanning alerts." For information about the API to manage code scanning, see "Code scanning" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Code scanning alerts" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour code_scanning_alert

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour code_scanning_alert

A previously created code scanning alert appeared in another branch. This can happen when a branch is merged into or created from a branch with a pre-existing code scanning alert.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: appeared_in_branch

alert object Obligatoire

The code scanning alert involved in the event.

commit_oid string Obligatoire

The commit SHA of the code scanning alert. When the action is reopened_by_user or closed_by_user, the event was triggered by the sender and this value will be empty.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

ref string Obligatoire

The Git reference of the code scanning alert. When the action is reopened_by_user or closed_by_user, the event was triggered by the sender and this value will be empty.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to commit comments. For more information about commit comments, see "Commenting on a pull request." For information about the APIs to manage commit comments, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Commit comments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to comments on pull request reviews, use the pull_request_review_comment event. For activity relating to issue comments, use the issue_comment event. For activity relating to discussion comments, use the discussion_comment event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour commit_comment

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour commit_comment

Someone commented on a commit.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

The action performed. Can be created.

Value: created

comment object Obligatoire

The commit comment resource.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when a Git branch or tag is created.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.


  • This event will not occur when more than three tags are created at once.
  • Payloads are capped at 25 MB. If an event generates a larger payload, GitHub will not deliver a payload for that webhook event. This may happen, for example, if many branches or tags are pushed at once. We suggest monitoring your payload size to ensure delivery.

Disponibilité pour create

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour create

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
description string or null Obligatoire

The repository's current description.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

master_branch string Obligatoire

The name of the repository's default branch (usually main).

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pusher_type string Obligatoire

The pusher type for the event. Can be either user or a deploy key.

ref string Obligatoire

The git ref resource.

ref_type string Obligatoire

The type of Git ref object created in the repository.

Peut être: tag, branch

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a custom property.

For more information, see "Managing custom properties for repositories in your organization". For information about the APIs to manage custom properties, see "Custom properties" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Custom properties" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour custom_property

  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour custom_property

A new custom property was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

definition object Obligatoire

Custom property defined on an organization

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to custom property values for a repository.

For more information, see "Managing custom properties for repositories in your organization". For information about the APIs to manage custom properties for a repository, see "Custom properties" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Custom properties" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour custom_property_values

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour custom_property_values

The custom property values of a repository were updated.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: updated

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

sender object

A GitHub user.

new_property_values array of objects Obligatoire

The new custom property values for the repository.

old_property_values array of objects Obligatoire

The old custom property values for the repository.


This event occurs when a Git branch or tag is deleted. To subscribe to all pushes to a repository, including branch and tag deletions, use the push webhook event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.


This event will not occur when more than three tags are deleted at once.

Disponibilité pour delete

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour delete

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pusher_type string Obligatoire

The pusher type for the event. Can be either user or a deploy key.

ref string Obligatoire

The git ref resource.

ref_type string Obligatoire

The type of Git ref object deleted in the repository.

Peut être: tag, branch

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to Dependabot alerts.

For more information about Dependabot alerts, see "About Dependabot alerts." For information about the API to manage Dependabot alerts, see "Dependabot alerts" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Dependabot alerts" repository permission.


Webhook events for Dependabot alerts are currently in beta and subject to change.

Disponibilité pour dependabot_alert

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour dependabot_alert

A Dependabot alert was automatically closed by a Dependabot auto-triage rule.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: auto_dismissed

alert object Obligatoire

A Dependabot alert.

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to deploy keys. For more information, see "Managing deploy keys." For information about the APIs to manage deploy keys, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Deploy keys" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Deployments" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour deploy_key

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour deploy_key

A deploy key was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

key object Obligatoire

The deploy key resource.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to deployments. For more information, see "About deployments." For information about the APIs to manage deployments, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Deployments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to deployment status, use the deployment_status event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Deployments" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour deployment

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour deployment

A deployment was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

deployment object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

workflow object or null Obligatoire
workflow_run object or null Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is activity relating to deployment protection rules. For more information, see "Using environments for deployment." For information about the API to manage deployment protection rules, see the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Deployments" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour deployment_protection_rule

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour deployment_protection_rule

A deployment protection rule was requested for an environment.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string

Value: requested

environment string

The name of the environment that has the deployment protection rule.

event string

The event that triggered the deployment protection rule.

deployment_callback_url string

The URL to review the deployment protection rule.

deployment object

A request for a specific ref(branch,sha,tag) to be deployed

pull_requests array of objects
repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to deployment reviews. For more information, see "About deployments." For information about the APIs to manage deployments, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Deployments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to deployment creation or deployment status, use the deployment or deployment_status event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Deployments" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour deployment_review

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour deployment_review

A deployment review was approved.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: approved

approver object
comment string
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

reviewers array of objects
sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

since string Obligatoire
workflow_job_run object
workflow_job_runs array of objects
workflow_run object or null Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is activity relating to deployment statuses. For more information, see "About deployments." For information about the APIs to manage deployments, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Deployments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to deployment creation, use the deployment event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Deployments" repository permission.


A webhook event is not fired for deployment statuses with an inactive state.

Disponibilité pour deployment_status

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour deployment_status

A new deployment status was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

check_run object or null
deployment object Obligatoire
deployment_status object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

workflow object or null
workflow_run object or null


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a discussion. For more information about discussions, see "GitHub Discussions." For information about the API to manage discussions, see the GraphQL documentation.

For activity relating to a comment on a discussion, use the discussion_comment event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Discussions" repository permission.


Webhook events for GitHub Discussions are currently in beta and subject to change.

Disponibilité pour discussion

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour discussion

A comment on the discussion was marked as the answer.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: answered

answer object Obligatoire
discussion object Obligatoire

A Discussion in a repository.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a comment on a discussion. For more information about discussions, see "GitHub Discussions." For information about the API to manage discussions, see the GraphQL documentation.

For activity relating to a discussion as opposed to comments on a discussion, use the discussion event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Discussions" repository permission.


Webhook events for GitHub Discussions are currently in beta and subject to change.

Disponibilité pour discussion_comment

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour discussion_comment

A comment on a discussion was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

comment object Obligatoire
discussion object Obligatoire

A Discussion in a repository.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when someone forks a repository. For more information, see "Fork a repo." For information about the API to manage forks, see "Forks" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour fork

  • Entreprises
  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour fork

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

forkee object Obligatoire

The created repository resource.

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when a user revokes their authorization of a GitHub App. For more information, see "About apps." For information about the API to manage GitHub Apps, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Apps" in the REST API documentation.

A GitHub App receives this webhook by default and cannot unsubscribe from this event.

Anyone can revoke their authorization of a GitHub App from their GitHub account settings page. Revoking the authorization of a GitHub App does not uninstall the GitHub App. You should program your GitHub App so that when it receives this webhook, it stops calling the API on behalf of the person who revoked the token. If your GitHub App continues to use a revoked access token, it will receive the 401 Bad Credentials error. For details about requests with a user access token, which require GitHub App authorization, see "Authenticating with a GitHub App on behalf of a user."

Disponibilité pour github_app_authorization

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour github_app_authorization

Someone revoked their authorization of a GitHub App.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: revoked

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when someone creates or updates a wiki page. For more information, see "About wikis."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour gollum

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour gollum

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pages array of objects Obligatoire

The pages that were updated.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a GitHub App installation. All GitHub Apps receive this event by default. You cannot manually subscribe to this event.

For more information about GitHub Apps, see "About apps." For information about the APIs to manage GitHub Apps, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Apps" in the REST API documentation.

Disponibilité pour installation

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour installation

Someone installed a GitHub App on a user or organization account.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object Obligatoire


organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repositories array of objects

An array of repository objects that the installation can access.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

requester object or null
sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to which repositories a GitHub App installation can access. All GitHub Apps receive this event by default. You cannot manually subscribe to this event.

For more information about GitHub Apps, see "About apps." For information about the APIs to manage GitHub Apps, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Apps" in the REST API documentation.

Disponibilité pour installation_repositories

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour installation_repositories

A GitHub App installation was granted access to one or more repositories.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: added

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object Obligatoire


organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repositories_added array of objects Obligatoire

An array of repository objects, which were added to the installation.

repositories_removed array of objects Obligatoire

An array of repository objects, which were removed from the installation.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

repository_selection string Obligatoire

Describe whether all repositories have been selected or there's a selection involved

Peut être: all, selected

requester object or null Obligatoire
sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to the user or organization account that a GitHub App is installed on. For more information, see "About apps." For information about the APIs to manage GitHub Apps, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Apps" in the REST API documentation.

Disponibilité pour installation_target

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour installation_target

Somebody renamed the user or organization account that a GitHub App is installed on.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
account object Obligatoire
action string Obligatoire

Value: renamed

changes object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object Obligatoire

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.

target_type string Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a comment on an issue or pull request. For more information about issues and pull requests, see "About issues" and "About pull requests." For information about the APIs to manage issue comments, see the GraphQL documentation or "Issue comments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to an issue as opposed to comments on an issue, use the issue event. For activity related to pull request reviews or pull request review comments, use the pull_request_review or pull_request_review_comment events. For more information about the different types of pull request comments, see "Working with comments."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Issues" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour issue_comment

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour issue_comment

A comment on an issue or pull request was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

comment object Obligatoire

The comment itself.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

issue object Obligatoire

The issue the comment belongs to.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to an issue. For more information about issues, see "About issues." For information about the APIs to manage issues, see the GraphQL documentation or "Issues" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to a comment on an issue, use the issue_comment event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Issues" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour issues

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour issues

An issue was assigned to a user.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

The action that was performed.

Value: assigned

assignee object or null
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

issue object Obligatoire

The issue itself.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to labels. For more information, see "Managing labels." For information about the APIs to manage labels, see the GraphQL documentation or "Labels" in the REST API documentation.

If you want to receive an event when a label is added to or removed from an issue, pull request, or discussion, use the labeled or unlabeled action type for the issues, pull_request, or discussion events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Metadata" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour label

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour label

A label was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

label object Obligatoire
organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a GitHub Marketplace purchase. For more information, see "GitHub Marketplace." For information about the APIs to manage GitHub Marketplace listings, see the GraphQL documentation or "GitHub Marketplace" in the REST API documentation.

Disponibilité pour marketplace_purchase

  • GitHub Marketplace

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour marketplace_purchase

Someone cancelled a GitHub Marketplace plan, and the last billing cycle has ended. The change will take effect on the account immediately.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: cancelled

effective_date string Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

marketplace_purchase object Obligatoire
organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

previous_marketplace_purchase object
repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to collaborators in a repository. For more information, see "Adding outside collaborators to repositories in your organization." For more information about the API to manage repository collaborators, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Collaborators" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Members" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour member

  • Entreprises
  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour member

A GitHub user accepted an invitation to a repository.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: added

changes object
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

member object or null Obligatoire
organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to team membership. For more information, see "About teams." For more information about the APIs to manage team memberships, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Team members" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Members" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour membership

  • Organisations
  • Entreprises
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour membership

An organization member was added to a team.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: added

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

member object or null Obligatoire
organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

scope string Obligatoire

The scope of the membership. Currently, can only be team.

Value: team

sender object or null Obligatoire
team object Obligatoire

Groups of organization members that gives permissions on specified repositories.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a merge group in a merge queue. For more information, see "Managing a merge queue."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Merge queues" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour merge_group

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour merge_group

Status checks were requested for a merge group. This happens when a merge group is created or added to by the merge queue because a pull request was queued.

When you receive this event, you should perform checks on the head SHA and report status back using check runs or commit statuses.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: checks_requested

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

merge_group object Obligatoire

A group of pull requests that the merge queue has grouped together to be merged.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a webhook itself.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Meta" app permission.

Disponibilité pour meta

  • GitHub Marketplace
  • Entreprises
  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour meta

The webhook was deleted.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: deleted

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

hook object Obligatoire

The modified webhook. This will contain different keys based on the type of webhook it is: repository, organization, business, app, or GitHub Marketplace.

hook_id integer Obligatoire

The id of the modified webhook.

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to milestones. For more information, see "About milestones." For information about the APIs to manage milestones, see the GraphQL documentation or "Milestones" in the REST API documentation.

If you want to receive an event when an issue or pull request is added to or removed from a milestone, use the milestoned or demilestoned action type for the issues or pull_request events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Issues" or "Pull requests" repository permissions.

Disponibilité pour milestone

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour milestone

A milestone was closed.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: closed

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

milestone object Obligatoire

A collection of related issues and pull requests.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when organization owners or moderators block or unblock a non-member from collaborating on the organization's repositories. For more information, see "Blocking a user from your organization." For information about the APIs to manage blocked users, see the GraphQL documentation or "Blocking users" in the REST API documentation.

If you want to receive an event when members are added or removed from an organization, use the organization event instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Administration" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour org_block

  • Organisations
  • Entreprises
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour org_block

A user was blocked from the organization.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: blocked

blocked_user object or null Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to an organization and its members. For more information, see "About organizations." For information about the APIs to manage organizations, see the GraphQL documentation or "Organizations" in the REST API documentation.

If you want to receive an event when a non-member is blocked or unblocked from an organization, use the org_block event instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Members" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour organization

  • Organisations
  • Entreprises
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour organization

An organization was deleted.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: deleted

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

membership object

The membership between the user and the organization. Not present when the action is member_invited.

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to GitHub Packages. For more information, see "Introduction to GitHub Packages." For information about the APIs to manage GitHub Packages, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Packages" in the REST API documentation.

To install this event on a GitHub App, the app must have at least read-level access for the "Packages" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour package

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour package

A package was published to a registry.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: published

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

package object Obligatoire

Information about the package.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is an attempted build of a GitHub Pages site. This event occurs regardless of whether the build is successful. For more information, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site." For information about the API to manage GitHub Pages, see "Pages" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Pages" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour page_build

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour page_build

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
build object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

id integer Obligatoire
installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a request for a fine-grained personal access token to access resources that belong to a resource owner that requires approval for token access. For more information, see "Creating a personal access token."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Personal access token requests" organization permission.


Fine-grained PATs are in public beta. Related APIs, events, and functionality are subject to change.

Disponibilité pour personal_access_token_request

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour personal_access_token_request

A fine-grained personal access token request was approved.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: approved

personal_access_token_request object Obligatoire

Details of a Personal Access Token Request.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

installation object Obligatoire

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."


This event occurs when you create a new webhook. The ping event is a confirmation from GitHub that you configured the webhook correctly.

Disponibilité pour ping

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub
  • Entreprises
  • GitHub Marketplace

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour ping

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
hook object

The webhook that is being pinged

hook_id integer

The ID of the webhook that triggered the ping.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.

zen string

Random string of GitHub zen.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a card on a project (classic). For more information, see "About projects (classic)." For information about the API to manage classic projects, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Projects (classic)" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to a project (classic) or a column on a project (classic), use the project and project_column event.

This event relates to projects (classic) only. For activity relating to the new Projects experience, use the projects_v2 event instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Projects" repository or organization permission.

Disponibilité pour project_card

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour project_card

A note in a project (classic) was converted to an issue.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: converted

changes object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

project_card object Obligatoire
repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a project (classic). For more information, see "About projects (classic)." For information about the API to manage classic projects, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Projects (classic)" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to a card or column on a project (classic), use the project_card and project_column event.

This event relates to projects (classic) only. For activity relating to the new Projects experience, use the projects_v2 event instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Projects" repository or organization permission.

Disponibilité pour project

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour project

A project (classic) was closed.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: closed

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

project object Obligatoire
repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a column on a project (classic). For more information, see "About projects (classic)." For information about the API to manage classic projects, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Projects (classic)" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to a project (classic) or a card on a project (classic), use the project and project_card event.

This event relates to projects (classic) only. For activity relating to the new Projects experience, use the projects_v2 event instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Projects" repository or organization permission.

Disponibilité pour project_column

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour project_column

A column was added to a project (classic).

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

project_column object Obligatoire
repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to an organization-level project. For more information, see "About Projects." For information about the Projects API, see the GraphQL documentation.

For activity relating to a item on a project, use the projects_v2_item event. For activity relating to Projects (classic), use the project, project_card, and project_column events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Projects" organization permission.


Webhook events for projects are currently in beta and subject to change. To share feedback about projects webhooks with GitHub, see the Projects webhook feedback discussion.

Disponibilité pour projects_v2

  • Organisations

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour projects_v2

A project in the organization was closed.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: closed

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

projects_v2 object Obligatoire

A projects v2 project

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to an item on an organization-level project. For more information, see "About Projects." For information about the Projects API, see the GraphQL documentation.

For activity relating to a project (instead of an item on a project), use the projects_v2 event. For activity relating to Projects (classic), use the project, project_card, and project_column events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Projects" organization permission.


Webhook events for projects are currently in beta and subject to change. To share feedback about projects webhooks with GitHub, see the Projects webhook feedback discussion.

Disponibilité pour projects_v2_item

  • Organisations

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour projects_v2_item

An item on an organization project was archived. For more information, see "Archiving items from your project."

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: archived

changes object Obligatoire
installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

projects_v2_item object Obligatoire

An item belonging to a project

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a status update on an organization-level project. For more information, see "About Projects."

For activity relating to a project, use the projects_v2 event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Projects" organization permission.


To share feedback about projects webhooks with GitHub, see the Projects webhook feedback discussion.

Disponibilité pour projects_v2_status_update

  • Organisations

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour projects_v2_status_update

A status update was added to a project in the organization.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

projects_v2_status_update object Obligatoire

An status update belonging to a project

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when repository visibility changes from private to public. For more information, see "Setting repository visibility."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Metadata" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour public

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour public

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity on a pull request. For more information, see "About pull requests." For information about the APIs to manage pull requests, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Pulls" in the REST API documentation.

For activity related to pull request reviews, pull request review comments, pull request comments, or pull request review threads, use the pull_request_review, pull_request_review_comment, issue_comment, or pull_request_review_thread events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Pull requests" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour pull_request

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour pull_request

A pull request was assigned to a user.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: assigned

assignee object or null Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

number integer Obligatoire

The pull request number.

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pull_request object Obligatoire
repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a pull request review comment. A pull request review comment is a comment on a pull request's diff. For more information, see "Commenting on a pull request." For information about the APIs to manage pull request review comments, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Pull request review comments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity related to pull request reviews, pull request comments, or pull request review threads, use the pull_request_review, issue_comment, or pull_request_review_thread events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Pull requests" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour pull_request_review_comment

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour pull_request_review_comment

A comment on a pull request diff was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

comment object Obligatoire

The comment itself.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pull_request object Obligatoire
repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a pull request review. A pull request review is a group of pull request review comments in addition to a body comment and a state. For more information, see "About pull request reviews." For information about the APIs to manage pull request reviews, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Pull request reviews" in the REST API documentation.

For activity related to pull request review comments, pull request comments, or pull request review threads, use the pull_request_review_comment, issue_comment, or pull_request_review_thread events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Pull requests" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour pull_request_review

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour pull_request_review

A review on a pull request was dismissed.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: dismissed

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pull_request object Obligatoire
repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

review object Obligatoire

The review that was affected.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a comment thread on a pull request. For more information, see "About pull request reviews." For information about the APIs to manage pull request reviews, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Pull request review comments" in the REST API documentation.

For activity related to pull request review comments, pull request comments, or pull request reviews, use the pull_request_review_comment, issue_comment, or pull_request_review events instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Pull requests" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour pull_request_review_thread

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour pull_request_review_thread

A comment thread on a pull request was marked as resolved.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: resolved

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pull_request object Obligatoire
repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.

thread object Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is a push to a repository branch. This includes when a commit is pushed, when a commit tag is pushed, when a branch is deleted, when a tag is deleted, or when a repository is created from a template. To subscribe to only branch and tag deletions, use the delete webhook event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.


Events will not be created if more than 5000 branches are pushed at once. Events will not be created for tags when more than three tags are pushed at once.

Disponibilité pour push

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour push

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
after string Obligatoire

The SHA of the most recent commit on ref after the push.

base_ref string or null Obligatoire
before string Obligatoire

The SHA of the most recent commit on ref before the push.

commits array of objects Obligatoire

An array of commit objects describing the pushed commits. (Pushed commits are all commits that are included in the compare between the before commit and the after commit.) The array includes a maximum of 2048 commits. If necessary, you can use the Commits API to fetch additional commits.

compare string Obligatoire

URL that shows the changes in this ref update, from the before commit to the after commit. For a newly created ref that is directly based on the default branch, this is the comparison between the head of the default branch and the after commit. Otherwise, this shows all commits until the after commit.

created boolean Obligatoire

Whether this push created the ref.

deleted boolean Obligatoire

Whether this push deleted the ref.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

forced boolean Obligatoire

Whether this push was a force push of the ref.

head_commit object or null Obligatoire
installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

pusher object Obligatoire

Metaproperties for Git author/committer information.

ref string Obligatoire

The full git ref that was pushed. Example: refs/heads/main or refs/tags/v3.14.1.

repository object Obligatoire

A git repository

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to GitHub Packages. For more information, see "Introduction to GitHub Packages." For information about the APIs to manage GitHub Packages, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Packages" in the REST API documentation.

To install this event on a GitHub App, the app must have at least read-level access for the "Packages" repository permission.


GitHub recommends that you use the newer package event instead.

Disponibilité pour registry_package

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour registry_package

A package was published to a registry.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: published

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

registry_package object Obligatoire
repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to releases. For more information, see "About releases." For information about the APIs to manage releases, see the GraphQL API documentation or "Releases" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour release

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour release

A draft was saved, or a release or pre-release was published without previously being saved as a draft.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

release object Obligatoire

The release object.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a repository security advisory. For more information about repository security advisories, see "About GitHub Security Advisories for repositories."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Repository security advisories" permission.

Disponibilité pour repository_advisory

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour repository_advisory

A repository security advisory was published.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: published

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

repository_advisory object Obligatoire

A repository security advisory.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to repositories. For more information, see "About repositories." For information about the APIs to manage repositories, see the GraphQL documentation or "Repositories" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Metadata" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour repository

  • Entreprises
  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour repository

A repository was archived.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: archived

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when a GitHub App sends a POST request to /repos/{owner}/{repo}/dispatches. For more information, see the REST API documentation for creating a repository dispatch event. In the payload, the action will be the event_type that was specified in the POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/dispatches request body.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour repository_dispatch

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour repository_dispatch

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

The event_type that was specified in the POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/dispatches request body.

branch string Obligatoire
client_payload object or null Obligatoire

The client_payload that was specified in the POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/dispatches request body.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object Obligatoire

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when a repository is imported to GitHub. For more information, see "Importing a repository with GitHub Importer." For more information about the API to manage imports, see the REST API documentation.

Disponibilité pour repository_import

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour repository_import

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

status string Obligatoire

Peut être: success, cancelled, failure


This event occurs when there is activity relating to repository rulesets. For more information about repository rulesets, see "Managing rulesets." For more information on managing rulesets via the APIs, see Repository ruleset in the GraphQL documentation or "Repository rules" and "Organization rules in the REST API documentation."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Administration" repository or organization permission.

Disponibilité pour repository_ruleset

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour repository_ruleset

A repository ruleset was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

repository_ruleset object Obligatoire

A set of rules to apply when specified conditions are met.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a security vulnerability alert in a repository.


Deprecation notice: This event is deprecated. Use the dependabot_alert event instead.

Disponibilité pour repository_vulnerability_alert

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour repository_vulnerability_alert

A repository vulnerability alert was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: create

alert object Obligatoire

The security alert of the vulnerable dependency.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a secret scanning alert. For more information about secret scanning, see "About secret scanning." For information about the API to manage secret scanning alerts, see "Secret scanning" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to secret scanning alert locations, use the secret_scanning_alert_location event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Secret scanning alerts" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour secret_scanning_alert

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour secret_scanning_alert

A secret scanning alert was created.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

alert object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to the locations of a secret in a secret scanning alert.

For more information about secret scanning, see "About secret scanning." For information about the API to manage secret scanning alerts, see "Secret scanning" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to secret scanning alerts, use the secret_scanning_alert event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Secret scanning alerts" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour secret_scanning_alert_location

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour secret_scanning_alert_location

A new instance of a previously detected secret was detected in a repository, and the location of the secret was added to the existing alert.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string

Value: created

alert object Obligatoire
installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

location object Obligatoire
organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a global security advisory that was reviewed by GitHub. A GitHub-reviewed global security advisory provides information about security vulnerabilities or malware that have been mapped to packages in ecosystems we support. For more information about global security advisories, see "About global security advisories." For information about the API to manage security advisories, see the REST API documentation or the GraphQL documentation.

GitHub Dependabot alerts are also powered by the security advisory dataset. For more information, see "About Dependabot alerts."

Disponibilité pour security_advisory

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour security_advisory

A security advisory was published to the GitHub community.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: published

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

security_advisory object Obligatoire

The details of the security advisory, including summary, description, and severity.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when code security and analysis features are enabled or disabled for a repository. For more information, see "GitHub security features."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Administration" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour security_and_analysis

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour security_and_analysis

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
changes object Obligatoire
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

Full Repository

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a sponsorship listing. For more information, see "About GitHub Sponsors." For information about the API to manage sponsors, see the GraphQL documentation.

You can only create a sponsorship webhook on For more information, see "Configuring webhooks for events in your sponsored account."

Disponibilité pour sponsorship

  • Comptes sponsorisés

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour sponsorship

A sponsorship was cancelled and the last billing cycle has ended.

This event is only sent when a recurring (monthly) sponsorship is cancelled; it is not sent for one-time sponsorships.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: cancelled

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

sponsorship object Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is activity relating to repository stars. For more information about stars, see "Saving repositories with stars." For information about the APIs to manage stars, see the GraphQL documentation or "Starring" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Metadata" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour star

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour star

Someone starred a repository.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: created

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

starred_at string or null Obligatoire

The time the star was created. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. Will be null for the deleted action.


This event occurs when the status of a Git commit changes. For example, commits can be marked as error, failure, pending, or success. For more information, see "About status checks." For information about the APIs to manage commit statuses, see the GraphQL documentation or "Commit statuses" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Commit statuses" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour status

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour status

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
avatar_url string or null
branches array of objects Obligatoire

An array of branch objects containing the status' SHA. Each branch contains the given SHA, but the SHA may or may not be the head of the branch. The array includes a maximum of 10 branches.

commit object Obligatoire
context string Obligatoire
created_at string Obligatoire
description string or null Obligatoire

The optional human-readable description added to the status.

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

id integer Obligatoire

The unique identifier of the status.

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

name string Obligatoire
organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

sha string Obligatoire

The Commit SHA.

state string Obligatoire

The new state. Can be pending, success, failure, or error.

Peut être: pending, success, failure, error

target_url string or null Obligatoire

The optional link added to the status.

updated_at string Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is activity relating to sub-issues.

For activity relating to issues more generally, use the issues event instead.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Issues" repository permissions.

Disponibilité pour sub_issues

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour sub_issues

A parent issue was added to an issue.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: parent_issue_added

parent_issue_id number Obligatoire

The ID of the parent issue.

parent_issue object Obligatoire

Issues are a great way to keep track of tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects.

parent_issue_repo object Obligatoire

A repository on GitHub.

sub_issue_id number Obligatoire

The ID of the sub-issue.

sub_issue object Obligatoire

Issues are a great way to keep track of tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects.

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when a team is added to a repository. For more information, see "Managing teams and people with access to your repository."

For activity relating to teams, see the teams event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Members" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour team_add

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour team_add

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

team object Obligatoire

Groups of organization members that gives permissions on specified repositories.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to teams in an organization. For more information, see "About teams."

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Members" organization permission.

Disponibilité pour team

  • Organisations
  • Entreprises
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour team

A team was granted access to a repository.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: added_to_repository

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object Obligatoire

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object

A git repository

sender object

A GitHub user.

team object Obligatoire

Groups of organization members that gives permissions on specified repositories.


This event occurs when there is activity relating to watching, or subscribing to, a repository. For more information about watching, see "Managing your subscriptions." For information about the APIs to manage watching, see "Watching" in the REST API documentation.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Metadata" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour watch

  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour watch

Someone started watching the repository.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: started

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.


This event occurs when a GitHub Actions workflow is manually triggered. For more information, see "Manually running a workflow."

For activity relating to workflow runs, use the workflow_run event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Contents" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour workflow_dispatch

  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour workflow_dispatch

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

inputs object or null Obligatoire
installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

ref string Obligatoire
repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

workflow string Obligatoire


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a job in a GitHub Actions workflow. For more information, see "Using jobs in a workflow." For information about the API to manage workflow jobs, see "Workflow jobs" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to a workflow run instead of a job in a workflow run, use the workflow_run event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Actions" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour workflow_job

  • Entreprises
  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour workflow_job

A job in a workflow run finished. This event occurs when a job in a workflow is completed, regardless of whether the job was successful or unsuccessful.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: completed

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

workflow_job object Obligatoire
deployment object

A request for a specific ref(branch,sha,tag) to be deployed


This event occurs when there is activity relating to a run of a GitHub Actions workflow. For more information, see "About workflows." For information about the APIs to manage workflow runs, see the GraphQL documentation or "Workflow runs" in the REST API documentation.

For activity relating to a job in a workflow run, use the workflow_job event.

To subscribe to this event, a GitHub App must have at least read-level access for the "Actions" repository permission.

Disponibilité pour workflow_run

  • Entreprises
  • Référentiels
  • Organisations
  • Applications GitHub

Objet de charge utile de webhook pour workflow_run

A workflow run finished. This event occurs when a workflow run is completed, regardless of whether the workflow was successful or unsuccessful.

Paramètres du corps de la requête de webhook
Nom, Type, Description
action string Obligatoire

Value: completed

enterprise object

An enterprise on GitHub. Webhook payloads contain the enterprise property when the webhook is configured on an enterprise account or an organization that's part of an enterprise account. For more information, see "About enterprise accounts."

installation object

The GitHub App installation. Webhook payloads contain the installation property when the event is configured for and sent to a GitHub App. For more information, see "Using webhooks with GitHub Apps."

organization object

A GitHub organization. Webhook payloads contain the organization property when the webhook is configured for an organization, or when the event occurs from activity in a repository owned by an organization.

repository object Obligatoire

The repository on GitHub where the event occurred. Webhook payloads contain the repository property when the event occurs from activity in a repository.

sender object Obligatoire

A GitHub user.

workflow object or null Obligatoire
workflow_run object Obligatoire