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Le journal des modifications du schéma GraphQL est une liste des modifications récentes et à venir apportées à notre schéma d’API GraphQL. Il inclut les modifications à compatibilité descendante et les changements cassants à venir.

Dans cet article

Les changements cassants incluent les changements qui arrêtent les requêtes existantes ou peuvent avoir des répercussions sur le comportement d’exécution des clients. Pour obtenir la liste des changements cassants et savoir à quel moment ils vont se produire, consultez notre journal des changements cassants.

Schema changes for 2024-10-18

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Type EPSS was added
  • Type UserViewType was added
  • Argument epssPercentage: Float added to field Query.securityAdvisories
  • Argument epssPercentile: Float added to field Query.securityAdvisories
  • Field epss was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
  • Field userViewType was added to object type User

Schema changes for 2024-10-11

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Enum value DUPLICATE was added to enum IssueClosedStateReason
  • Enum value DUPLICATE was added to enum IssueStateReason

Schema changes for 2024-10-09

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Argument 'targets: [RepositoryRulesetTarget!]added to fieldOrganization.rulesets'
  • Argument 'targets: [RepositoryRulesetTarget!]added to fieldRepository.rulesets'

Schema changes for 2024-10-08

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Type EnterpriseDisallowedMethodsSettingValue was added
  • Type TwoFactorCredentialSecurityType was added
  • Type UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationDisallowedMethodsSettingInput was added
  • Type UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationDisallowedMethodsSettingPayload was added
  • Field clientId was added to object type App
  • Argument twoFactorMethodSecurity: TwoFactorCredentialSecurityType added to field Enterprise.members
  • Field twoFactorDisallowedMethodsSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
  • Argument twoFactorMethodSecurity: TwoFactorCredentialSecurityType added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.admins
  • Argument twoFactorMethodSecurity: TwoFactorCredentialSecurityType added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.outsideCollaborators
  • Field updateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationDisallowedMethodsSetting was added to object type Mutation
  • Argument includeParents: Boolean (with default value) added to field Organization.ruleset
  • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
  • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdate'
  • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
  • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type 'ProjectV2Workflow'
  • Query object implements Node interface
  • Field id was added to object type Query
  • Field enterpriseOwner was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
  • Input field enterpriseOwner of type Boolean was added to input object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput
  • Member Enterprise was added to Union type RuleSource
  • Enum value 'EPSS_PERCENTAGEwas added to enumSecurityAdvisoryOrderField'
  • Enum value 'EPSS_PERCENTILEwas added to enumSecurityAdvisoryOrderField'

The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member Enterprise.members.hasTwoFactorEnabled:hasTwoFactorEnabled will be removed. Use two_factor_method_security instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member EnterpriseOwnerInfo.admins.hasTwoFactorEnabled:hasTwoFactorEnabled will be removed. Use two_factor_method_security instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member EnterpriseOwnerInfo.outsideCollaborators.hasTwoFactorEnabled:hasTwoFactorEnabled will be removed. Use two_factor_method_security instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member ProjectV2.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member ProjectV2Item.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member ProjectV2StatusUpdate.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member ProjectV2View.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member ProjectV2Workflow.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2025-04-01.
  • On member SecurityAdvisory.cvss:cvss will be removed. New cvss_severities field will now contain both cvss_v3 and cvss_v4 properties. Effective 2025-10-01.
  • Schema changes for 2024-08-29

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      The following changes will be made to the schema:

    • On member AddMobileDevicePublicKeyPayload.expiresAt:expiresAt will be removed. Do not rely on this field, it is currently set to a date far in the future if a device key is expirationless Effective 2025-01-01.
    • Schema changes for 2024-08-10

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      • Enum value 'THANKS_DEVwas added to enumFundingPlatform'

      Schema changes for 2024-07-25

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      • Field doNotEnforceOnCreate was added to object type RequiredStatusChecksParameters
      • Input field doNotEnforceOnCreate of type Boolean was added to input object type RequiredStatusChecksParametersInput
      • Field doNotEnforceOnCreate was added to object type WorkflowsParameters
      • Input field doNotEnforceOnCreate of type Boolean was added to input object type WorkflowsParametersInput

      Schema changes for 2024-07-24

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      • Type MergeQueueGroupingStrategy was added
      • Type MergeQueueMergeMethod was added
      • Type MergeQueueParameters was added
      • Type MergeQueueParametersInput was added
      • Field viewerCanLabel was added to object type Discussion
      • Field viewerCanLabel was added to object type Issue
      • Field viewerCanLabel was added to interface Labelable
      • Field viewerCanLabel was added to object type PullRequest
      • Member MergeQueueParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
      • Input field mergeQueue of type MergeQueueParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

      Schema changes for 2024-07-16

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      • Field closedByPullRequestsReferences was added to object type Issue

      Schema changes for 2024-07-08

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      • Type 'ProjectV2PermissionLevel' was added
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Issue.projectsV2'
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Organization.projectsV2'
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'ProjectV2Owner.projectsV2'
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'PullRequest.projectsV2'
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Repository.projectsV2'
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Team.projectsV2'
      • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'User.projectsV2'

      Schema changes for 2024-06-27

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      • Field source was added to object type PropertyTargetDefinition
      • Input field source of type String was added to input object type PropertyTargetDefinitionInput

      Schema changes for 2024-06-25

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member Workflow.hasWorkflowDispatchTrigger:hasWorkflowDispatchTrigger will be removed. Use has_workflow_dispatch_trigger_for_branch(branch_ref) instead. Effective 2024-10-01.
      • Schema changes for 2024-06-21

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'ConvertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssueInput' was added
        • Type 'ConvertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssuePayload' was added
        • Type 'CreateProjectV2StatusUpdateInput' was added
        • Type 'CreateProjectV2StatusUpdatePayload' was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2StatusUpdateInput' was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2StatusUpdatePayload' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2StatusOrder' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdate' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateConnection' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateEdge' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateOrderField' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus' was added
        • Type 'UpdateProjectV2StatusUpdateInput' was added
        • Type 'UpdateProjectV2StatusUpdatePayload' was added
        • Field 'convertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssuewas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field 'createProjectV2StatusUpdatewas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field 'deleteProjectV2StatusUpdatewas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field 'updateProjectV2StatusUpdatewas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field statusUpdates was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

        Schema changes for 2024-06-14

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field readme was added to object type Enterprise
        • Field readmeHTML was added to object type Enterprise

        Schema changes for 2024-06-13

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type AcceptEnterpriseMemberInvitationInput was added
        • Type AcceptEnterpriseMemberInvitationPayload was added
        • Type CancelEnterpriseMemberInvitationInput was added
        • Type CancelEnterpriseMemberInvitationPayload was added
        • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitation was added
        • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationConnection was added
        • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationEdge was added
        • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrder was added
        • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrderField was added
        • Type InviteEnterpriseMemberInput was added
        • Type InviteEnterpriseMemberPayload was added
        • Field pendingUnaffiliatedMemberInvitations was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
        • Field acceptEnterpriseMemberInvitation was added to object type Mutation
        • Field cancelEnterpriseMemberInvitation was added to object type Mutation
        • Field inviteEnterpriseMember was added to object type Mutation
        • Field enterpriseMemberInvitation was added to object type Query
        • Field enterpriseMemberInvitationByToken was added to object type Query

        Schema changes for 2024-05-24

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type CopilotEndpoints was added
        • Field copilotEndpoints was added to object type User

        Schema changes for 2024-05-20

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field announcementCreatedAt was added to interface AnnouncementBanner
        • Field announcementCreatedAt was added to object type Enterprise
        • Field announcementCreatedAt was added to object type Organization

        Schema changes for 2024-05-17

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'BRANCH_POLICYwas added to enumDeploymentProtectionRuleType'

        Schema changes for 2024-05-15

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type EnvironmentPinnedFilterField was added
        • Type PinEnvironmentInput was added
        • Type PinEnvironmentPayload was added
        • Type PinnedEnvironment was added
        • Type PinnedEnvironmentConnection was added
        • Type PinnedEnvironmentEdge was added
        • Type PinnedEnvironmentOrder was added
        • Type PinnedEnvironmentOrderField was added
        • Type ReorderEnvironmentInput was added
        • Type ReorderEnvironmentPayload was added
        • Field isPinned was added to object type Environment
        • Field latestCompletedDeployment was added to object type Environment
        • Field pinnedPosition was added to object type Environment
        • Field pinEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
        • Field reorderEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
        • Field pinnedEnvironments was added to object type Repository
        • Argument pinnedEnvironmentFilter: EnvironmentPinnedFilterField (with default value) added to field Repository.environments

        Schema changes for 2024-05-02

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type CodeScanningParameters was added
        • Type CodeScanningParametersInput was added
        • Type CodeScanningTool was added
        • Type CodeScanningToolInput was added
        • Enum value 'CODE_SCANNINGwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Member CodeScanningParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
        • Input field codeScanning of type CodeScanningParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

        Schema changes for 2024-04-27

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field deployKey was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
        • Input field deployKey of type Boolean was added to input object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput

        Schema changes for 2024-04-26

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type FileExtensionRestrictionParameters was added
        • Type FileExtensionRestrictionParametersInput was added
        • Type FilePathRestrictionParameters was added
        • Type FilePathRestrictionParametersInput was added
        • Type MaxFilePathLengthParameters was added
        • Type MaxFilePathLengthParametersInput was added
        • Type MaxFileSizeParameters was added
        • Type MaxFileSizeParametersInput was added
        • Member 'ProjectV2was added to Union typeCloser'
        • Enum value 'FILE_EXTENSION_RESTRICTIONwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'FILE_PATH_RESTRICTIONwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTHwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'MAX_FILE_SIZEwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value PUSH was added to enum RepositoryRulesetTarget
        • Member FileExtensionRestrictionParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
        • Member FilePathRestrictionParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
        • Member MaxFilePathLengthParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
        • Member MaxFileSizeParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
        • Input field fileExtensionRestriction of type FileExtensionRestrictionParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput
        • Input field filePathRestriction of type FilePathRestrictionParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput
        • Input field maxFilePathLength of type MaxFilePathLengthParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput
        • Input field maxFileSize of type MaxFileSizeParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

        Schema changes for 2024-04-16

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.sourceRepositoryUrl changed type from URI to URI!

        Schema changes for 2024-04-11

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field statusCheckRollup was added to object type PullRequest

        Schema changes for 2024-04-09

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type RepositoryPlanFeatures was added
        • Field planFeatures was added to object type Repository

        Schema changes for 2024-03-12

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'BUY_ME_A_COFFEEwas added to enumFundingPlatform'

        Schema changes for 2024-03-09

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Input field recurring of type Boolean was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipsInput

        Schema changes for 2024-03-08

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value OTECHIE was removed from enum FundingPlatform

        Schema changes for 2024-03-07

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Argument 'names: [String!]' (with default value) added to field Repository.environments

        Schema changes for 2024-03-02

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'RULESET_REQUIRED_SIGNATURESwas removed from enumRepositoryRuleType'

        Schema changes for 2024-02-27

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type 'ProjectV2Item'

        Schema changes for 2024-02-25

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type MarkNotificationAsDoneInput was added
        • Type MarkNotificationAsDonePayload was added
        • Field markNotificationAsDone was added to object type Mutation

        Schema changes for 2024-02-15

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value POLAR was added to enum FundingPlatform

        Schema changes for 2024-02-09

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PullRequest
        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PullRequestReview
        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member PullRequest.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member PullRequestReview.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member PullRequestReviewComment.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • Schema changes for 2024-02-07

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field hasSponsorshipsEnabled was added to object type Repository
        • Field hasSponsorshipsEnabled was added to interface RepositoryInfo
        • Input field hasSponsorshipsEnabled of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateRepositoryInput

        Schema changes for 2024-02-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field isInMergeQueue was added to object type PullRequest
        • Field isMergeQueueEnabled was added to object type PullRequest
        • Field mergeQueue was added to object type PullRequest
        • Input field countMembersAlreadyRequested of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput
        • Input field includeChildTeamMembers of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput
        • Input field removeTeamRequest of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput

        Schema changes for 2024-01-31

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type PropertyTargetDefinition was added
        • Type PropertyTargetDefinitionInput was added
        • Type RepositoryPropertyConditionTarget was added
        • Type RepositoryPropertyConditionTargetInput was added
        • Field repositoryProperty was added to object type RepositoryRuleConditions
        • Input field repositoryProperty of type RepositoryPropertyConditionTargetInput was added to input object type RepositoryRuleConditionsInput

        Schema changes for 2024-01-27

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field billingEmail was added to object type Enterprise

        Schema changes for 2024-01-25

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValue was added
        • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueConnection was added
        • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueEdge was added
        • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrder was added
        • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField was added
        • Field lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues was added to object type Organization
        • Field lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues was added to interface Sponsorable
        • Field lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues was added to object type User

        Schema changes for 2024-01-23

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field id was added to object type UnpinIssuePayload

        Schema changes for 2024-01-10

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field Organization.repositories
        • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field Repository.forks
        • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
        • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field Topic.repositories
        • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field User.repositories
        • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field User.watching

        Schema changes for 2024-01-09

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type RepositoryRuleOrder was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleOrderField was added
        • Field inviterActor was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
        • Field rules was added to object type Ref

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member OrganizationInvitation.inviter:inviter will be removed. inviter will be replaced by inviterActor. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • Schema changes for 2024-01-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Input field changed type from String! to String
        • Input field AcceptTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId changed type from ID! to ID
        • Input field changed type from String! to String
        • Input field DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.reason changed type from TopicSuggestionDeclineReason! to TopicSuggestionDeclineReason
        • Input field DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId changed type from ID! to ID

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member AcceptTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId:repositoryId will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member AcceptTopicSuggestionPayload.topic:topic will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.reason:reason will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId:repositoryId will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload.topic:topic will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.NOT_RELEVANT:NOT_RELEVANT will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.PERSONAL_PREFERENCE:PERSONAL_PREFERENCE will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.TOO_GENERAL:TOO_GENERAL will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.TOO_SPECIFIC:TOO_SPECIFIC will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
      • Schema changes for 2023-11-30

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type CreateUserListInput was added
        • Type CreateUserListPayload was added
        • Type DeleteUserListInput was added
        • Type DeleteUserListPayload was added
        • Type UpdateUserListInput was added
        • Type UpdateUserListPayload was added
        • Type UpdateUserListsForItemInput was added
        • Type UpdateUserListsForItemPayload was added
        • Type UserList was added
        • Type UserListConnection was added
        • Type UserListEdge was added
        • Type UserListItems was added
        • Type UserListItemsConnection was added
        • Type UserListItemsEdge was added
        • Type UserListSuggestion was added
        • Field createUserList was added to object type Mutation
        • Field deleteUserList was added to object type Mutation
        • Field updateUserList was added to object type Mutation
        • Field updateUserListsForItem was added to object type Mutation
        • Field lists was added to object type User
        • Field suggestedListNames was added to object type User

        Schema changes for 2023-11-22

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type UnsubscribeFromNotificationsInput was added
        • Type UnsubscribeFromNotificationsPayload was added
        • Field unsubscribeFromNotifications was added to object type Mutation

        Schema changes for 2023-11-18

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type UpdatePatreonSponsorabilityInput was added
        • Type UpdatePatreonSponsorabilityPayload was added
        • Field updatePatreonSponsorability was added to object type Mutation

        Schema changes for 2023-11-17

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type MemberFeatureRequestNotification was added
        • Field paymentSource was added to object type SponsorsActivity

        Schema changes for 2023-11-14

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type SponsorshipPaymentSource was added
        • Field paymentSource was added to object type Sponsorship

        Schema changes for 2023-11-04

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type AbortRepositoryMigrationInput was added
        • Type AbortRepositoryMigrationPayload was added
        • Field abortRepositoryMigration was added to object type Mutation
        • PullRequestReview object implements Minimizable interface
        • Field isMinimized was added to object type PullRequestReview
        • Field minimizedReason was added to object type PullRequestReview
        • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type PullRequestReview

        Schema changes for 2023-11-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'FILE_PATH_PATTERNwas removed from enumRepositoryRuleType'

        Schema changes for 2023-10-23

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field roleName was added to object type PermissionSource

        Schema changes for 2023-10-17

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'TRANSFERRING_OWNERSHIPwas added to enumRepositoryLockReason'

        Schema changes for 2023-10-12

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value NPM was added to enum SocialAccountProvider

        Schema changes for 2023-10-11

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type WorkflowFileReference was added
        • Type WorkflowFileReferenceInput was added
        • Type WorkflowsParameters was added
        • Type WorkflowsParametersInput was added
        • Enum value AUTHORIZATION was added to enum RepositoryRuleType
        • Enum value 'FILE_PATH_PATTERNwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'LOCK_BRANCHwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'MAX_REF_UPDATESwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'MERGE_QUEUEwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'MERGE_QUEUE_LOCKED_REFwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'REQUIRED_REVIEW_THREAD_RESOLUTIONwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'REQUIRED_WORKFLOW_STATUS_CHECKSwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'RULESET_REQUIRED_SIGNATURESwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value 'SECRET_SCANNINGwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Enum value TAG was added to enum RepositoryRuleType
        • Enum value WORKFLOWS was added to enum RepositoryRuleType
        • Enum value 'WORKFLOW_UPDATESwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
        • Member WorkflowsParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
        • Input field workflows of type WorkflowsParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

        Schema changes for 2023-10-07

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field preventSelfReview was added to object type DeploymentProtectionRule
        • Input field preventSelfReview of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateEnvironmentInput

        Schema changes for 2023-09-27

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field issue was added to object type CreateLinkedBranchPayload

        Schema changes for 2023-09-22

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field isAnswered was added to object type Discussion
        • Argument answered: Boolean added to field Repository.discussions

        Schema changes for 2023-09-13

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field repositoryRuleset was added to object type RepositoryRule

        Schema changes for 2023-09-12

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type ContributingGuidelines was added
        • Field contributingGuidelines was added to object type Repository

        Schema changes for 2023-09-12

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field archivedAt was added to object type Organization

        Schema changes for 2023-09-08

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type EnterpriseConnection was added
        • Type EnterpriseEdge was added
        • Type EnterpriseMembershipType was added
        • Type EnterpriseOrder was added
        • Type EnterpriseOrderField was added
        • Field enterprises was added to object type User

        Schema changes for 2023-08-14

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type AddPullRequestReviewThreadReplyInput was added
        • Type AddPullRequestReviewThreadReplyPayload was added
        • Type PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod was added
        • Field githubEnterpriseImporterIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
        • Field addPullRequestReviewThreadReply was added to object type Mutation
        • Input field updateMethod of type PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod was added to input object type UpdatePullRequestBranchInput

        Schema changes for 2023-07-31

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field Organization.repositories
        • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field Repository.forks
        • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
        • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field Topic.repositories
        • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field User.repositories
        • Argument hasIssues: Boolean added to field User.repositoriesContributedTo
        • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field User.watching

        Schema changes for 2023-07-21

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type SubscribableThread was added
        • Type ThreadSubscriptionFormAction was added
        • Type ThreadSubscriptionState was added
        • Issue object implements SubscribableThread interface
        • Field viewerThreadSubscriptionFormAction was added to object type Issue
        • Field viewerThreadSubscriptionStatus was added to object type Issue

        Schema changes for 2023-07-19

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Argument includePrivate: Boolean (with default value) added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
        • Argument includePrivate: Boolean (with default value) added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
        • Argument includePrivate: Boolean (with default value) added to field User.sponsorsActivities

        Schema changes for 2023-07-13

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type EnvironmentOrderField was added
        • Type Environments was added
        • Argument orderBy: Environments (with default value) added to field Repository.environments

        Schema changes for 2023-07-12

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Member Bot was added to Union type RequestedReviewer

        Schema changes for 2023-07-11

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Argument login: String added to field Organization.mannequins

        Schema changes for 2023-07-10

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type OrgOauthAppAccessBlockedAuditEntry was added
        • Type OrgOauthAppAccessUnblockedAuditEntry was added
        • Type RepositoryIdConditionTarget was added
        • Type RepositoryIdConditionTargetInput was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassMode was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput was added
        • Type RuleBypassMode was removed
        • Input field bypassActors of type '[RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput!]was added to input object typeCreateRepositoryRulesetInput'
        • Input field bypassActorIds was removed from input object type CreateRepositoryRulesetInput
        • Input field bypassMode was removed from input object type CreateRepositoryRulesetInput
        • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.body changed type from String! to String
        • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.discussionId changed type from ID! to ID
        • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionInput.body changed type from String! to String
        • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionInput.teamId changed type from ID! to ID
        • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionInput.title changed type from String! to String
        • Argument isArchived: Boolean added to field Organization.repositories
        • Member OrgOauthAppAccessBlockedAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
        • Member OrgOauthAppAccessUnblockedAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
        • Field color was added to object type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue'
        • Field description was added to object type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue'
        • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue'
        • Field color was added to object type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption'
        • Field description was added to object type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption'
        • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption'
        • Field path was added to object type PullRequestThread
        • Field subjectType was added to object type PullRequestThread
        • Argument isArchived: Boolean added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
        • Field repositoryId was added to object type RepositoryRuleConditions
        • Input field repositoryId of type RepositoryIdConditionTargetInput was added to input object type RepositoryRuleConditionsInput
        • Field bypassMode was removed from object type RepositoryRuleset
        • Field bypassMode was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
        • Field organizationAdmin was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
        • Field repositoryRoleDatabaseId was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
        • Field repositoryRoleName was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
        • Field currentPrivacyLevel was added to object type SponsorsActivity
        • Input field bypassActors of type '[RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput!]was added to input object typeUpdateRepositoryRulesetInput'
        • Input field bypassActorIds was removed from input object type UpdateRepositoryRulesetInput
        • Input field bypassMode was removed from input object type UpdateRepositoryRulesetInput
        • Argument isArchived: Boolean added to field User.repositories

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.discussionId:discussionId will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload.teamDiscussionComment:teamDiscussionComment will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.private:private will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.teamId:teamId will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member CreateTeamDiscussionPayload.teamDiscussion:teamDiscussion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.authorAssociation:authorAssociation will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.bodyVersion:bodyVersion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.comments:comments will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.commentsResourcePath:commentsResourcePath will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.commentsUrl:commentsUrl will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.isPinned:isPinned will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.isPrivate:isPrivate will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.number:number will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.title:title will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.url:url will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussion.viewerCanPin:viewerCanPin will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussionComment.authorAssociation:authorAssociation will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussionComment.bodyVersion:bodyVersion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussionComment.discussion:discussion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussionComment.number:number will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussionComment.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • On member TeamDiscussionComment.url:url will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
      • Schema changes for 2023-06-20

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value SWIFT was added to enum DependencyGraphEcosystem
        • Default value for argument includeParents on field Organization.rulesets changed from false to true
        • Argument 'names: [String!]added to fieldProjectV2SingleSelectField.options'
        • Argument includeParents: Boolean (with default value) added to field Repository.ruleset
        • Default value for argument includeParents on field Repository.rulesets changed from false to true
        • Enum value SWIFT was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

        Schema changes for 2023-06-16

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'ProjectV2Actor' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2ActorConnection' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2ActorEdge' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2Collaborator' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2Roles' was added
        • Type 'UpdateProjectV2CollaboratorsInput' was added
        • Type 'UpdateProjectV2CollaboratorsPayload' was added
        • Field 'updateProjectV2Collaboratorswas added to object typeMutation'

        Schema changes for 2023-06-13

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'MarkProjectV2AsTemplateInput' was added
        • Type 'MarkProjectV2AsTemplatePayload' was added
        • Type 'UnmarkProjectV2AsTemplateInput' was added
        • Type 'UnmarkProjectV2AsTemplatePayload' was added
        • Field 'markProjectV2AsTemplatewas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field 'unmarkProjectV2AsTemplatewas added to object typeMutation'
        • Enum value 'ORGANIZATION_ALWAYSwas added to enumRuleBypassMode'
        • Enum value 'ORGANIZATION_NONEwas added to enumRuleBypassMode'
        • Enum value 'ORGANIZATION_PRS_ONLYwas added to enumRuleBypassMode'

        Schema changes for 2023-06-09

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type WorkflowRunFile was added
        • Field file was added to object type WorkflowRun

        Schema changes for 2023-06-07

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'FAILED_VALIDATIONwas added to enumOrganizationMigrationState'
        • Enum value 'PENDING_VALIDATIONwas added to enumOrganizationMigrationState'

        Schema changes for 2023-06-06

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Issue object implements Deletable interface
        • Field viewerCanDelete was added to object type Issue

        Schema changes for 2023-06-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field ruleset was added to object type Organization
        • Field ruleset was added to object type Repository
        • Field createdAt was added to object type RepositoryRuleset
        • Field updatedAt was added to object type RepositoryRuleset

        Schema changes for 2023-05-31

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field warningsCount was added to interface Migration
        • Field warningsCount was added to object type RepositoryMigration

        Schema changes for 2023-04-21

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field changed type from String! to String
        • Field BranchNamePatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
        • Field BranchNamePatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
        • Field changed type from String! to String
        • Field CommitAuthorEmailPatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
        • Field CommitAuthorEmailPatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
        • Field changed type from String! to String
        • Field CommitMessagePatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
        • Field CommitMessagePatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
        • Field changed type from String! to String
        • Field CommitterEmailPatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
        • Field CommitterEmailPatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
        • Field PullRequestParameters.dismissStaleReviewsOnPush changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
        • Field PullRequestParameters.requireCodeOwnerReview changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
        • Field PullRequestParameters.requireLastPushApproval changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
        • Field PullRequestParameters.requiredApprovingReviewCount changed type from Int to Int!
        • Field PullRequestParameters.requiredReviewThreadResolution changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
        • Field RefNameConditionTarget.exclude changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
        • Field RefNameConditionTarget.include changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
        • Field RepositoryNameConditionTarget.exclude changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
        • Field RepositoryNameConditionTarget.include changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
        • Field RequiredDeploymentsParameters.requiredDeploymentEnvironments changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
        • Field RequiredStatusChecksParameters.requiredStatusChecks changed type from '[StatusCheckConfiguration!]to[StatusCheckConfiguration!]!'
        • Field RequiredStatusChecksParameters.strictRequiredStatusChecksPolicy changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
        • Field StatusCheckConfiguration.context changed type from String to String!
        • Field StatusCheckConfiguration.integrationId changed type from Int! to Int
        • Field changed type from String! to String
        • Field TagNamePatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
        • Field TagNamePatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
        • Field UpdateParameters.updateAllowsFetchAndMerge changed type from Boolean to Boolean!

        Schema changes for 2023-04-20

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field assignees was added to object type IssueTemplate

        Schema changes for 2023-04-19

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field labels was added to object type IssueTemplate
        • Workflow object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
        • Field resourcePath was added to object type Workflow
        • Field url was added to object type Workflow

        Schema changes for 2023-04-18

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type BranchNamePatternParameters was added
        • Type BranchNamePatternParametersInput was added
        • Type BypassActor was added
        • Type CommitAuthorEmailPatternParameters was added
        • Type CommitAuthorEmailPatternParametersInput was added
        • Type CommitMessagePatternParameters was added
        • Type CommitMessagePatternParametersInput was added
        • Type CommitterEmailPatternParameters was added
        • Type CommitterEmailPatternParametersInput was added
        • Type CreateRepositoryRulesetInput was added
        • Type CreateRepositoryRulesetPayload was added
        • Type DeleteRepositoryRulesetInput was added
        • Type DeleteRepositoryRulesetPayload was added
        • Type PullRequestParameters was added
        • Type PullRequestParametersInput was added
        • Type RefNameConditionTarget was added
        • Type RefNameConditionTargetInput was added
        • Type RepositoryNameConditionTarget was added
        • Type RepositoryNameConditionTargetInput was added
        • Type RepositoryRule was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleConditions was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleConditionsInput was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleConnection was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleEdge was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleInput was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleType was added
        • Type RepositoryRuleset was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorConnection was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorEdge was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetConnection was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetEdge was added
        • Type RepositoryRulesetTarget was added
        • Type RequiredDeploymentsParameters was added
        • Type RequiredDeploymentsParametersInput was added
        • Type RequiredStatusChecksParameters was added
        • Type RequiredStatusChecksParametersInput was added
        • Type RuleBypassMode was added
        • Type RuleEnforcement was added
        • Type RuleParameters was added
        • Type RuleParametersInput was added
        • Type RuleSource was added
        • Type StatusCheckConfiguration was added
        • Type StatusCheckConfigurationInput was added
        • Type TagNamePatternParameters was added
        • Type TagNamePatternParametersInput was added
        • Type UpdateParameters was added
        • Type UpdateParametersInput was added
        • Type UpdateRepositoryRulesetInput was added
        • Type UpdateRepositoryRulesetPayload was added
        • Field createRepositoryRuleset was added to object type Mutation
        • Field deleteRepositoryRuleset was added to object type Mutation
        • Field updateRepositoryRuleset was added to object type Mutation
        • Field rulesets was added to object type Organization
        • Field rulesets was added to object type Repository

        Schema changes for 2023-04-14

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type BulkSponsorship was added
        • Type CreateSponsorshipsInput was added
        • Type CreateSponsorshipsPayload was added
        • Field createSponsorships was added to object type Mutation
        • Field autoDismissedAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
        • Enum value 'AUTO_DISMISSEDwas added to enumRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState'
        • Field viaBulkSponsorship was added to object type SponsorsActivity

        Schema changes for 2023-04-13

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type AddedToMergeQueueEvent was added
        • Type DequeuePullRequestInput was added
        • Type DequeuePullRequestPayload was added
        • Type EnqueuePullRequestInput was added
        • Type EnqueuePullRequestPayload was added
        • Type MergeQueue was added
        • Type MergeQueueConfiguration was added
        • Type MergeQueueEntry was added
        • Type MergeQueueEntryConnection was added
        • Type MergeQueueEntryEdge was added
        • Type MergeQueueEntryState was added
        • Type MergeQueueMergingStrategy was added
        • Type RemovedFromMergeQueueEvent was added
        • Field dequeuePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
        • Field enqueuePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
        • Field mergeQueueEntry was added to object type PullRequest
        • Member AddedToMergeQueueEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
        • Member RemovedFromMergeQueueEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
        • Field mergeQueue was added to object type Repository

        Schema changes for 2023-04-11

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field archivedAt was added to object type Repository
        • Field archivedAt was added to interface RepositoryInfo

        Schema changes for 2023-04-08

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type TeamNotificationSetting was added
        • Argument notificationSetting: TeamNotificationSetting added to field Organization.teams
        • Field notificationSetting was added to object type Team

        Schema changes for 2023-04-07

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field fixReason (deprecated) was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

        Schema changes for 2023-04-04

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Input field AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput.line changed type from Int! to Int

        Schema changes for 2023-04-03

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type BigInt was added
        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type Issue
        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type IssueComment
        • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PinnedIssue

        Schema changes for 2023-04-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value SUCCESS was added to enum DeploymentState

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member Commit.pushedDate:pushedDate will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • Schema changes for 2023-03-29

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Input field AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.body changed type from String! to String

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.body:body will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.commitOID:commitOID will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.inReplyTo:inReplyTo will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.path:path will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.position:position will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestId:pullRequestId will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestReviewId:pullRequestReviewId will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member AddPullRequestReviewInput.comments:comments will be removed. use the threads argument instead Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member PullRequestReviewComment.originalPosition:originalPosition will be removed. Effective 2023-10-01.
      • On member PullRequestReviewComment.position:position will be removed. Use the line and startLine fields instead, which are file line numbers instead of diff line numbers Effective 2023-10-01.
      • Schema changes for 2023-03-28

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType was added
        • Input field subjectType was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput
        • Field subjectType was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
        • Field subjectType was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread

        Schema changes for 2023-03-24

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field line was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
        • Field originalLine was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
        • Field originalStartLine was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
        • Field startLine was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

        Schema changes for 2023-03-23

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationMembershipConnection was added
        • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationMembershipEdge was added
        • Type WorkflowState was added
        • Input field CreateMigrationSourceInput.url changed type from String! to String
        • Field enterpriseInstallations was added to object type EnterpriseUserAccount
        • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.accessToken changed type from String! to String
        • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.sourceRepositoryUrl changed type from URI! to URI
        • Field pronouns was added to object type User
        • Field state was added to object type Workflow

        Schema changes for 2023-03-16

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type CloseDiscussionInput was added
        • Type CloseDiscussionPayload was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2WorkflowInput' was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2WorkflowPayload' was added
        • Type DiscussionCloseReason was added
        • Type DiscussionState was added
        • Type DiscussionStateReason was added
        • Type ReopenDiscussionInput was added
        • Type ReopenDiscussionPayload was added
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to interface Closable
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to interface Closable
        • Field stateReason was added to object type Discussion
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Discussion
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Discussion
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Issue
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Issue
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Milestone
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Milestone
        • Field closeDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
        • Field 'deleteProjectV2Workflowwas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field reopenDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
        • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldOrganization.repositoryDiscussions'
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Project
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Project
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
        • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type PullRequest
        • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type PullRequest
        • Field viewerCanUpdateBranch was added to object type PullRequest
        • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldRepository.discussions'
        • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldRepositoryDiscussionAuthor.repositoryDiscussions'
        • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldUser.repositoryDiscussions'

        Schema changes for 2023-03-11

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Argument login: String added to field Repository.collaborators

        Schema changes for 2023-03-07

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field template was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

        Schema changes for 2023-03-03

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type SocialAccount was added
        • Type SocialAccountConnection was added
        • Type SocialAccountEdge was added
        • Type SocialAccountProvider was added
        • Field socialAccounts was added to object type User

        Schema changes for 2023-03-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field requiredDeploymentEnvironments was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
        • Field requiresDeployments was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
        • Input field requiredDeploymentEnvironments was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
        • Input field requiresDeployments was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
        • Input field requiredDeploymentEnvironments was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
        • Input field requiresDeployments was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
        • Field event was added to object type WorkflowRun

        Schema changes for 2023-02-24

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Input field expectedHeadOid was added to input object type EnablePullRequestAutoMergeInput

        Schema changes for 2023-02-22

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'CreateProjectV2FieldInput' was added
        • Type 'CreateProjectV2FieldPayload' was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2FieldInput' was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2FieldPayload' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2CustomFieldType' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionInput' was added
        • Field 'createProjectV2Fieldwas added to object typeMutation'
        • Field 'deleteProjectV2Fieldwas added to object typeMutation'

        Schema changes for 2023-02-16

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Enum value 'ROADMAP_LAYOUTwas added to enumProjectV2ViewLayout'

        Schema changes for 2023-02-15

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Field vulnerabilityAlert was added to object type Repository

        Schema changes for 2023-02-11

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2Input' was added
        • Type 'DeleteProjectV2Payload' was added
        • Field 'deleteProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'

        Schema changes for 2023-02-09

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'ProjectV2Workflow' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowConnection' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowEdge' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowOrder' was added
        • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField' was added
        • Field workflow was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
        • Field workflows was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

        Schema changes for 2023-02-08

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member MergeQueueEntry.baseOid:baseOid will be removed. Use baseCommit instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueueEntry.headOid:headOid will be removed. Use headCommit instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • Schema changes for 2023-02-07

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            The following changes will be made to the schema:

          • On member MergeQueue.headOid:headOid will be removed. Use entry.headOid instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueue.mergeMethod:mergeMethod will be removed. Use configuration.merge_method instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueue.mergingEntries:mergingEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueue.pendingRemovalEntries:pendingRemovalEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueueEntry.blockedByMergeConflicts:blockedByMergeConflicts will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueueEntry.checkStatus:checkStatus will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueueEntry.hasJumpedQueue:hasJumpedQueue will be removed. Use jump instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • On member MergeQueueEntry.isSolo:isSolo will be removed. Use solo instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
          • Schema changes for 2023-02-05

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Type 'CopyProjectV2Input' was added
            • Type 'CopyProjectV2Payload' was added
            • Field 'copyProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'

            Schema changes for 2023-02-03

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Discussion object implements Closable interface
            • Field closed was added to object type Discussion
            • Field closedAt was added to object type Discussion

            Schema changes for 2023-02-01

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectV2ItemFieldGroup.field:field will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2ItemFieldGroup#groupByField API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • Schema changes for 2023-01-31

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type AnnouncementBanner was added
              • Type EnterpriseFailedInvitationConnection was added
              • Type EnterpriseFailedInvitationEdge was added
              • Type OrganizationInvitationSource was added
              • Enterprise object implements AnnouncementBanner interface
              • Field announcement was added to object type Enterprise
              • Field announcementExpiresAt was added to object type Enterprise
              • Field announcementUserDismissible was added to object type Enterprise
              • Field failedInvitations was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
              • Argument invitationSource: OrganizationInvitationSource added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingMemberInvitations
              • Organization object implements AnnouncementBanner interface
              • Field announcement was added to object type Organization
              • Field announcementExpiresAt was added to object type Organization
              • Field announcementUserDismissible was added to object type Organization
              • Field invitationSource was added to object type OrganizationInvitation

              Schema changes for 2023-01-28

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type RemoveEnterpriseMemberInput was added
              • Type RemoveEnterpriseMemberPayload was added
              • Field removeEnterpriseMember was added to object type Mutation

              Schema changes for 2023-01-27

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type RevertPullRequestInput was added
              • Type RevertPullRequestPayload was added
              • Field revertPullRequest was added to object type Mutation

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member MergeQueue.headOid:headOid will be removed. Use entry.headOid instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueue.mergeMethod:mergeMethod will be removed. Use configuration.merge_method instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueue.mergingEntries:mergingEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueue.pendingRemovalEntries:pendingRemovalEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueueEntry.blockedByMergeConflicts:blockedByMergeConflicts will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueueEntry.checkStatus:checkStatus will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueueEntry.hasJumpedQueue:hasJumpedQueue will be removed. Use jump instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • On member MergeQueueEntry.isSolo:isSolo will be removed. Use solo instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
            • Schema changes for 2023-01-19

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Argument orderBy: OrganizationOrder added to field OrganizationsHovercardContext.relevantOrganizations
              • Argument orderBy: OrganizationOrder added to field User.organizations

              Schema changes for 2023-01-18

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type AddProjectDraftIssueInput was removed
              • Type AddProjectDraftIssuePayload was removed
              • Type AddProjectNextItemInput was removed
              • Type AddProjectNextItemPayload was removed
              • Type DeleteProjectNextItemInput was removed
              • Type DeleteProjectNextItemPayload was removed
              • Type ProjectItemType was removed
              • Type ProjectNext was removed
              • Type ProjectNextConnection was removed
              • Type ProjectNextEdge was removed
              • Type ProjectNextField was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldCommon was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConfiguration was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationConnection was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationEdge was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConnection was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldEdge was removed
              • Type ProjectNextFieldType was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItem was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItemConnection was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItemContent was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItemEdge was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValue was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueConnection was removed
              • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueEdge was removed
              • Type ProjectNextIterationField was removed
              • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration was removed
              • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration was removed
              • Type ProjectNextOrderField was removed
              • Type ProjectNextOwner was removed
              • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectField was removed
              • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption was removed
              • Type ProjectView was removed
              • Type ProjectViewConnection was removed
              • Type ProjectViewEdge was removed
              • Type ProjectViewLayout was removed
              • Type SortBy was removed
              • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssueInput was removed
              • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssuePayload was removed
              • Type UpdateProjectNextInput was removed
              • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput was removed
              • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload was removed
              • Type UpdateProjectNextPayload was removed
              • Field project was removed from object type DraftIssue
              • Field projectItem was removed from object type DraftIssue
              • Issue object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
              • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Issue
              • Field projectNextItems was removed from object type Issue
              • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Issue
              • Field addProjectDraftIssue (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
              • Field addProjectNextItem (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
              • Field deleteProjectNextItem (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
              • Field updateProjectDraftIssue (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
              • Field updateProjectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
              • Field updateProjectNextItemField (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
              • Organization object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
              • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Organization
              • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Organization
              • PullRequest object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
              • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type PullRequest
              • Field projectNextItems (deprecated) was removed from object type PullRequest
              • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type PullRequest
              • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Repository
              • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Repository
              • User object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
              • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type User
              • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type User

              Schema changes for 2023-01-15

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Argument includeUnpublished: Boolean added to field SponsorsListing.tiers

              Schema changes for 2023-01-10

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type OrganizationMigration was added
              • Type OrganizationMigrationState was added
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConfiguration was added
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationConnection was added
              • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationEdge was added
              • Type ProjectNextIterationField was added
              • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration was added
              • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration was added
              • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectField was added
              • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption was added
              • Type PublishSponsorsTierInput was added
              • Type PublishSponsorsTierPayload was added
              • Type RetireSponsorsTierInput was added
              • Type RetireSponsorsTierPayload was added
              • Type StartOrganizationMigrationInput was added
              • Type StartOrganizationMigrationPayload was added
              • Type StripeConnectAccount was added
              • Field reactionGroups was added to object type AddReactionPayload
              • Input field headRepositoryId was added to input object type CreatePullRequestInput
              • Field publishSponsorsTier was added to object type Mutation
              • Field retireSponsorsTier was added to object type Mutation
              • Field startOrganizationMigration was added to object type Mutation
              • Field totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents was added to object type Organization
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipsAsMaintainer
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipsAsSponsor
              • Field fieldConstraints was added to object type ProjectNext
              • Field projectFieldConstraint was added to object type ProjectNextItemFieldValue
              • Field reactionGroups was added to object type RemoveReactionPayload
              • Field hasVulnerabilityAlertsEnabled was added to object type Repository
              • Field totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents was added to interface Sponsorable
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipsAsMaintainer
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipsAsSponsor
              • Field activeStripeConnectAccount was added to object type SponsorsListing
              • Field isActive was added to object type Sponsorship
              • Field author was added to object type SponsorshipNewsletter
              • Input field fieldConstraintId was added to input object type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput
              • Input field fieldWithSettingId was added to input object type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput
              • Field totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents was added to object type User
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipsAsMaintainer
              • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipsAsSponsor

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member PackageType.RUBYGEMS:RUBYGEMS will be removed. Effective 2022-12-28.
            • On member PackageType.MAVEN:MAVEN will be removed. Effective 2023-02-10.
            • Schema changes for 2022-12-09

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type Claimable was added
              • Type CreateAttributionInvitationInput was added
              • Type CreateAttributionInvitationPayload was added
              • Type CreateSponsorsListingInput was added
              • Type CreateSponsorsListingPayload was added
              • Type MannequinConnection was added
              • Type MannequinEdge was added
              • Type MannequinOrder was added
              • Type MannequinOrderField was added
              • Type SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode was added
              • Field createAttributionInvitation was added to object type Mutation
              • Field createSponsorsListing was added to object type Mutation
              • Field mannequins was added to object type Organization
              • Field isDraft was added to object type SponsorsTierAdminInfo
              • Field isPublished was added to object type SponsorsTierAdminInfo
              • Field isRetired was added to object type SponsorsTierAdminInfo

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixReason:fixReason will be removed. Effective 2023-04-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-12-07

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field fiscalHost was added to object type SponsorsListing
              • WorkflowRun object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member PackageType.NPM:NPM will be removed. Effective 2022-11-21.
            • On member PackageType.NUGET:NUGET will be removed. Effective 2022-11-21.
            • Schema changes for 2022-12-02

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type SponsorsListingFeatureableItem was added
              • Field featureable was added to object type SponsorsListingFeaturedItem

              Schema changes for 2022-12-01

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field totalCommentsCount was added to object type PullRequest

              Schema changes for 2022-11-29

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Enum value 'TRADE_RESTRICTIONwas added to enumRepositoryLockReason'

              Schema changes for 2022-11-24

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type AddEnterpriseOrganizationMemberInput was added
              • Type AddEnterpriseOrganizationMemberPayload was added
              • Field addEnterpriseOrganizationMember was added to object type Mutation

              Schema changes for 2022-11-18

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type SponsorsListingFeaturedItem was added
              • Type SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableType was added
              • Field featuredItems was added to object type SponsorsListing

              Schema changes for 2022-11-17

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Argument includeAsSponsor: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument includeAsSponsor: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument includeAsSponsor: Boolean added to field User.sponsorsActivities

              Schema changes for 2022-11-16

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type TransferEnterpriseOrganizationInput was added
              • Type TransferEnterpriseOrganizationPayload was added
              • Field transferEnterpriseOrganization was added to object type Mutation
              • Argument 'maintainerLogins: [String!]added to fieldOrganization.sponsorshipsAsSponsor'
              • Argument 'maintainerLogins: [String!]added to fieldSponsorable.sponsorshipsAsSponsor'
              • Field contactEmailAddress was added to object type SponsorsListing
              • Field nameRaw was added to object type Submodule
              • Field pathRaw was added to object type Submodule
              • Field nameRaw was added to object type TreeEntry
              • Field pathRaw was added to object type TreeEntry
              • Argument 'maintainerLogins: [String!]added to fieldUser.sponsorshipsAsSponsor'

              Schema changes for 2022-11-15

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Input field teamId was added to input object type 'CreateProjectV2Input'
              • Field billingCountryOrRegion was added to object type SponsorsListing
              • Field residenceCountryOrRegion was added to object type SponsorsListing

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member Repository.squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault:squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault will be removed. Use Repository.squashMergeCommitTitle instead. Effective 2023-04-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-11-12

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Input field repositoryId was added to input object type 'CreateProjectV2Input'

              Schema changes for 2022-11-11

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToTeamInput' was added
              • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToTeamPayload' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Filters' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2State' was added
              • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromTeamInput' was added
              • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromTeamPayload' was added
              • Field 'linkProjectV2ToTeamwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'unlinkProjectV2FromTeamwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Argument 'filterBy: ProjectV2Filtersadded to fieldTeam.projectsV2'
              • Argument query: String added to field 'Team.projectsV2'

              Schema changes for 2022-11-10

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Argument since: DateTime added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument until: DateTime added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument since: DateTime added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument until: DateTime added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument since: DateTime added to field User.sponsorsActivities
              • Argument until: DateTime added to field User.sponsorsActivities

              Schema changes for 2022-11-05

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field hasDiscussionsEnabled was added to interface RepositoryInfo

              Schema changes for 2022-11-02

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type 'ArchiveProjectV2ItemInput' was added
              • Type 'ArchiveProjectV2ItemPayload' was added
              • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToRepositoryInput' was added
              • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToRepositoryPayload' was added
              • Type 'UnarchiveProjectV2ItemInput' was added
              • Type 'UnarchiveProjectV2ItemPayload' was added
              • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromRepositoryInput' was added
              • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromRepositoryPayload' was added
              • Field lockAllowsFetchAndMerge was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
              • Field lockBranch was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
              • Field requireLastPushApproval was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
              • Input field lockAllowsFetchAndMerge was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
              • Input field lockBranch was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
              • Input field requireLastPushApproval was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
              • Field 'archiveProjectV2Itemwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'linkProjectV2ToRepositorywas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'unarchiveProjectV2Itemwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'unlinkProjectV2FromRepositorywas added to object typeMutation'
              • Enum value 'TRACKED_BYwas added to enumProjectNextFieldType'
              • Enum value 'TRACKED_BYwas added to enumProjectV2FieldType'
              • Field hasDiscussionsEnabled was added to object type Repository
              • Input field lockAllowsFetchAndMerge was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
              • Input field lockBranch was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
              • Input field requireLastPushApproval was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
              • Input field hasDiscussionsEnabled was added to input object type UpdateRepositoryInput

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKED_BY:TRACKED_BY will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-10-24

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field filename was added to object type IssueTemplate

              Schema changes for 2022-10-21

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field teams was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
              • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeTeam'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeTeam'

              Schema changes for 2022-10-19

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field language was added to object type TreeEntry

              Schema changes for 2022-10-18

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type Comparison was added
              • Type ComparisonCommitConnection was added
              • Type ComparisonStatus was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SortByField' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SortByFieldConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SortByFieldEdge' was added
              • Field sortByFields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
              • Field verticalGroupByFields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
              • Field compare was added to object type Ref

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectV2View.sortBy:sortBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#sort_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-04-01.
            • On member ProjectV2View.verticalGroupBy:verticalGroupBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#vertical_group_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-04-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-10-07

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Enum value PUB was added to enum DependencyGraphEcosystem
              • Field groupByFields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
              • Enum value PUB was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectV2View.groupBy:groupBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#group_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-04-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-10-03

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type CreateLinkedBranchInput was added
              • Type CreateLinkedBranchPayload was added
              • Type DeleteLinkedBranchInput was added
              • Type DeleteLinkedBranchPayload was added
              • Type LinkedBranch was added
              • Type LinkedBranchConnection was added
              • Type LinkedBranchEdge was added
              • Field linkedBranches was added to object type Issue
              • Field createLinkedBranch was added to object type Mutation
              • Field deleteLinkedBranch was added to object type Mutation

              Schema changes for 2022-09-30

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field view was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

              Schema changes for 2022-09-28

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.assigneeIds:assigneeIds will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectDraftIssuePayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.contentId:contentId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectNextItemPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectNextItemPayload.deletedItemId:deletedItemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Issue.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Issue.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Mutation.addProjectDraftIssue:addProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Mutation.addProjectNextItem:addProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Mutation.deleteProjectNextItem:deleteProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Mutation.updateProjectDraftIssue:updateProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Mutation.updateProjectNext:updateProjectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Mutation.updateProjectNextItemField:updateProjectNextItemField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Organization.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Organization.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Organization.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.defaultView:defaultView will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.fieldConstraints:fieldConstraints will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.fields:fields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.owner:owner will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.repositories:repositories will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.url:url will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNext.views:views will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ASSIGNEES:ASSIGNEES will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.DATE:DATE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ITERATION:ITERATION will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LABELS:LABELS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS:LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.MILESTONE:MILESTONE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REPOSITORY:REPOSITORY will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REVIEWERS:REVIEWERS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.SINGLE_SELECT:SINGLE_SELECT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TEXT:TEXT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKS:TRACKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.content:content will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.fieldValues:fieldValues will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.isArchived:isArchived will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.type:type will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItem.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectField:projectField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectFieldConstraint:projectFieldConstraint will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectItem:projectItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.configuration:configuration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.completedIterations:completedIterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.iterations:iterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.startDay:startDay will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.startDate:startDate will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.titleHTML:titleHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextOrderField.CREATED_AT:CREATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextOrderField.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextOrderField.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextOrderField.UPDATED_AT:UPDATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextRecent.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.options:options will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption.nameHTML:nameHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.filter:filter will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.groupBy:groupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.groupedItems:groupedItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.layout:layout will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.sortBy:sortBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.verticalGroupBy:verticalGroupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member ProjectView.visibleFields:visibleFields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member PullRequest.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member PullRequest.projectNextItems:projectNextItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member PullRequest.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Repository.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Repository.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member Repository.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldConstraintId:fieldConstraintId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldId:fieldId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectNextPayload.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member User.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member User.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • On member User.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-09-27

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field dashboardResourcePath was added to object type SponsorsListing
                • Field dashboardUrl was added to object type SponsorsListing
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type SponsorsListing
                • Field url was added to object type SponsorsListing

                Schema changes for 2022-09-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field databaseId was added to interface Migration
                • Field databaseId was added to object type RepositoryMigration

                Schema changes for 2022-09-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type 'ClearProjectV2ItemFieldValueInput' was added
                • Type 'ClearProjectV2ItemFieldValuePayload' was added
                • Field pullRequestReviewComment was added to object type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentPayload
                • Argument hasTwoFactorEnabled: Boolean added to field Enterprise.members
                • Argument hasTwoFactorEnabled: Boolean added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.admins
                • Field 'clearProjectV2ItemFieldValuewas added to object typeMutation'

                Schema changes for 2022-09-15

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type CheckRunState was added
                • Type CheckRunStateCount was added
                • Type StatusContextStateCount was added
                • Field fields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
                • Field checkRunCount was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection
                • Field checkRunCountsByState was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection
                • Field statusContextCount was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection
                • Field statusContextCountsByState was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member ProjectV2View.visibleFields:visibleFields will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-09-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field diffSide was added to object type PullRequestThread
                • Field line was added to object type PullRequestThread
                • Field startDiffSide was added to object type PullRequestThread
                • Field startLine was added to object type PullRequestThread

                Schema changes for 2022-09-08

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue was added
                • Field changedFilesIfAvailable was added to object type Commit
                • Field allowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPolicyValue was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Input field policyValue was added to input object type UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Commit.changedFiles:changedFiles will be removed. Use changedFilesIfAvailable instead. Effective 2023-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-09-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type SshSignature was added
                • Type WorkflowRunConnection was added
                • Type WorkflowRunEdge was added
                • Type WorkflowRunOrder was added
                • Type WorkflowRunOrderField was added
                • Input field conclusions was added to input object type CheckRunFilter
                • Input field statuses was added to input object type CheckRunFilter
                • Field runs was added to object type Workflow

                Schema changes for 2022-09-01

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type MergeCommitMessage was added
                • Type MergeCommitTitle was added
                • Type SquashMergeCommitMessage was added
                • Type SquashMergeCommitTitle was added
                • Field mergeCommitMessage was added to object type Repository
                • Field mergeCommitTitle was added to object type Repository
                • Field squashMergeCommitMessage was added to object type Repository
                • Field squashMergeCommitTitle was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2022-08-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value GITHUB was removed from enum MigrationSourceType
                • Enum value GITLAB was removed from enum MigrationSourceType

                Schema changes for 2022-08-24

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field createLabelsIfMissing was added to input object type TransferIssueInput

                Schema changes for 2022-08-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  The following changes will be made to the schema:

                • On member ProjectView.groupedItems:groupedItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • Schema changes for 2022-08-19

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type UpdateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSettingInput was added
                  • Type UpdateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSettingPayload was added
                  • Type UpdateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSettingInput was added
                  • Type UpdateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSettingPayload was added
                  • Enum value UNAFFILIATED was added to enum EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole
                  • Field updateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSetting was added to object type Mutation
                  • Field updateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSetting was added to object type Mutation
                  • Field webCommitSignoffRequired was added to object type Organization
                  • Enum value TRACKS was added to enum ProjectNextFieldType
                  • Enum value TASKS (deprecated) was removed from enum ProjectNextFieldType
                  • Enum value TRACKS was added to enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'
                  • Enum value TASKS was removed from enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'
                  • Field webCommitSignoffRequired was added to object type Repository
                  • Field dismissComment was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                  • Input field lockSource was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

                  The following changes will be made to the schema:

                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKS:TRACKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • Schema changes for 2022-08-16

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Field slug was added to object type DiscussionCategory
                  • Field discussionCategory was added to object type Repository

                  Schema changes for 2022-08-11

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Input field targetRepoVisibility was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

                  Schema changes for 2022-08-06

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Enum value TASKS was added to enum ProjectNextFieldType
                  • Enum value TRACKS (deprecated) was removed from enum ProjectNextFieldType
                  • Enum value TASKS was added to enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'
                  • Enum value TRACKS was removed from enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'

                  The following changes will be made to the schema:

                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TASKS:TASKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • Schema changes for 2022-08-04

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Enum value ACTIONS was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

                  Schema changes for 2022-08-03

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Field size was added to object type TreeEntry

                  Schema changes for 2022-08-02

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Field fieldValueByName was added to object type 'ProjectV2Item'

                  Schema changes for 2022-07-28

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type PullRequestThread was added

                  Schema changes for 2022-07-23

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Field fieldValueByName was removed from object type 'ProjectV2Item'

                  Schema changes for 2022-07-22

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Argument 'actions: [SponsorsActivityAction!]added to fieldOrganization.sponsorsActivities'
                  • Field fieldValueByName was added to object type 'ProjectV2Item'
                  • Argument 'actions: [SponsorsActivityAction!]added to fieldSponsorable.sponsorsActivities'
                  • Argument 'actions: [SponsorsActivityAction!]added to fieldUser.sponsorsActivities'

                  Schema changes for 2022-07-19

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type EnterpriseUserAccountConnection was removed
                  • Type EnterpriseUserAccountEdge was removed
                  • Field userAccounts (deprecated) was removed from object type Enterprise
                  • Field items was removed from object type 'ProjectV2View'
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2View.groupBy'
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2View.verticalGroupBy'
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2View.visibleFields'
                  • Field items (deprecated) was removed from object type ProjectView

                  Schema changes for 2022-07-14

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrder' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderField' was added
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderadded to fieldProjectV2Item.fieldValues'
                  • Argument orderBy: PullRequestOrder added to field 'ProjectV2ItemFieldPullRequestValue.pullRequests'

                  Schema changes for 2022-07-11

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldOrder' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldOrderField' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemOrder' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemOrderField' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ViewOrder' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ViewOrderField' was added
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2.fields'
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2ItemOrderadded to fieldProjectV2.items'
                  • Argument orderBy: RepositoryOrder added to field 'ProjectV2.repositories'
                  • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2ViewOrderadded to fieldProjectV2.views'

                  Schema changes for 2022-06-29

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope was added
                  • Argument 'dependencyScopes: [RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope!]added to fieldRepository.vulnerabilityAlerts'
                  • Field dependencyScope was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                  • Enum value ERLANG was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

                  Schema changes for 2022-06-24

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Input field AddProjectDraftIssueInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field AddProjectDraftIssueInput.title changed type from String! to String
                  • Input field AddProjectNextItemInput.contentId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field AddProjectNextItemInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field DeleteProjectNextItemInput.itemId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field DeleteProjectNextItemInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field UpdateProjectNextInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.itemId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
                  • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.value changed type from String! to String

                  The following changes will be made to the schema:

                • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.assigneeIds:assigneeIds will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectDraftIssuePayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.contentId:contentId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member AddProjectNextItemPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member DeleteProjectNextItemPayload.deletedItemId:deletedItemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Issue.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Issue.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member LockMergeQueueInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member MergeLockedMergeGroupInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Mutation.addProjectDraftIssue:addProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Mutation.addProjectNextItem:addProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Mutation.deleteProjectNextItem:deleteProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Mutation.updateProjectDraftIssue:updateProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Mutation.updateProjectNext:updateProjectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Mutation.updateProjectNextItemField:updateProjectNextItemField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Organization.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Organization.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Organization.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.defaultView:defaultView will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.fieldConstraints:fieldConstraints will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.fields:fields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.owner:owner will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.repositories:repositories will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.url:url will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNext.views:views will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ASSIGNEES:ASSIGNEES will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.DATE:DATE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ITERATION:ITERATION will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LABELS:LABELS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS:LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.MILESTONE:MILESTONE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REPOSITORY:REPOSITORY will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REVIEWERS:REVIEWERS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.SINGLE_SELECT:SINGLE_SELECT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TEXT:TEXT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKS:TRACKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.content:content will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.fieldValues:fieldValues will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.isArchived:isArchived will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.type:type will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItem.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectField:projectField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectFieldConstraint:projectFieldConstraint will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectItem:projectItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.configuration:configuration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.completedIterations:completedIterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.iterations:iterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.startDay:startDay will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.startDate:startDate will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.titleHTML:titleHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextOrderField.CREATED_AT:CREATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextOrderField.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextOrderField.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextOrderField.UPDATED_AT:UPDATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextRecent.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.options:options will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption.nameHTML:nameHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.filter:filter will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.groupBy:groupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.layout:layout will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.sortBy:sortBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.verticalGroupBy:verticalGroupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member ProjectView.visibleFields:visibleFields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member PullRequest.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member PullRequest.projectNextItems:projectNextItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member PullRequest.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Repository.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Repository.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member Repository.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UnlockAndResetMergeGroupInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldConstraintId:fieldConstraintId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldId:fieldId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member UpdateProjectNextPayload.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member User.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member User.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • On member User.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • Schema changes for 2022-06-23

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                  • Type AddDiscussionPollVoteInput was added
                  • Type AddDiscussionPollVotePayload was added
                  • Type 'AddProjectV2DraftIssueInput' was added
                  • Type 'AddProjectV2DraftIssuePayload' was added
                  • Type 'AddProjectV2ItemByIdInput' was added
                  • Type 'AddProjectV2ItemByIdPayload' was added
                  • Type 'CreateProjectV2Input' was added
                  • Type 'CreateProjectV2Payload' was added
                  • Type 'DeleteProjectV2ItemInput' was added
                  • Type 'DeleteProjectV2ItemPayload' was added
                  • Type DiscussionPoll was added
                  • Type DiscussionPollOption was added
                  • Type DiscussionPollOptionConnection was added
                  • Type DiscussionPollOptionEdge was added
                  • Type DiscussionPollOptionOrder was added
                  • Type DiscussionPollOptionOrderField was added
                  • Type OrganizationOrUser was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Connection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Edge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Field' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldCommon' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConfiguration' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConfigurationConnection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConfigurationEdge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConnection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldEdge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldType' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2FieldValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Item' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemConnection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemContent' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemEdge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldDateValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldIterationValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldLabelValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldMilestoneValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldNumberValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldPullRequestValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldRepositoryValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldReviewerValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldTextValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldUserValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValue' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueCommon' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueConnection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueEdge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ItemType' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2IterationField' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2IterationFieldConfiguration' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2IterationFieldIteration' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Order' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2OrderField' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Owner' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2Recent' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectField' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2SortBy' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2SortByConnection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2SortByEdge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2View' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ViewConnection' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ViewEdge' was added
                  • Type 'ProjectV2ViewLayout' was added
                  • Type RequestedReviewerConnection was added
                  • Type RequestedReviewerEdge was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2DraftIssueInput' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2DraftIssuePayload' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2Input' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemFieldValueInput' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemFieldValuePayload' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemPositionInput' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemPositionPayload' was added
                  • Type 'UpdateProjectV2Payload' was added
                  • Field poll was added to object type Discussion
                  • Field 'projectV2Itemswas added to object typeDraftIssue'
                  • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeDraftIssue'
                  • Issue object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                  • Field projectItems was added to object type Issue
                  • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeIssue'
                  • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeIssue'
                  • Field addDiscussionPollVote was added to object type Mutation
                  • Field 'addProjectV2DraftIssuewas added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'addProjectV2ItemByIdwas added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'createProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'deleteProjectV2Itemwas added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'updateProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'updateProjectV2DraftIssuewas added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'updateProjectV2ItemFieldValuewas added to object typeMutation'
                  • Field 'updateProjectV2ItemPositionwas added to object typeMutation'
                  • Enum value SUSPENDED was added to enum OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType
                  • Organization object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                  • Organization object implements 'ProjectV2Recent' interface
                  • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeOrganization'
                  • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeOrganization'
                  • Field recentProjects was added to object type Organization
                  • PullRequest object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                  • Field projectItems was added to object type PullRequest
                  • Field 'projectV2was added to object typePullRequest'
                  • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typePullRequest'
                  • Field viewerCanEditFiles was added to object type PullRequest
                  • Repository object implements 'ProjectV2Recent' interface
                  • Field allowUpdateBranch was added to object type Repository
                  • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeRepository'
                  • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeRepository'
                  • Field recentProjects was added to object type Repository
                  • User object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                  • User object implements 'ProjectV2Recent' interface
                  • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeUser'
                  • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeUser'
                  • Field recentProjects was added to object type User

                  The following changes will be made to the schema:

                • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixReason:fixReason will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
                • Schema changes for 2022-06-13

                  The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member DependencyGraphDependency.packageLabel:packageLabel will be removed. Use normalized packageName field instead. Effective 2022-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2022-06-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value RUST was added to enum DependencyGraphEcosystem
                    • Field squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2022-06-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryClassification was added
                    • Type 'ProjectV2Owner' was removed
                    • Issue object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                    • Organization object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                    • PullRequest object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                    • Argument 'classifications: [SecurityAdvisoryClassification!]added to fieldQuery.securityAdvisories'
                    • Argument 'classifications: [SecurityAdvisoryClassification!]added to fieldQuery.securityVulnerabilities'
                    • Field classification was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                    • Argument 'classifications: [SecurityAdvisoryClassification!]added to fieldSecurityAdvisory.vulnerabilities'
                    • User object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface

                    Schema changes for 2022-05-31

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field viewerIsFollowing was added to object type Organization

                    Schema changes for 2022-05-29

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type ExternalIdentityAttribute was added
                    • Type IssueClosedStateReason was added
                    • Type IssueStateReason was added
                    • Member App was added to Union type BranchActorAllowanceActor
                    • Input field stateReason was added to input object type CloseIssueInput
                    • Field stateReason was added to object type ClosedEvent
                    • Field attributes was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                    • Field stateReason was added to object type Issue
                    • Enum value 'FAILED_VALIDATIONwas added to enumMigrationState'
                    • Enum value 'PENDING_VALIDATIONwas added to enumMigrationState'
                    • Field stateReason was added to object type ReopenedEvent
                    • Member App was added to Union type ReviewDismissalAllowanceActor
                    • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.accessToken changed type from String to String!

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member RemovePullRequestFromMergeQueueInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2022-05-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type FollowOrganizationInput was added
                    • Type FollowOrganizationPayload was added
                    • Type UnfollowOrganizationInput was added
                    • Type UnfollowOrganizationPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamsRepositoryInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamsRepositoryPayload was added
                    • Argument 'organizationLogins: [String!]added to fieldEnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingMemberInvitations'
                    • Field migrationLogUrl was added to interface Migration
                    • Field repositoryName was added to interface Migration
                    • Field followOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field unfollowOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeamsRepository was added to object type Mutation
                    • Argument repositoryName: String added to field Organization.repositoryMigrations
                    • Field items was added to object type ProjectView
                    • Field migrationLogUrl was added to object type RepositoryMigration
                    • Field repositoryName was added to object type RepositoryMigration

                    Schema changes for 2022-04-28

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type PatchStatus was added
                    • Field isUnlicensed (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseMemberEdge
                    • Field isUnlicensed (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge
                    • Argument 'organizationLogins: [String!]added to fieldEnterpriseOwnerInfo.admins'
                    • Argument hasTwoFactorEnabled: Boolean added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.outsideCollaborators
                    • Argument 'organizationLogins: [String!]added to fieldEnterpriseOwnerInfo.outsideCollaborators'
                    • Field isUnlicensed (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge
                    • Field changeType was added to object type PullRequestChangedFile

                    Schema changes for 2022-04-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type AddProjectDraftIssueInput was added
                    • Type AddProjectDraftIssuePayload was added
                    • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssueInput was added
                    • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssuePayload was added
                    • Field availableSeats (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseBillingInfo
                    • Field seats (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseBillingInfo
                    • Field addProjectDraftIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateProjectDraftIssue was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2022-04-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type 'ProjectV2Owner' was added
                    • Issue object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                    • Organization object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                    • PullRequest object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                    • Input field skipReleases was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput
                    • Field lineCount was added to object type TreeEntry
                    • User object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldWithSettingId:fieldWithSettingId will be removed. Use fieldConstraintId instead Effective 2022-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2022-04-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field blocksCreations was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Input field blocksCreations was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Field blocksCreations was added to object type RefUpdateRule
                    • Input field blocksCreations was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                    Schema changes for 2022-03-30

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type CreateSponsorsTierInput was added
                    • Type CreateSponsorsTierPayload was added
                    • Type DependabotUpdate was added
                    • Type DependabotUpdateError was added
                    • Type DraftIssue was added
                    • Type ProjectItemType was added
                    • Type ProjectNextFieldCommon was added
                    • Type ProjectNextFieldType was added
                    • Type ProjectView was added
                    • Type ProjectViewConnection was added
                    • Type ProjectViewEdge was added
                    • Type ProjectViewLayout was added
                    • Type SortBy was added
                    • Type TrackedIssueStates was added
                    • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorConnection was removed
                    • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge was removed
                    • Input field CreateMigrationSourceInput.accessToken changed type from String! to String
                    • Field pendingCollaborators (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field trackedInIssues was added to object type Issue
                    • Field trackedIssues was added to object type Issue
                    • Field trackedIssuesCount was added to object type Issue
                    • Field createSponsorsTier was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field views was added to object type ProjectNext
                    • ProjectNextField object implements Node interface
                    • ProjectNextField object implements ProjectNextFieldCommon interface
                    • Field dataType was added to object type ProjectNextField
                    • Field type was added to object type ProjectNextItem
                    • Member DraftIssue was added to Union type ProjectNextItemContent
                    • Enum value 'INVITEE_LOGIN' (deprecated) was removed from enum RepositoryInvitationOrderField
                    • Field dependabotUpdate was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldId changed type from ID! to ID

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member AddPullRequestToMergeQueueInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-07-01.
                  • On member Enterprise.userAccounts:userAccounts will be removed. Use the Enterprise.members field instead. Effective 2022-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2022-02-28

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type DependencyGraphEcosystem was added
                    • Field viewerCanMergeAsAdmin was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Argument ecosystem: DependencyGraphEcosystem added to field Query.sponsorables
                    • Input field accessToken was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput
                    • Input field githubPat was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member PullRequest.viewerCanOverrideMergeQueue:viewerCanOverrideMergeQueue will be removed. Use PullRequest.viewerCanMergeAsAdmin instead. Effective 2022-04-01.
                  • On member Repository.defaultMergeQueue:defaultMergeQueue will be removed. Use Repository.mergeQueue instead. Effective 2022-04-01.
                  • On member Query.sponsorables.dependencyEcosystem:dependencyEcosystem will be removed. Use the ecosystem argument instead. Effective 2022-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2022-02-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type RepositoryCodeowners was added
                    • Type RepositoryCodeownersError was added
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState was added
                    • Type UpdateProjectNextInput was added
                    • Type UpdateProjectNextPayload was added
                    • Input field milestoneNumber was added to input object type IssueFilters
                    • Field updateProjectNext was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositories was added to object type ProjectNext
                    • Argument userLinkedOnly: Boolean added to field PullRequest.closingIssuesReferences
                    • Field codeowners was added to object type Repository
                    • Field projectNext was added to object type Repository
                    • Field projectsNext was added to object type Repository
                    • Argument 'states: [RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState!]added to fieldRepository.vulnerabilityAlerts'
                    • Field fixReason was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field fixedAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field number was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field state was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                    Schema changes for 2022-02-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type Import was removed
                    • Input field gitArchiveUrl was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput
                    • Input field metadataArchiveUrl was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

                    Schema changes for 2022-02-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type AbortQueuedMigrationsInput was added
                    • Type AbortQueuedMigrationsPayload was added
                    • Type ActorType was added
                    • Type CreateMigrationSourceInput was added
                    • Type CreateMigrationSourcePayload was added
                    • Type GrantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRoleInput was added
                    • Type GrantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRolePayload was added
                    • Type GrantMigratorRoleInput was added
                    • Type GrantMigratorRolePayload was added
                    • Type Import was added
                    • Type Migration was added
                    • Type MigrationSource was added
                    • Type MigrationSourceType was added
                    • Type MigrationState was added
                    • Type RepositoryMigration was added
                    • Type RepositoryMigrationConnection was added
                    • Type RepositoryMigrationEdge was added
                    • Type RepositoryMigrationOrder was added
                    • Type RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection was added
                    • Type RepositoryMigrationOrderField was added
                    • Type RevokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRoleInput was added
                    • Type RevokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRolePayload was added
                    • Type RevokeMigratorRoleInput was added
                    • Type RevokeMigratorRolePayload was added
                    • Type StartRepositoryMigrationInput was added
                    • Type StartRepositoryMigrationPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRoleInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRolePayload was added
                    • Argument login: String added to field EnterpriseIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Argument userName: String added to field EnterpriseIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Field projectNextItems was added to object type Issue
                    • Field abortQueuedMigrations was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createMigrationSource was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field grantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field grantMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field revokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field revokeMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field startRepositoryMigration was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRole was added to object type Mutation
                    • Argument login: String added to field OIDCProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Argument userName: String added to field OIDCProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Field repositoryMigrations was added to object type Organization
                    • Argument login: String added to field OrganizationIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Argument userName: String added to field OrganizationIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Field public was added to object type ProjectNext
                    • Field shortDescription was added to object type ProjectNext
                    • Field isArchived was added to object type ProjectNextItem
                    • Field projectNextItems was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2022-01-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrder was added
                    • Type OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderField was added
                    • Type OrganizationEnterpriseOwnerConnection was added
                    • Type OrganizationEnterpriseOwnerEdge was added
                    • Enum value 'LFX_CROWDFUNDINGwas added to enumFundingPlatform'
                    • Field enterpriseOwners was added to object type Organization
                    • Enum value 'ADDED_TO_MERGE_QUEUE_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                    • Enum value 'REMOVED_FROM_MERGE_QUEUE_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'

                    Schema changes for 2022-01-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type BypassForcePushAllowance was added
                    • Type BypassForcePushAllowanceConnection was added
                    • Type BypassForcePushAllowanceEdge was added
                    • Field bypassForcePushAllowances was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Input field bypassForcePushActorIds was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Field Push.pusher changed type from User! to Actor!
                    • Input field bypassForcePushActorIds was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                    Schema changes for 2021-12-15

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type ProjectNextOrderField was added
                    • Type RoleInOrganization was added
                    • Type UpdateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPayload was added
                    • Argument viewerOrganizationRole: RoleInOrganization added to field Enterprise.organizations
                    • Issue object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                    • Field projectNext was added to object type Issue
                    • Field projectsNext was added to object type Issue
                    • Field updateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field membersCanForkPrivateRepositories was added to object type Organization
                    • Argument query: String added to field Organization.projectsNext
                    • Argument sortBy: ProjectNextOrderField added to field Organization.projectsNext
                    • Argument query: String added to field ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext
                    • Argument sortBy: ProjectNextOrderField added to field ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext
                    • PullRequest object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                    • Field projectNext was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field projectsNext was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Argument query: String added to field User.projectsNext
                    • Argument sortBy: ProjectNextOrderField added to field User.projectsNext

                    Schema changes for 2021-12-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type ConvertedToDiscussionEvent was added
                    • Member ConvertedToDiscussionEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Enum value 'CONVERTED_TO_DISCUSSION_EVENTwas added to enumIssueTimelineItemsItemType'
                    • Member ConvertedToDiscussionEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Enum value 'CONVERTED_TO_DISCUSSION_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'

                    Schema changes for 2021-12-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument filterByAssignable: Boolean added to field Repository.discussionCategories

                    Schema changes for 2021-12-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type BranchActorAllowanceActor was added
                    • Type BypassPullRequestAllowance was added
                    • Type BypassPullRequestAllowanceConnection was added
                    • Type BypassPullRequestAllowanceEdge was added
                    • Type ContentAttachment was removed
                    • Type ContentReference was removed
                    • Type CreateContentAttachmentInput was removed
                    • Type CreateContentAttachmentPayload was removed
                    • Field bypassPullRequestAllowances was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Input field bypassPullRequestActorIds was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Field createContentAttachment was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Input field bypassPullRequestActorIds was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                    Schema changes for 2021-11-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type RequiredStatusCheckDescription was added
                    • Type RequiredStatusCheckInput was added
                    • Field requiredStatusChecks was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Input field requiredStatusChecks was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Input field requiredStatusChecks was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                    Schema changes for 2021-11-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field Organization.repository
                    • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field Query.repository
                    • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field RepositoryOwner.repository
                    • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field User.repository

                    Schema changes for 2021-11-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type UpdatePullRequestBranchInput was added
                    • Type UpdatePullRequestBranchPayload was added
                    • Field updatePullRequestBranch was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-10-29

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type DismissReason was added
                    • Type DismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertInput was added
                    • Type DismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertPayload was added
                    • Field dismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-10-22

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type AddProjectNextItemInput was added
                    • Type AddProjectNextItemPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteProjectNextItemInput was added
                    • Type DeleteProjectNextItemPayload was added
                    • Type OIDCProvider was added
                    • Type OIDCProviderType was added
                    • Type ProjectNext was added
                    • Type ProjectNextConnection was added
                    • Type ProjectNextEdge was added
                    • Type ProjectNextField was added
                    • Type ProjectNextFieldConnection was added
                    • Type ProjectNextFieldEdge was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItem was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItemConnection was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItemContent was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItemEdge was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValue was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueConnection was added
                    • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueEdge was added
                    • Type ProjectNextOwner was added
                    • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput was added
                    • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload was added
                    • Field oidcProvider was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field addProjectNextItem was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteProjectNextItem was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateProjectNextItemField was added to object type Mutation
                    • Organization object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                    • Field projectNext was added to object type Organization
                    • Field projectsNext was added to object type Organization
                    • User object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                    • Field projectNext was added to object type User
                    • Field projectsNext was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-10-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field repositories was added to object type Topic

                    Schema changes for 2021-09-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value RUST was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

                    Schema changes for 2021-09-15

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type UpdateSponsorshipPreferencesInput was added
                    • Type UpdateSponsorshipPreferencesPayload was added
                    • Field updateSponsorshipPreferences was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-09-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field forkingAllowed was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2021-09-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type 'Base64String' was added
                    • Type CancelSponsorshipInput was added
                    • Type CancelSponsorshipPayload was added
                    • Type CommitMessage was added
                    • Type CommittableBranch was added
                    • Type CreateCommitOnBranchInput was added
                    • Type CreateCommitOnBranchPayload was added
                    • Type FileAddition was added
                    • Type FileChanges was added
                    • Type FileDeletion was added
                    • Field cancelSponsorship was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createCommitOnBranch was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field sponsorsListing (deprecated) was removed from object type Query

                    Schema changes for 2021-09-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable was added to object type Organization
                    • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field isSponsorOptedIntoEmail was added to object type Sponsorship
                    • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-27

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • DeploymentProtectionRule object type no longer implements Node interface
                    • Field id was removed from object type DeploymentProtectionRule
                    • Field isFollowingViewer was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-25

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field visibility was added to object type Repository
                    • Field visibility was added to interface RepositoryInfo

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-24

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field amount was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                    • Input field isRecurring was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                    • Input field sponsorLogin was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                    • Input field sponsorableLogin was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                    • Input field CreateSponsorshipInput.sponsorId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Input field CreateSponsorshipInput.sponsorableId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Input field CreateSponsorshipInput.tierId changed type from ID! to ID

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type CreateSponsorshipInput was added
                    • Type CreateSponsorshipPayload was added
                    • Field createSponsorship was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents was added to object type Organization
                    • Field monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents was added to object type Organization
                    • Enum value INTERNAL was added to enum OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue
                    • Field estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents was added to object type User
                    • Field monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value OTHER was removed from enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type SponsorshipNewsletter was added
                    • Type SponsorshipNewsletterConnection was added
                    • Type SponsorshipNewsletterEdge was added
                    • Type SponsorshipNewsletterOrder was added
                    • Type SponsorshipNewsletterOrderField was added
                    • Field sponsorshipNewsletters was added to object type Organization
                    • Field sponsorshipNewsletters was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field sponsorshipNewsletters was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field sponsoring was added to object type Organization
                    • Field sponsoring was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field sponsoring was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field autoMergeAllowed was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2021-08-01

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type SponsorConnection was added
                    • Type SponsorEdge was added
                    • Type SponsorOrder was added
                    • Type SponsorOrderField was added
                    • Field sponsors was added to object type Organization
                    • Field sponsors was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field sponsors was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-07-27

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument membersOnly: Boolean added to field EnterpriseIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Argument membersOnly: Boolean added to field OrganizationIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                    • Field mentions was added to object type Release
                    • Field isPublic was added to object type SponsorsListing
                    • Field nextPayoutDate was added to object type SponsorsListing
                    • Field sponsorable was added to object type SponsorsListing

                    Schema changes for 2021-07-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type SponsorsActivity was added
                    • Type SponsorsActivityAction was added
                    • Type SponsorsActivityConnection was added
                    • Type SponsorsActivityEdge was added
                    • Type SponsorsActivityOrder was added
                    • Type SponsorsActivityOrderField was added
                    • Type SponsorsActivityPeriod was added
                    • Field sponsorsActivities was added to object type Organization
                    • Enum value OTHER was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem
                    • Field sponsorsActivities was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field sponsorsActivities was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2021-06-22

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field ipAllowListEntries was added to object type App
                    • Member App was added to Union type IpAllowListOwner

                    The [Access to a repositories dependency graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field packageLabel was added to object type DependencyGraphDependency

                    Schema changes for 2021-06-20

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type Reactor was added
                    • Type ReactorConnection was added
                    • Type ReactorEdge was added
                    • Field reactors was added to object type ReactionGroup

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member ReactionGroup.users:users will be removed. Use the reactors field instead. Effective 2021-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2021-06-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue was added
                    • Type UpdateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingPayload was added
                    • Field requiresConversationResolution was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Input field requiresConversationResolution was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Field ipAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field titleHTML was added to object type Issue
                    • Field updateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ipAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting was added to object type Organization
                    • Field titleHTML was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field requiresConversationResolution was added to object type RefUpdateRule
                    • Input field requiresConversationResolution was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                    Schema changes for 2021-06-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type AddDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type AddDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type AddUpvoteInput was added
                    • Type AddUpvotePayload was added
                    • Type ApproveDeploymentsInput was added
                    • Type ApproveDeploymentsPayload was added
                    • Type CheckStep was added
                    • Type CheckStepConnection was added
                    • Type CheckStepEdge was added
                    • Type CreateDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type CreateDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type CreateEnvironmentInput was added
                    • Type CreateEnvironmentPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type DeleteDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type DeleteDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteEnvironmentInput was added
                    • Type DeleteEnvironmentPayload was added
                    • Type DeploymentProtectionRule was added
                    • Type DeploymentProtectionRuleConnection was added
                    • Type DeploymentProtectionRuleEdge was added
                    • Type DeploymentProtectionRuleType was added
                    • Type DeploymentRequest was added
                    • Type DeploymentRequestConnection was added
                    • Type DeploymentRequestEdge was added
                    • Type DeploymentReview was added
                    • Type DeploymentReviewConnection was added
                    • Type DeploymentReviewEdge was added
                    • Type DeploymentReviewState was added
                    • Type DeploymentReviewer was added
                    • Type DeploymentReviewerConnection was added
                    • Type DeploymentReviewerEdge was added
                    • Type Discussion was added
                    • Type DiscussionCategory was added
                    • Type DiscussionCategoryConnection was added
                    • Type DiscussionCategoryEdge was added
                    • Type DiscussionComment was added
                    • Type DiscussionCommentConnection was added
                    • Type DiscussionCommentEdge was added
                    • Type DiscussionConnection was added
                    • Type DiscussionEdge was added
                    • Type DiscussionOrder was added
                    • Type DiscussionOrderField was added
                    • Type Environment was added
                    • Type EnvironmentConnection was added
                    • Type EnvironmentEdge was added
                    • Type MarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerInput was added
                    • Type MarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerPayload was added
                    • Type PinnedDiscussion was added
                    • Type PinnedDiscussionConnection was added
                    • Type PinnedDiscussionEdge was added
                    • Type PinnedDiscussionGradient was added
                    • Type PinnedDiscussionPattern was added
                    • Type RejectDeploymentsInput was added
                    • Type RejectDeploymentsPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveUpvoteInput was added
                    • Type RemoveUpvotePayload was added
                    • Type RepositoryDiscussionAuthor was added
                    • Type RepositoryDiscussionCommentAuthor was added
                    • Type UnmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerInput was added
                    • Type UnmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type UpdateDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type UpdateDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnvironmentInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnvironmentPayload was added
                    • Type Votable was added
                    • Type Workflow was added
                    • Type WorkflowRun was added
                    • Field deployment was added to object type CheckRun
                    • Field pendingDeploymentRequest was added to object type CheckRun
                    • Field steps was added to object type CheckRun
                    • Enum value PENDING was added to enum CheckStatusState
                    • Field creator was added to object type CheckSuite
                    • Field workflowRun was added to object type CheckSuite
                    • Field addDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field addUpvote was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field approveDeployments was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field markDiscussionCommentAsAnswer was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field rejectDeployments was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeUpvote was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field unmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswer was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Organization object implements RepositoryDiscussionAuthor interface
                    • Organization object implements RepositoryDiscussionCommentAuthor interface
                    • Field repositoryDiscussionComments was added to object type Organization
                    • Field repositoryDiscussions was added to object type Organization
                    • Field closingIssuesReferences was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Release object implements Reactable interface
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type Release
                    • Field reactionGroups was added to object type Release
                    • Field reactions was added to object type Release
                    • Field viewerCanReact was added to object type Release
                    • Field discussion was added to object type Repository
                    • Field discussionCategories was added to object type Repository
                    • Field discussions was added to object type Repository
                    • Field environment was added to object type Repository
                    • Field environments was added to object type Repository
                    • Field pinnedDiscussions was added to object type Repository
                    • Enum value PENDING was added to enum RequestableCheckStatusState
                    • Member Discussion was added to Union type SearchResultItem
                    • Field discussionCount was added to object type SearchResultItemConnection
                    • Enum value DISCUSSION was added to enum SearchType
                    • Enum value GO was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem
                    • Field totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInCents was added to object type SponsorshipConnection
                    • Field totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInDollars was added to object type SponsorshipConnection
                    • User object implements RepositoryDiscussionAuthor interface
                    • User object implements RepositoryDiscussionCommentAuthor interface
                    • Field repositoryDiscussionComments was added to object type User
                    • Field repositoryDiscussions was added to object type User

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member PackageType.DOCKER:DOCKER will be removed. Effective 2021-06-21.
                  • Schema changes for 2021-05-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument isApproved: Boolean added to field
                    • Field canReceiveOrganizationEmailsWhenNotificationsRestricted was added to object type User
                    • Field isApproved was added to object type VerifiableDomain
                    • Argument isApproved: Boolean added to field

                    Schema changes for 2021-05-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field claimant was added to object type Mannequin

                    Schema changes for 2021-05-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type PullRequestTemplate was added
                    • Field pullRequestTemplates was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2021-04-20

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type ConvertPullRequestToDraftInput was added
                    • Type ConvertPullRequestToDraftPayload was added
                    • Field convertPullRequestToDraft was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-04-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field tierSelectedAt was added to object type Sponsorship

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-27

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field closestLesserValueTier was added to object type SponsorsTier
                    • Field isCustomAmount was added to object type SponsorsTier
                    • Field isOneTimePayment was added to object type Sponsorship

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-25

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isOneTime was added to object type SponsorsTier

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type RequirableByPullRequest was added
                    • Field viewerLatestReview was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field viewerLatestReviewRequest was added to object type PullRequest
                    • CheckRun object implements RequirableByPullRequest interface
                    • Type for argument pullRequestId on field CheckRun.isRequired changed from ID! to ID
                    • Argument pullRequestNumber: Int added to field CheckRun.isRequired
                    • StatusContext object implements RequirableByPullRequest interface
                    • Type for argument pullRequestId on field StatusContext.isRequired changed from ID! to ID
                    • Argument pullRequestNumber: Int added to field StatusContext.isRequired

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field requiresCodeOwnerReviews was added to object type RefUpdateRule
                    • Field viewerAllowedToDismissReviews was added to object type RefUpdateRule

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isRequired was added to object type CheckRun
                    • Field isRequired was added to object type StatusContext

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isPinned was added to object type Issue
                    • Enum value 'CREATED_ATwas added to enumVerifiableDomainOrderField'
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type VerifiableDomain
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type VerifiableDomain

                    Schema changes for 2021-03-02

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isGitHubStar was added to object type User
                    • Field tagCommit was added to object type Release

                    Schema changes for 2021-02-25

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type ApproveVerifiableDomainInput was added
                    • Type ApproveVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                    • Field approveVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-02-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type CVSS was added
                    • Type CWEConnection was added
                    • Type CWEEdge was added
                    • Type CWE was added
                    • Type SponsorsGoal was added
                    • Type SponsorsGoalKind was added
                    • Field repository was added to object type Release
                    • Field cvss was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                    • Field cwes was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                    • Field activeGoal was added to object type SponsorsListing

                    Schema changes for 2021-02-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type AutoMergeRequest was added
                    • Type SponsorableOrder was added
                    • Type SponsorableOrderField was added
                    • Type SponsorableItemConnection was added
                    • Type SponsorableItemEdge was added
                    • Type SponsorableItem was added
                    • Type DisablePullRequestAutoMergeInput was added
                    • Type DisablePullRequestAutoMergePayload was added
                    • Type EnablePullRequestAutoMergeInput was added
                    • Type EnablePullRequestAutoMergePayload was added
                    • Field sponsorables was added to object type Query
                    • Field isSponsoredBy was added to object type Organization
                    • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor was added to object type Organization
                    • Field isSponsoredBy was added to object type User
                    • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor was added to object type User
                    • Field autoMergeRequest was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field viewerCanDisableAutoMerge was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field viewerCanEnableAutoMerge was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field isSponsoredBy was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor was added to interface Sponsorable
                    • Field disablePullRequestAutoMerge was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field enablePullRequestAutoMerge was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-02-01

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type NotificationRestrictionSettingValue was added
                    • Type UpdateNotificationRestrictionSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateNotificationRestrictionSettingPayload was added
                    • Field notificationDeliveryRestrictionEnabledSetting was added to object type Organization
                    • Field notificationsPermalink was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                    • Field notificationDeliveryRestrictionEnabledSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field updateNotificationRestrictionSetting was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-01-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type ContributionLevel was added
                    • Type VerifiableDomainOrder was added
                    • Type VerifiableDomainOrderField was added
                    • Type VerifiableDomainConnection was added
                    • Type VerifiableDomainEdge was added
                    • Type VerifiableDomain was added
                    • Type VerifiableDomainOwner was added
                    • Type AddVerifiableDomainInput was added
                    • Type AddVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteVerifiableDomainInput was added
                    • Type DeleteVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                    • Type RegenerateVerifiableDomainTokenInput was added
                    • Type RegenerateVerifiableDomainTokenPayload was added
                    • Type VerifyVerifiableDomainInput was added
                    • Type VerifyVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                    • Field domains was added to object type Organization
                    • Field isLatest was added to object type Release
                    • Field latestRelease was added to object type Repository
                    • Enum value WAITING was added to enum DeploymentStatusState
                    • Field contributionLevel was added to object type ContributionCalendarDay
                    • Field domains was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field addVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field regenerateVerifiableDomainToken was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field verifyVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2021-01-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type AutoMergeDisabledEvent was added
                    • Type AutoMergeEnabledEvent was added
                    • Type AutoRebaseEnabledEvent was added
                    • Type AutoSquashEnabledEvent was added
                    • Type AddEnterpriseSupportEntitlementInput was added
                    • Type AddEnterpriseSupportEntitlementPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseSupportEntitlementInput was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseSupportEntitlementPayload was added
                    • Enum value WAITING was added to enum CheckStatusState
                    • Enum value 'AUTO_MERGE_DISABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                    • Enum value 'AUTO_MERGE_ENABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                    • Enum value 'AUTO_REBASE_ENABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                    • Enum value 'AUTO_SQUASH_ENABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                    • Member AutoMergeDisabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Member AutoMergeEnabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Member AutoRebaseEnabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Member AutoSquashEnabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Field supportEntitlements was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field addEnterpriseSupportEntitlement was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeEnterpriseSupportEntitlement was added to object type Mutation
                    • Enum value WAITING was added to enum RequestableCheckStatusState

                    Schema changes for 2020-12-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field hasVerifiedOwner was added to object type MarketplaceListing

                    Schema changes for 2020-11-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field requiresLinearHistory was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Input field allowsForcePushes was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Input field allowsDeletions was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Input field requiresLinearHistory was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Input field allowsForcePushes was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Input field allowsDeletions was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                    • Field requiresLinearHistory was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Field allowsForcePushes was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                    • Field allowsDeletions was added to object type BranchProtectionRule

                    Schema changes for 2020-10-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field updateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field actionExecutionCapabilitySettingOrganizations was removed from object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingInput was removed
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingPayload was removed
                    • Type ActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was removed

                    Schema changes for 2020-09-30

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field issuePrioritiesDebug was removed from object type Milestone

                    Schema changes for 2020-09-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field Blob.isBinary changed type from Boolean! to Boolean
                    • Field changed type from GitObject! to GitObject
                    • Union member BaseRefDeletedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                    • Enum value BASE_REF_DELETED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member BaseRefDeletedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Enum value PUBLIC_PRIVATE was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                    • Enum value PUBLIC_INTERNAL was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                    • Enum value PRIVATE_INTERNAL was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                    • Enum value PRIVATE was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                    • Enum value NONE was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                    • Enum value INTERNAL was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                    • Enum value MANNEQUIN was added to enum CommentAuthorAssociation
                    • Field path was added to object type TreeEntry
                    • Field isGenerated was added to object type TreeEntry
                    • Field extension was added to object type TreeEntry
                    • Field used was added to object type RateLimit
                    • Field asCodeOwner was added to object type ReviewRequest
                    • Field viewerViewedState was added to object type PullRequestChangedFile
                    • Field unmarkFileAsViewed was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field markFileAsViewed was added to object type Mutation
                    • Input field authorEmail was added to input object type MergePullRequestInput
                    • Input field authorEmail was added to input object type MergeBranchInput
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                    • Field duplicate was added to object type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                    • Field canonical was added to object type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                    • Field duplicate was added to object type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                    • Field canonical was added to object type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                    • Field groups was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                    • Field givenName was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                    • Field familyName was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                    • Field emails was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                    • Field username was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                    • Field groups was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                    • Field givenName was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                    • Field familyName was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                    • Field emails was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                    • Field isInOrganization was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field permalink was added to object type RepositoryInvitation
                    • Input field issueTemplate was added to input object type CreateIssueInput
                    • Field combinedContexts was added to object type Status
                    • Field deletedCommentAuthor was added to object type CommentDeletedEvent
                    • Field pullRequest was added to object type BaseRefChangedEvent
                    • Field previousRefName was added to object type BaseRefChangedEvent
                    • Field currentRefName was added to object type BaseRefChangedEvent
                    • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Gist
                    • Field refUpdateRule was added to object type Ref
                    • Field branchProtectionRule was added to object type Ref
                    • Argument query: String added to field Repository.milestones
                    • Field viewerPossibleCommitEmails was added to object type Repository
                    • Field viewerDefaultMergeMethod was added to object type Repository
                    • Field viewerDefaultCommitEmail was added to object type Repository
                    • Field securityPolicyUrl was added to object type Repository
                    • Field issueTemplates was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isUserConfigurationRepository was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isSecurityPolicyEnabled was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isEmpty was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isBlankIssuesEnabled was added to object type Repository
                    • Field contactLinks was added to object type Repository
                    • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isInOrganization was added to object type Repository
                    • Field viewerCanReply was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Field path was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Field isOutdated was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Field isCollapsed was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Input field AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput
                    • Field authorCanPushToRepository was added to object type PullRequestReview
                    • Field progressPercentage was added to object type Milestone
                    • Enum value MergeStateStatus.DRAFT was deprecated with reason DRAFT state will be removed from this enum and isDraft should be used instead Use PullRequest.isDraft instead. Removal on 2021-01-01 UTC.
                    • Field viewerMergeHeadlineText was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field viewerMergeBodyText was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field viewerCanDeleteHeadRef was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field latestReviews was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field latestOpinionatedReviews was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field isReadByViewer was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field progress was added to object type Project
                    • Field file was added to object type Commit
                    • Field authors was added to object type Commit
                    • Field isReadByViewer was added to object type Issue
                    • Field bodyUrl was added to object type Issue
                    • Field bodyResourcePath was added to object type Issue
                    • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Starrable
                    • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Topic
                    • Type RepositoryContactLink was added
                    • Type RefUpdateRule was added
                    • Type ProjectProgress was added
                    • Type UnmarkFileAsViewedInput was added
                    • Type UnmarkFileAsViewedPayload was added
                    • Type MarkFileAsViewedPayload was added
                    • Type MarkFileAsViewedInput was added
                    • Type GitActorEdge was added
                    • Type FileViewedState was added
                    • Type UserEmailMetadata was added
                    • Type GitActorConnection was added
                    • Type BaseRefDeletedEvent was added
                    • Type IssueTemplate was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2020-07-01.
                  • On member EnterpriseMemberEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2021-01-01.
                  • On member EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2021-01-01.
                  • On member EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2021-01-01.
                  • On member MergeStateStatus.DRAFT: DRAFT will be removed. Use PullRequest.isDraft instead. Effective 2021-01-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2020-06-26

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type TopicEdge was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersionEdge was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersionStatistics was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageTagEdge was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageFileEdge was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependencyEdge was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageMetadatum was removed
                    • Type TopicConnection was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageTag was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageTagConnection was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageStatistics was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersionConnection was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageType was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackage was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageFileConnection was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageFile was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependencyType was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependency was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependencyConnection was removed
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersion was removed

                    Schema changes for 2020-06-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field Organization.packages
                    • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field User.packages
                    • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field PackageOwner.packages
                    • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field Repository.packages

                    Schema changes for 2020-06-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field databaseId was added to object type Team

                    Schema changes for 2020-06-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value TWO_FACTOR_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY was added to enum OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason

                    Schema changes for 2020-06-01

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field twitterUsername was added to object type Organization
                    • Field twitterUsername was added to object type User

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Blob.isBinary: Type for isBinary will change from Boolean! to Boolean. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member Type for target will change from GitObject! to GitObject. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2020-05-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field ipAllowListEntries was added to object type Organization
                    • Field ipAllowListEnabledSetting was added to object type Organization

                    Schema changes for 2020-05-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value AUTOMATIC_BASE_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value AUTOMATIC_BASE_CHANGE_FAILED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member AutomaticBaseChangeSucceededEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Union member AutomaticBaseChangeFailedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Type AutomaticBaseChangeSucceededEvent was added
                    • Type AutomaticBaseChangeFailedEvent was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member RepositoryCollaboratorEdge.permission: Type for permission will change from RepositoryPermission! to String. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryInvitation.permission: Type for permission will change from RepositoryPermission! to String. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • On member TeamRepositoryEdge.permission: Type for permission will change from RepositoryPermission! to String. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2020-05-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field RepositoryInvitation.invitee changed type from User! to User
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingCollaborators changed from {"field"=>"INVITEE_LOGIN", "direction"=>"ASC"} to {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Enum value RepositoryInvitationOrderField.INVITEE_LOGIN was deprecated with reason `INVITEE_LOGIN is no longer a valid field value. Repository invitations can now be associated with an email, not only an invitee. Removal on 2020-10-01 UTC.`
                    • Field email was added to object type RepositoryInvitation
                    • Field pendingCollaboratorInvitations was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was added
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationConnection was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingCollaborators: pendingCollaborators will be removed. Use the pendingCollaboratorInvitations field instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryInvitationOrderField.INVITEE_LOGIN: INVITEE_LOGIN will be removed. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2020-05-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field packageName was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field fixedIn was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field externalReference was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field externalIdentifier was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field affectedRange was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field isDelisted was removed from object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field isApproved was removed from object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field hasApprovalBeenRequested was removed from object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field pinnedRepositories was removed from object type RepositoryOwner
                    • Input field field was removed from input object type ContributionOrder
                    • Field pinnedRepositories was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field pinnedRepositories was removed from object type User
                    • Type ContributionOrderField was removed
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository.contributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field PullRequestContributionsByRepository.contributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field IssueContributionsByRepository.contributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.repositoryContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.pullRequestReviewContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.pullRequestContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.issueContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}

                    Schema changes for 2020-05-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field organizationVerifiedDomainEmails was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2020-05-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field sponsorEntity was added to object type Sponsorship
                    • Type Sponsor was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Sponsorship.sponsor: sponsor will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorEntity instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2020-05-01

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field includeAllBranches was added to input object type CloneTemplateRepositoryInput

                    Schema changes for 2020-04-23

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Issue.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • On member PullRequest.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2020-04-20

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value USER_ACCOUNT_DELETED was added to enum OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason

                    Schema changes for 2020-04-15

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value CONVERT_TO_DRAFT_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member ConvertToDraftEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Field DeploymentStatus.creator changed type from Actor to Actor!
                    • Field isOverLimit was added to object type StarredRepositoryConnection
                    • Field Deployment.creator changed type from Actor to Actor!
                    • Field onBehalfOf was added to object type Commit
                    • Type ConvertToDraftEvent was added

                    Schema changes for 2020-03-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type IssueOrPullRequestEdge was removed
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.repositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to __no_default__
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to __no_default__
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field Organization.repositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field Organization.pinnedRepositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.watching changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR", "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER"] to ``
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.repositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.pinnedRepositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field Repository.forks changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                    • Field submodule was added to object type TreeEntry
                    • Field reviewDecision was added to object type ReviewStatusHovercardContext
                    • Field permalink was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                    • Field updateIpAllowListEntry was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateIpAllowListEnabledSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field setEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteIpAllowListEntry was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createIpAllowListEntry was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ipAllowListEntries was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field ipAllowListEnabledSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                    • Field submodules was added to object type Repository
                    • Field reviewDecision was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field submodules was added to object type Commit
                    • Field slug was added to object type Enterprise
                    • Type SubmoduleEdge was added
                    • Type PullRequestReviewDecision was added
                    • Type UpdateIpAllowListEntryInput was added
                    • Type UpdateIpAllowListEntryPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateIpAllowListEnabledSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateIpAllowListEnabledSettingPayload was added
                    • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                    • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                    • Type IpAllowListEntryOrderField was added
                    • Type IpAllowListEntryEdge was added
                    • Type IpAllowListOwner was added
                    • Type IpAllowListEntryOrder was added
                    • Type IpAllowListEntryConnection was added
                    • Type IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue was added
                    • Type DeleteIpAllowListEntryPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteIpAllowListEntryInput was added
                    • Type CreateIpAllowListEntryPayload was added
                    • Type IpAllowListEntry was added
                    • Type CreateIpAllowListEntryInput was added
                    • Type Submodule was added
                    • Type SubmoduleConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2020-03-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type MentionableItemEdge was removed
                    • Type MentionableItem was removed
                    • Field statusCheckRollup was added to object type Commit
                    • Type StatusCheckRollupContext was added
                    • Type StatusCheckRollupContextEdge was added
                    • Type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection was added
                    • Type StatusCheckRollup was added

                    Schema changes for 2020-03-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field actor was added to object type RequestReviewsPayload
                    • Type MentionableItemEdge was added
                    • Type MentionableItem was added

                    Schema changes for 2020-02-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type PackageType was added

                    The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

                    • Field packageType was added to object type Package

                    Schema changes for 2020-02-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field deleteDeployment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type DeleteDeploymentInput was added
                    • Type DeleteDeploymentPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2020-02-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type EnterpriseOrderField was removed
                    • Type CollectionItemContent was removed
                    • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value DISCONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value CONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Union member DisconnectedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Union member ConnectedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value DISCONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value CONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Union member DisconnectedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Union member ConnectedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Input field SubmitPullRequestReviewInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type SubmitPullRequestReviewInput
                    • Input field AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput
                    • Field originalEnvironment was added to object type Deployment
                    • Field latestEnvironment was added to object type Deployment
                    • Field checksUrl was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field checksResourcePath was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added
                    • Type DisconnectedEvent was added
                    • Type ConnectedEvent was added

                    The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Enum value STALE was added to enum CheckConclusionState
                    • Enum value SKIPPED was added to enum CheckConclusionState

                    Schema changes for 2020-01-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value DUPLICATE was added to enum ReportedContentClassifiers
                    • Field deleteBranchOnMerge was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2020-01-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field sponsorable was added to object type Sponsorship

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Sponsorship.maintainer: maintainer will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorable instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-12-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field actor was added to object type UpdatePullRequestPayload
                    • Field actor was added to object type UpdateIssuePayload
                    • Field actor was added to object type UnlockLockablePayload
                    • Field actor was added to object type MergePullRequestPayload
                    • Field actor was added to object type LockLockablePayload
                    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Repository.labels
                    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Issue.labels
                    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Labelable.labels
                    • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field PullRequest.labels
                    • Type LabelOrderField was added
                    • Type LabelOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-12-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field createdAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                    Schema changes for 2019-12-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field createdAt was added to object type SponsorsListing

                    Schema changes for 2019-11-25

                    The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

                    • Field statistics was added to object type PackageVersion
                    • Field statistics was added to object type Package
                    • Type PackageStatistics was added
                    • Type PackageVersionStatistics was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Organization.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member Organization.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.color: color will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.latestVersion: latestVersion will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member name will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.nameWithOwner: nameWithOwner will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.packageFileByGuid: packageFileByGuid will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.packageFileBySha256: packageFileBySha256 will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.packageType: packageType will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.preReleaseVersions: preReleaseVersions will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.registryPackageType: registryPackageType will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.repository: repository will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.statistics: statistics will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.tags: tags will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.topics: topics will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.version: version will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.versionByPlatform: versionByPlatform will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.versionBySha256: versionBySha256 will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.versions: versions will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackage.versionsByMetadatum: versionsByMetadatum will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageDependency.dependencyType: dependencyType will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageDependency.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.guid: guid will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.md5: md5 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.metadataUrl: metadataUrl will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.packageVersion: packageVersion will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.sha1: sha1 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.sha256: sha256 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.size: size will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageFile.url: url will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageOwner.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageSearch.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisMonth: downloadsThisMonth will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisWeek: downloadsThisWeek will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisYear: downloadsThisYear will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsToday: downloadsToday will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsTotalCount: downloadsTotalCount will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageTag object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageTag.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageTag object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.deleted: deleted will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.dependencies: dependencies will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.fileByName: fileByName will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.files: files will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.installationCommand: installationCommand will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.manifest: manifest will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.platform: platform will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.preRelease: preRelease will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.readme: readme will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.readmeHtml: readmeHtml will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.registryPackage: registryPackage will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.release: release will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.sha256: sha256 will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.size: size will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.statistics: statistics will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.summary: summary will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersion.viewerCanEdit: viewerCanEdit will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisMonth: downloadsThisMonth will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisWeek: downloadsThisWeek will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisYear: downloadsThisYear will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsToday: downloadsToday will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsTotalCount: downloadsTotalCount will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member Repository.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member Repository.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member User.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • On member User.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-11-22

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field unarchiveRepository was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field archiveRepository was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field fundingLinks was added to object type Repository
                    • Type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentPayload was added
                    • Type UnarchiveRepositoryInput was added
                    • Type UnarchiveRepositoryPayload was added
                    • Type ArchiveRepositoryInput was added
                    • Type ArchiveRepositoryPayload was added
                    • Type FundingPlatform was added
                    • Type FundingLink was added

                    The [Team Review Assignments Preview preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#team-review-assignments-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field updateTeamReviewAssignment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field reviewRequestDelegationNotifyTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field reviewRequestDelegationMemberCount was added to object type Team
                    • Field reviewRequestDelegationEnabled was added to object type Team
                    • Field reviewRequestDelegationAlgorithm was added to object type Team
                    • Type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput was added
                    • Type TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-11-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field hasProjectsEnabled was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field hasProjectsEnabled was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2019-11-06

                    The [Update refs preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#update-refs-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field updateRefs was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type GitRefname was added
                    • Type RefUpdate was added
                    • Type UpdateRefsInput was added
                    • Type UpdateRefsPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-10-31

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field field was added to input object type SponsorshipOrder
                    • Repository object implements PackageOwner interface
                    • User object implements PackageOwner interface
                    • Organization object implements PackageOwner interface
                    • Field tiers was added to object type SponsorsListing
                    • Field adminInfo was added to object type SponsorsTier
                    • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type Sponsorable
                    • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type User
                    • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type Organization
                    • Type SponsorsTierOrderField was added
                    • Type SponsorsTierOrder was added
                    • Type SponsorshipOrderField was added
                    • Type SponsorsTierAdminInfo was added
                    • Type SponsorsTierConnection was added
                    • Type PackageVersionEdge was added
                    • Type PackageVersionConnection was added
                    • Type PackageFileEdge was added
                    • Type PackageFileConnection was added
                    • Type PackageEdge was added
                    • Type PackageConnection was added

                    The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

                    • Field packages was added to object type Repository
                    • Field packages was added to object type User
                    • Field packages was added to object type Organization
                    • Type PackageTag was added
                    • Type PackageVersionOrderField was added
                    • Type PackageVersionOrder was added
                    • Type PackageOrderField was added
                    • Type PackageOrder was added
                    • Type PackageFileOrderField was added
                    • Type PackageFileOrder was added
                    • Type PackageFile was added
                    • Type PackageVersion was added
                    • Type Package was added
                    • Type PackageOwner was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Query.sponsorsListing: sponsorsListing will be removed. Use Sponsorable.sponsorsListing instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-10-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field tier was added to object type Sponsorship
                    • Type SponsorsTierEdge was added
                    • Type SponsorsTier was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-10-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument query: String added to field Repository.mentionableUsers

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-24

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field unfollowUser was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type UnfollowUserInput was added
                    • Type UnfollowUserPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-20

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Organization object implements Sponsorable interface
                    • Field followUser was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field sponsorshipsAsSponsor was added to object type Organization
                    • Field sponsorshipsAsMaintainer was added to object type Organization
                    • Type FollowUserInput was added
                    • Type FollowUserPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member OrgCreateAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Enum value COMPOSER was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem
                    • Field email was added to object type Mannequin
                    • Type OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan was added
                    • Type OrgCreateAuditEntry was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-17

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Repository object implements RegistryPackageSearch interface
                    • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument query: String added to field Repository.assignableUsers

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument query: String added to field Repository.collaborators

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Organization
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type Organization

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-08

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument skip: Int added to field PullRequestReviewThread.comments

                    Schema changes for 2019-09-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field mergeMethod was added to input object type MergePullRequestInput
                    • Field operationType was added to object type TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoDestroyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoCreateAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoArchivedAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoAddTopicAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type RepoAccessAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgBlockUserAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgAddMemberAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type AuditEntry
                    • Field operationType was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type Organization
                    • Type PullRequestMergeMethod was added
                    • Type OperationType was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-29

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field topRepositories was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-27

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field preRelease was added to object type RegistryPackageVersion

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member App was added to Union type PushAllowanceActor

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type Release
                    • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type Release

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-15

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field removeEnterpriseIdentityProvider was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was removed
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was removed
                    • Enum value ARCHIVED was added to enum CommentCannotUpdateReason

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field setEnterpriseIdentityProvider was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was removed
                    • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was removed

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field transferIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type TransferIssueInput was added
                    • Type TransferIssuePayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-08-08

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Union member RepoDestroyAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Union member RepoCreateAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Union member RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Union member RepoArchivedAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Union member RepoAddTopicAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseProfileInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseProfilePayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseAdministratorRoleInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseAdministratorRolePayload was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingPayload was added
                    • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                    • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseOrganizationInput was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseOrganizationPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseAdminInput was added
                    • Type RemoveEnterpriseAdminPayload was added
                    • Type RegenerateEnterpriseIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesInput was added
                    • Type RegenerateEnterpriseIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesPayload was added
                    • Type InviteEnterpriseAdminInput was added
                    • Type InviteEnterpriseAdminPayload was added
                    • Type CreateEnterpriseOrganizationInput was added
                    • Type CreateEnterpriseOrganizationPayload was added
                    • Type CancelEnterpriseAdminInvitationInput was added
                    • Type CancelEnterpriseAdminInvitationPayload was added
                    • Type AcceptEnterpriseAdministratorInvitationInput was added
                    • Type AcceptEnterpriseAdministratorInvitationPayload was added
                    • Type EnterpriseUserAccountEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseUserAccountConnection was added
                    • Type IdentityProviderConfigurationState was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseRepositoryInfoEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseRepositoryInfoConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationConnection was added
                    • Type RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type RepoDestroyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type RepoCreateAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType was added
                    • Type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type RepoArchivedAuditEntry was added
                    • Type TopicAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type RepoAddTopicAuditEntry was added

                    The Enterprise accounts preview includes these changes:

                    • Field updateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseProfile was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseAdministratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field setEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeEnterpriseOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeEnterpriseAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field regenerateEnterpriseIdentityProviderRecoveryCodes was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field inviteEnterpriseAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createEnterpriseOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field cancelEnterpriseAdminInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field acceptEnterpriseAdministratorInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field enterpriseAdministratorInvitationByToken was added to object type Query
                    • Field enterpriseAdministratorInvitation was added to object type Query
                    • Field enterprise was added to object type Query
                    • Type EnterpriseOrderField was added
                    • Type ActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was added
                    • Type EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue was added
                    • Type SamlSignatureAlgorithm was added
                    • Type SamlDigestAlgorithm was added
                    • Type EnterpriseIdentityProvider was added
                    • Type EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge was added
                    • Type EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationConnection was added
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationOrderField was added
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationOrder was added
                    • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge was added
                    • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderField was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitation was added
                    • Type EnterpriseRepositoryInfo was added
                    • Type EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue was added
                    • Type OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderField was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUpload was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderField was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmail was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccount was added
                    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallation was added
                    • Type EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue was added
                    • Type EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorRole was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseAdministratorConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseOwnerInfo was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMemberOrderField was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMemberOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseUserDeployment was added
                    • Type OrganizationOrderField was added
                    • Type OrganizationOrder was added
                    • Type EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole was added
                    • Type EnterpriseOrganizationMembershipEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseOrganizationMembershipConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseUserAccount was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMember was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMemberEdge was added
                    • Type EnterpriseMemberConnection was added
                    • Type EnterpriseBillingInfo was added
                    • Type Enterprise was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-31

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member MarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member MarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field RegistryPackageOwner.registryPackages
                    • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field Repository.registryPackages
                    • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field User.registryPackages
                    • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.registryPackages
                    • Type IssueOrPullRequestEdge was added
                    • Type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-29

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • User object implements Sponsorable interface
                    • Field sponsorshipsAsSponsor was added to object type User
                    • Field sponsorshipsAsMaintainer was added to object type User
                    • Type SponsorshipOrder was added
                    • Type SponsorshipPrivacy was added
                    • Type Sponsorship was added
                    • Type SponsorshipEdge was added
                    • Type SponsorshipConnection was added
                    • Type Sponsorable was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-26

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type RegistryPackageSearch
                    • Field registryPackages was added to object type RegistryPackageOwner
                    • Field registryPackages was added to object type Repository
                    • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type User
                    • Field registryPackages was added to object type User
                    • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type Organization
                    • Field registryPackages was added to object type Organization
                    • Type RegistryPackageMetadatum was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageTag was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageTagEdge was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageTagConnection was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageStatistics was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersionEdge was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersionConnection was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageType was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersionStatistics was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageFileEdge was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageFileConnection was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageFile was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependencyType was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependency was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependencyEdge was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageDependencyConnection was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageVersion was added
                    • Type RegistryPackage was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageEdge was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-24

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member Bot was added to Union type Assignee
                    • Field emojiHTML was added to object type UserStatus

                    The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field url was added to object type CheckSuite
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type CheckSuite

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field repositoryIds was added to input object type CreateProjectInput
                    • Field unlinkRepositoryFromProject was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field linkRepositoryToProject was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type UnlinkRepositoryFromProjectInput was added
                    • Type UnlinkRepositoryFromProjectPayload was added
                    • Type LinkRepositoryToProjectInput was added
                    • Type LinkRepositoryToProjectPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution
                    • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution
                    • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution
                    • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution
                    • Field messageHtml was removed from object type ReviewDismissedEvent
                    • Field message was removed from object type ReviewDismissedEvent
                    • Field members was removed from object type Organization
                    • Gist object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                    • Field assignee was added to object type UnassignedEvent
                    • Field assignee was added to object type AssignedEvent
                    • Field url was added to object type Gist
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type Gist
                    • Field savedReplies was added to object type User
                    • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type Query
                    • Type SponsorsListing was added
                    • Type SavedReplyOrderField was added
                    • Type SavedReplyOrder was added
                    • Type SavedReply was added
                    • Type SavedReplyEdge was added
                    • Type SavedReplyConnection was added
                    • Type Assignee was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member AssignedEvent.user: user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead. Effective 2020-01-01.
                  • On member UnassignedEvent.user: user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead. Effective 2020-01-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-07-17

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type BusinessAuditEntryData was removed
                    • Input field template was added to input object type CreateProjectInput
                    • Field updateRepository was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field mergeBranch was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type UpdateRepositoryInput was added
                    • Type UpdateRepositoryPayload was added
                    • Type MergeBranchInput was added
                    • Type MergeBranchPayload was added
                    • Type ProjectTemplate was added

                    The Audit Log preview includes these changes:

                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field businessUrl was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • Field businessSlug was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                    • RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                    • Type EnterpriseAuditEntryData was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-07-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value READY_FOR_REVIEW_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member ReadyForReviewEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Type ReadyForReviewEvent was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-06-28

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field updateRef was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteRef was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createRef was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type UpdateRefInput was added
                    • Type UpdateRefPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteRefInput was added
                    • Type DeleteRefPayload was added
                    • Type CreateRefInput was added
                    • Type CreateRefPayload was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Organization.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.affectedRange: affectedRange will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.vulnerableVersionRange instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalIdentifier: externalIdentifier will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.identifiers instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference: externalReference will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.references instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixedIn: fixedIn will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.firstPatchedVersion instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.packageName: packageName will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.package instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member User.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-06-26

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field createRepository was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type CreateRepositoryInput was added
                    • Type CreateRepositoryPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-06-25

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field PublicKey.updatedAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
                    • Field PublicKey.isReadOnly changed type from Boolean! to Boolean
                    • Field PublicKey.createdAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
                    • Field PublicKey.fingerprint changed type from String to String!
                    • Field issuePrioritiesDebug was added to object type Milestone

                    Schema changes for 2019-06-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member App was added to Union type SearchResultItem
                    • Field cloneTemplateRepository was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field isTemplate was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field templateRepository was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isTemplate was added to object type Repository
                    • Type RepositoryVisibility was added
                    • Type CloneTemplateRepositoryInput was added
                    • Type CloneTemplateRepositoryPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-06-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field ContributionOrder.field changed type from ContributionOrderField! to ContributionOrderField

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member ContributionOrder.field: field will be removed. Only one order field is supported. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-06-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument oid: GitObjectID added to field Gist.files
                    • Field forks was added to object type Gist

                    Schema changes for 2019-06-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value USER was added to enum PinnableItemType
                    • Enum value TEAM was added to enum PinnableItemType
                    • Enum value PULL_REQUEST was added to enum PinnableItemType
                    • Enum value PROJECT was added to enum PinnableItemType
                    • Enum value ORGANIZATION was added to enum PinnableItemType
                    • Field requiresCodeOwnerReviews was added to object type BranchProtectionRule

                    The [Labels Preview preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#labels-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Input field description was added to input object type UpdateLabelInput
                    • Input field description was added to input object type CreateLabelInput

                    Schema changes for 2019-06-04

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Issue.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member PullRequest.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-05-31

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field expiresAt was added to input object type ChangeUserStatusInput
                    • Field avatarUrl was added to object type StatusContext
                    • Field expiresAt was added to object type UserStatus

                    Schema changes for 2019-05-29

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value TRIAGE was added to enum RepositoryPermission
                    • Enum value MAINTAIN was added to enum RepositoryPermission
                    • Field openGraphImageUrl was added to object type Repository
                    • Field openGraphImageUrl was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field usesCustomOpenGraphImage was added to object type Repository
                    • Field usesCustomOpenGraphImage was added to object type RepositoryInfo

                    Schema changes for 2019-05-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type OrganizationAuditEntryEdge was added
                    • Type OrganizationAuditEntryConnection was added

                    The Audit Log preview includes these changes:

                    • Field auditLog was added to object type Organization
                    • Type AuditLogOrderField was added
                    • Type AuditLogOrder was added
                    • Type TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry was added
                    • Type TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry was added
                    • Type TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry was added
                    • Type TeamAddMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type RepoAddMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type RepoAccessAuditEntry was added
                    • Type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry was added
                    • Type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission was added
                    • Type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry was added
                    • Type TeamAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type OrgRestoreMemberMembershipTeamAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type RepositoryAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type OrgRestoreMemberMembershipRepositoryAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type OrgRestoreMemberMembershipOrganizationAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntryMembership was added
                    • Type OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason was added
                    • Type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgBlockUserAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission was added
                    • Type OrgAddMemberAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState was added
                    • Type OauthApplicationAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry was added
                    • Type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry was added
                    • Type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrganizationAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type BusinessAuditEntryData was added
                    • Type PreciseDateTime was added
                    • Type ActorLocation was added
                    • Type AuditEntryActor was added
                    • Type AuditEntry was added
                    • Type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry was added
                    • Type OrganizationAuditEntry was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-05-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value ISSUE was added to enum PinnableItemType
                    • Field origin was added to object type SecurityAdvisory

                    Schema changes for 2019-05-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member Mannequin was added to Union type RequestedReviewer
                    • Type Mannequin was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-04-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isArchived was added to object type MarketplaceListing

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member MarketplaceListing.hasApprovalBeenRequested: hasApprovalBeenRequested will be removed. Use isVerificationPendingFromDraft instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member MarketplaceListing.isApproved: isApproved will be removed. Use isPublic instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • On member MarketplaceListing.isDelisted: isDelisted will be removed. Use isArchived instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-04-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field permissionSources was added to object type RepositoryCollaboratorEdge
                    • Type PermissionGranter was added
                    • Type PermissionSource was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-04-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value USER_BLOCKED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem
                    • Enum value USER_BLOCKED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                    • Field isDisabled was added to object type Repository
                    • Type UserBlockDuration was added
                    • Type UserBlockedEvent was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-03-30

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • User object implements ProfileOwner interface
                    • Organization object implements ProfileOwner interface
                    • Field viewerCanChangePinnedItems was added to object type User
                    • Field pinnedItemsRemaining was added to object type User
                    • Field pinnedItems was added to object type User
                    • Field pinnableItems was added to object type User
                    • Field itemShowcase was added to object type User
                    • Field anyPinnableItems was added to object type User
                    • Field viewerCanChangePinnedItems was added to object type Organization
                    • Field pinnedItemsRemaining was added to object type Organization
                    • Field pinnedItems was added to object type Organization
                    • Field pinnableItems was added to object type Organization
                    • Field itemShowcase was added to object type Organization
                    • Field anyPinnableItems was added to object type Organization
                    • Type PinnableItem was added
                    • Type PinnableItemEdge was added
                    • Type PinnableItemConnection was added
                    • Type ProfileItemShowcase was added
                    • Type PinnableItemType was added
                    • Type ProfileOwner was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Organization.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member User.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-03-29

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field cloneProject was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type CloneProjectInput was added
                    • Type CloneProjectPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-03-23

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Repository.protectedBranches: protectedBranches will be removed. Use Repository.branchProtectionRules instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member Migration.uploadUrlTemplate: uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
                  • On member Organization.members: members will be removed. Use Organization.membersWithRole instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.affectedRange: affectedRange will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.vulnerableVersionRange instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalIdentifier: externalIdentifier will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.identifiers instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference: externalReference will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.references instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixedIn: fixedIn will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.firstPatchedVersion instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.packageName: packageName will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.package instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.message: message will be removed. Use dismissalMessage instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.messageHtml: messageHtml will be removed. Use dismissalMessageHTML instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-03-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field baseRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2019-03-19

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-03-08

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field associatedPullRequests was added to object type Commit
                    • Type PullRequestOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-03-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field pullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field pullRequestContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field issueContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository was added
                    • Type PullRequestContributionsByRepository was added
                    • Type IssueContributionsByRepository was added

                    The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                    • Field pendingCollaborators was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field outsideCollaborators was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field members was added to object type Business
                    • Type BusinessMemberEdge was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberConnection was added
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationOrder was added
                    • Type BusinessPendingCollaboratorEdge was added
                    • Type BusinessPendingCollaboratorConnection was added
                    • Type BusinessRepositoryInfoEdge was added
                    • Type BusinessRepositoryInfoConnection was added
                    • Type BusinessOutsideCollaboratorEdge was added
                    • Type BusinessOutsideCollaboratorConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-03-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput was removed
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingPayload was removed
                    • Field pullRequestReviewContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field contributionYears was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestReviewContribution was added
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionEdge was added
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection was added

                    The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                    • Argument orderBy: BusinessMemberInvitationOrder added to field BusinessBillingInfo.pendingBillingManagerInvitations
                    • Argument orderBy: OrganizationInvitationOrder added to field BusinessAdminInfo.pendingMemberInvitations
                    • Argument orderBy: BusinessMemberInvitationOrder added to field BusinessAdminInfo.pendingAdminInvitations
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationOrderField was added
                    • Type OrganizationInvitationOrderField was added
                    • Type OrganizationInvitationOrder was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberInvitationOrderField was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberInvitationOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-03-02

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument orderBy: ContributionOrder added to field ContributionsCollection.issueContributions
                    • Field repositoryContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type CreatedRepositoryContributionEdge was added
                    • Type CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-26

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field OrganizationMemberEdge.hasTwoFactorEnabled changed type from Boolean! to Boolean

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field language was added to object type GistFile
                    • Field isTruncated was added to object type GistFile
                    • Field isImage was added to object type GistFile
                    • Field extension was added to object type GistFile
                    • Field encodedName was added to object type GistFile
                    • Type IdentityProviderConfigurationState was added

                    The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                    • Field samlIdentityProviderSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field actionExecutionCapabilitySettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Argument query: String added to field Business.organizations

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value DRAFT was added to enum MergeStateStatus
                    • Field isVerified was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field isVerificationPendingFromUnverified was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field isVerificationPendingFromDraft was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field isUnverifiedPending was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field isUnverified was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Field isPublic was added to object type MarketplaceListing

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-20

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field contributions was added to object type CommitContributionsByRepository
                    • Field pullRequestContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field firstRepositoryContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type ContributionOrderField was added
                    • Type ContributionOrder was added
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection was added
                    • Type CreatedRepositoryContribution was added
                    • Type CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution was added
                    • Type CommitContributionOrderField was added
                    • Type CommitContributionOrder was added
                    • Type CreatedCommitContribution was added
                    • Type CreatedCommitContributionEdge was added
                    • Type CreatedCommitContributionConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-15

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isFork was added to object type Gist
                    • Field files was added to object type Gist
                    • Field commitContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type GistFile was added
                    • Type CommitContributionsByRepository was added

                    The Draft Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Input field draft was added to input object type CreatePullRequestInput
                    • Field markPullRequestReadyForReview was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field isDraft was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Type MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput was added
                    • Type MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Organization object implements MemberStatusable interface
                    • Team object implements MemberStatusable interface
                    • User object implements ProjectOwner interface
                    • Field changeUserStatus was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field memberStatuses was added to object type Organization
                    • Field memberStatuses was added to object type Team
                    • Field viewerCanCreateProjects was added to object type User
                    • Field status was added to object type User
                    • Field projectsUrl was added to object type User
                    • Field projectsResourcePath was added to object type User
                    • Field projects was added to object type User
                    • Field project was added to object type User
                    • Type ChangeUserStatusInput was added
                    • Type ChangeUserStatusPayload was added
                    • Type UserStatusOrderField was added
                    • Type UserStatusOrder was added
                    • Type UserStatus was added
                    • Type UserStatusEdge was added
                    • Type UserStatusConnection was added
                    • Type MemberStatusable was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type PublicKey
                    • Field isReadOnly was added to object type PublicKey
                    • Field fingerprint was added to object type PublicKey
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type PublicKey
                    • Field accessedAt was added to object type PublicKey
                    • Field hasTwoFactorEnabled was added to object type OrganizationMemberEdge
                    • Type SetBusinessIdentityProviderInput was added
                    • Type SetBusinessIdentityProviderPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveBusinessIdentityProviderInput was added
                    • Type RemoveBusinessIdentityProviderPayload was added
                    • Type RegenerateBusinessIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesInput was added
                    • Type RegenerateBusinessIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesPayload was added

                    The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                    • Field setBusinessIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeBusinessIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field regenerateBusinessIdentityProviderRecoveryCodes was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field twoFactorRequiredSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field teamDiscussionsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field samlIdentityProvider was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field repositoryProjectsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field organizationProjectsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field membersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field membersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field membersCanDeleteIssuesSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field membersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field membersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field defaultRepositoryPermissionSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Field allowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                    • Type SamlSignatureAlgorithm was added
                    • Type SamlDigestAlgorithm was added
                    • Type BusinessIdentityProvider was added
                    • Type OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field Commit.deployments changed from {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"ASC"}
                    • Default value for argument orderBy on field Repository.deployments changed from {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"ASC"}

                    Schema changes for 2019-02-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField was added

                    The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                    • Field RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference changed type from String to String!
                    • Field vulnerableRequirements was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field vulnerableManifestPath was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field vulnerableManifestFilename was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field securityVulnerability was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field securityAdvisory was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.affectedRange: affectedRange will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.vulnerableVersionRange instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalIdentifier: externalIdentifier will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.identifiers instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference: externalReference will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.references instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixedIn: fixedIn will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.firstPatchedVersion instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.packageName: packageName will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.package instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-02-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value QUEUED was added to enum DeploymentStatusState
                    • Enum value IN_PROGRESS was added to enum DeploymentStatusState
                    • Field dismissalMessageHTML was added to object type ReviewDismissedEvent
                    • Field dismissalMessage was added to object type ReviewDismissedEvent

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.message: message will be removed. Use dismissalMessage instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.messageHtml: messageHtml will be removed. Use dismissalMessageHTML instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2019-02-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field deployments was added to object type Commit
                    • Argument orderBy: DeploymentOrder added to field Repository.deployments
                    • Type UpdateBusinessTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessTeamDiscussionsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessTeamDiscussionsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessRepositoryProjectsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessRepositoryProjectsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessProfileInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessProfilePayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessOrganizationProjectsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessOrganizationProjectsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBusinessAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveBusinessBillingManagerInput was added
                    • Type RemoveBusinessBillingManagerPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveBusinessAdminInput was added
                    • Type RemoveBusinessAdminPayload was added
                    • Type InviteBusinessBillingManagerInput was added
                    • Type InviteBusinessBillingManagerPayload was added
                    • Type InviteBusinessAdminInput was added
                    • Type InviteBusinessAdminPayload was added
                    • Type CancelBusinessBillingManagerInvitationInput was added
                    • Type CancelBusinessBillingManagerInvitationPayload was added
                    • Type CancelBusinessAdminInvitationInput was added
                    • Type CancelBusinessAdminInvitationPayload was added
                    • Type AcceptBusinessMemberInvitationInput was added
                    • Type AcceptBusinessMemberInvitationPayload was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberInvitationEdge was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberInvitationConnection was added
                    • Type DeploymentOrderField was added
                    • Type DeploymentOrder was added

                    The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                    • Field updateBusinessTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessTeamDiscussionsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessRepositoryProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessProfile was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessOrganizationProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanDeleteIssuesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateBusinessAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeBusinessBillingManager was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeBusinessAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field inviteBusinessBillingManager was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field inviteBusinessAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field cancelBusinessBillingManagerInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field cancelBusinessAdminInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field acceptBusinessMemberInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field businessMemberInvitationByToken was added to object type Query
                    • Field businessMemberInvitation was added to object type Query
                    • Field business was added to object type Query
                    • Type BusinessRepositoryInfo was added
                    • Type OrganizationOrderField was added
                    • Type OrganizationOrder was added
                    • Type BusinessBillingInfo was added
                    • Type BusinessEnabledSettingValue was added
                    • Type BusinessPendingMemberInvitationConnection was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberInvitationRole was added
                    • Type BusinessMemberInvitation was added
                    • Type BusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added
                    • Type BusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue was added
                    • Type BusinessEnabledDisabledSettingValue was added
                    • Type BusinessAdminInfo was added
                    • Type Business was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-31

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • CodeOfConduct object implements Node interface
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                    • Field id was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                    • Type PullRequestReviewThreadEdge was added
                    • Type PullRequestReviewThreadConnection was added

                    The Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Field reviewThreads was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-30

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • CodeOfConduct object implements Node interface
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                    • Field id was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                    • Type PullRequestReviewThreadEdge was added
                    • Type PullRequestReviewThreadConnection was added

                    The Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Field reviewThreads was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field pendingMembers was added to object type Organization

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value ROCKET was added to enum ReactionContent
                    • Enum value EYES was added to enum ReactionContent

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field issueContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type CreatedIssueContributionConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • PullRequestReview object implements Reactable interface
                    • Field viewerCanReact was added to object type PullRequestReview
                    • Field reactions was added to object type PullRequestReview
                    • Field reactionGroups was added to object type PullRequestReview

                    The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                    • Argument includeNotificationContexts: Boolean added to field PullRequest.hovercard
                    • Argument includeNotificationContexts: Boolean added to field Issue.hovercard

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-08

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field protectedBranch was removed from object type ReviewDismissalAllowance
                    • Field protectedBranch was removed from object type PushAllowance

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-05

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type DeleteIssueInput was added
                    • Type DeleteIssuePayload was added

                    The Issues Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Field deleteIssue was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2019-01-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field UpdateTopicsPayload.repository changed type from Repository! to Repository
                    • Field UpdateSubscriptionPayload.subscribable changed type from Subscribable! to Subscribable
                    • Field UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentPayload.pullRequestReviewComment changed type from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field UpdatePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                    • Field UpdateProjectColumnPayload.projectColumn changed type from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn
                    • Field UpdateProjectCardPayload.projectCard changed type from ProjectCard! to ProjectCard
                    • Field UpdateProjectPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                    • Field SubmitPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                    • Field RequestReviewsPayload.requestedReviewersEdge changed type from UserEdge! to UserEdge
                    • Field RequestReviewsPayload.pullRequest changed type from PullRequest! to PullRequest
                    • Field RemoveStarPayload.starrable changed type from Starrable! to Starrable
                    • Field RemoveReactionPayload.subject changed type from Reactable! to Reactable
                    • Field RemoveReactionPayload.reaction changed type from Reaction! to Reaction
                    • Field RemoveOutsideCollaboratorPayload.removedUser changed type from User! to User
                    • Field MoveProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge changed type from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge
                    • Field MoveProjectCardPayload.cardEdge changed type from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge
                    • Field DismissPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                    • Field DeletePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                    • Field DeleteProjectColumnPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                    • Field DeleteProjectColumnPayload.deletedColumnId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Field DeleteProjectCardPayload.deletedCardId changed type from ID! to ID
                    • Field DeleteProjectCardPayload.column changed type from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn
                    • Field DeleteProjectPayload.owner changed type from ProjectOwner! to ProjectOwner
                    • Field DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload.topic changed type from Topic! to Topic
                    • Field CreateProjectPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                    • Field AddStarPayload.starrable changed type from Starrable! to Starrable
                    • Field AddReactionPayload.subject changed type from Reactable! to Reactable
                    • Field AddReactionPayload.reaction changed type from Reaction! to Reaction
                    • Field AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.commentEdge changed type from PullRequestReviewCommentEdge! to PullRequestReviewCommentEdge
                    • Field AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.comment changed type from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field AddPullRequestReviewPayload.reviewEdge changed type from PullRequestReviewEdge! to PullRequestReviewEdge
                    • Field AddPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                    • Field AddProjectColumnPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                    • Field AddProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge changed type from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge
                    • Field AddProjectCardPayload.projectColumn changed type from Project! to ProjectColumn
                    • Field AddProjectCardPayload.cardEdge changed type from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge
                    • Field AddCommentPayload.timelineEdge changed type from IssueTimelineItemEdge! to IssueTimelineItemEdge
                    • Field AddCommentPayload.subject changed type from Node! to Node
                    • Field AddCommentPayload.commentEdge changed type from IssueCommentEdge! to IssueCommentEdge
                    • Field AcceptTopicSuggestionPayload.topic changed type from Topic! to Topic

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field firstPullRequestContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field firstIssueContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution was added
                    • Type RestrictedContribution was added
                    • Type CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-20

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument first: Int added to field Topic.relatedTopics

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-18

                    The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                    • Field hovercard was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field hovercard was added to object type Issue
                    • Type ViewerHovercardContext was added
                    • Type ReviewStatusHovercardContext was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field popularPullRequestContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field popularIssueContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field mostRecentCollectionWithoutActivity was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field joinedGitHubContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Field hasActivityInThePast was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestContributionEdge was added
                    • Type CreatedIssueContributionEdge was added
                    • Type CreatedPullRequestContribution was added
                    • Type CreatedIssueContribution was added
                    • Type Contribution was added
                    • Type JoinedGitHubContribution was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value UNPINNED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value PINNED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member UnpinnedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Union member PinnedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Enum value UNPINNED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value PINNED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member UnpinnedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Union member PinnedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • Type UnpinIssueInput was added
                    • Type UnpinIssuePayload was added
                    • Type PinIssueInput was added
                    • Type PinIssuePayload was added
                    • Type UnpinnedEvent was added
                    • Type PinnedEvent was added

                    The [Pinned Issues Preview preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#pinned-issues-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field unpinIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field pinIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field pinnedIssues was added to object type Repository
                    • Type PinnedIssue was added
                    • Type PinnedIssueEdge was added
                    • Type PinnedIssueConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field tagName was added to object type Release

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type CreateContentAttachmentInput was added
                    • Type ContentReference was added
                    • Type ContentAttachment was added
                    • Type CreateContentAttachmentPayload was added

                    The [Create content attachments preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#create-content-attachments-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field createContentAttachment was added to object type Mutation

                    Schema changes for 2018-12-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field membersWithRole was added to object type Organization
                    • Type OrganizationMemberRole was added
                    • Type OrganizationMemberEdge was added
                    • Type OrganizationMemberConnection was added

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Organization.members: members will be removed. Use Organization.membersWithRole instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2018-12-01

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field contributionsCollection was added to object type User
                    • Type ContributionCalendarDay was added
                    • Type ContributionCalendarWeek was added
                    • Type Date was added
                    • Type ContributionCalendarMonth was added
                    • Type ContributionCalendar was added
                    • Type ContributionsCollection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-11-16

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member Migration.uploadUrlTemplate: uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2018-11-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field commitOid was added to object type Deployment

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member AddProjectCardPayload.projectColumn: Type for projectColumn will change from Project! to ProjectColumn. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2018-11-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value TRANSFERRED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member TransferredEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                    • Union member TransferredEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem
                    • GistComment object implements Minimizable interface
                    • Enum value TRANSFERRED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Union member TransferredEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                    • PullRequestReviewComment object implements Minimizable interface
                    • CommitComment object implements Minimizable interface
                    • Commit object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                    • IssueComment object implements Minimizable interface
                    • Enum value DENIED was added to enum CommentCannotUpdateReason
                    • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field minimizedReason was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field isMinimized was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field minimizedReason was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field isMinimized was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field minimizedReason was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field isMinimized was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Field minimizedReason was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Field isMinimized was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Type UnminimizeCommentInput was added
                    • Type UnminimizeCommentPayload was added
                    • Type ReportedContentClassifiers was added
                    • Type MinimizeCommentInput was added
                    • Type MinimizeCommentPayload was added
                    • Type TransferredEvent was added

                    The _Minimize Comments_ preview includes these changes:

                    • Field unminimizeComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field minimizeComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type Minimizable was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-10-24

                    The Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Field updatePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field reopenPullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field mergePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deletePullRequestReviewComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createPullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field closePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field files was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Type UpdatePullRequestInput was added
                    • Type UpdatePullRequestPayload was added
                    • Type ReopenPullRequestInput was added
                    • Type ReopenPullRequestPayload was added
                    • Type MergePullRequestInput was added
                    • Type MergePullRequestPayload was added
                    • Type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput was added
                    • Type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentPayload was added
                    • Type CreatePullRequestInput was added
                    • Type CreatePullRequestPayload was added
                    • Type ClosePullRequestInput was added
                    • Type ClosePullRequestPayload was added
                    • Type PullRequestChangedFile was added
                    • Type PullRequestChangedFileEdge was added
                    • Type PullRequestChangedFileConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-10-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field Repository.forks
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field User.watching
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field User.repositories
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field User.pinnedRepositories
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field Organization.repositories
                    • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field Organization.pinnedRepositories

                    Schema changes for 2018-10-16

                    The Access to GitHub Security Advisories preview includes these changes:

                    • Field securityVulnerabilities was added to object type Query
                    • Field securityAdvisory was added to object type Query
                    • Field securityAdvisories was added to object type Query
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryOrderField was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryOrder was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierFilter was added
                    • Type SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField was added
                    • Type SecurityVulnerabilityOrder was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryPackage was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryPackageVersion was added
                    • Type SecurityVulnerability was added
                    • Type SecurityVulnerabilityEdge was added
                    • Type SecurityVulnerabilityConnection was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisorySeverity was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryReference was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifier was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisory was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryEdge was added
                    • Type SecurityAdvisoryConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-10-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field outdated was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field onBehalfOf was added to object type PullRequestReview

                    Schema changes for 2018-10-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field state was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Type PullRequestReviewCommentState was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-10-08

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member PushAllowance.protectedBranch: protectedBranch will be removed. Use Repository.branchProtectionRule instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member Repository.protectedBranches: protectedBranches will be removed. Use Repository.branchProtectionRules instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member ReviewDismissalAllowance.protectedBranch: protectedBranch will be removed. Use ReviewDismissalAllowance.branchProtectionRule instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2018-09-26

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field viewerCanApplySuggestion was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-25

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field ref was added to object type Deployment

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-19

                    The Issues Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Field convertProjectCardNoteToIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput was added
                    • Type ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssuePayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                    • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-13

                    The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field app was added to object type CheckSuite

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type UpdateIssueCommentInput was added
                    • Type UpdateIssueCommentPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateIssueInput was added
                    • Type UpdateIssuePayload was added
                    • Type UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput was added
                    • Type UnmarkIssueAsDuplicatePayload was added
                    • Type ReopenIssueInput was added
                    • Type ReopenIssuePayload was added
                    • Type RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput was added
                    • Type RemoveLabelsFromLabelablePayload was added
                    • Type RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput was added
                    • Type RemoveAssigneesFromAssignablePayload was added
                    • Type DeleteIssueCommentInput was added
                    • Type DeleteIssueCommentPayload was added
                    • Type CreateIssueInput was added
                    • Type CreateIssuePayload was added
                    • Type CloseIssueInput was added
                    • Type CloseIssuePayload was added
                    • Type ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput was added
                    • Type ClearLabelsFromLabelablePayload was added
                    • Type AddLabelsToLabelableInput was added
                    • Type AddLabelsToLabelablePayload was added
                    • Type AddAssigneesToAssignableInput was added
                    • Type AddAssigneesToAssignablePayload was added
                    • Type IssueTimelineItemsItemType was added
                    • Type IssueTimelineItems was added
                    • Type IssueTimelineItemsEdge was added
                    • Type IssueTimelineItemsConnection was added
                    • Type PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType was added
                    • Type PullRequestTimelineItems was added
                    • Type PullRequestTimelineItemsEdge was added
                    • Type PullRequestTimelineItemsConnection was added

                    The Issues Preview preview includes these changes:

                    • Field updateIssueComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field unmarkIssueAsDuplicate was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field reopenIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeLabelsFromLabelable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field removeAssigneesFromAssignable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteIssueComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field closeIssue was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field clearLabelsFromLabelable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field addLabelsToLabelable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field addAssigneesToAssignable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field Milestone.issues
                    • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field Label.issues
                    • Field timelineItems was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field Repository.issues
                    • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field User.issues
                    • Field timelineItems was added to object type Issue
                    • Type PullRequestRevisionMarker was added
                    • Type PullRequestCommitCommentThread was added
                    • Type IssueFilters was added

                    The Branch Protection Rules preview includes these changes:

                    • Field updateBranchProtectionRule was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteBranchProtectionRule was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createBranchProtectionRule was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field branchProtectionRule was added to object type ReviewDismissalAllowance
                    • Field branchProtectionRule was added to object type PushAllowance
                    • Field branchProtectionRules was added to object type Repository
                    • Type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput was added
                    • Type UpdateBranchProtectionRulePayload was added
                    • Type DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput was added
                    • Type DeleteBranchProtectionRulePayload was added
                    • Type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput was added
                    • Type CreateBranchProtectionRulePayload was added
                    • Type BranchProtectionRuleConflict was added
                    • Type BranchProtectionRuleConflictEdge was added
                    • Type BranchProtectionRuleConflictConnection was added
                    • Type BranchProtectionRule was added
                    • Type BranchProtectionRuleEdge was added
                    • Type BranchProtectionRuleConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-10

                    The [Project Event Details preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#project-event-details-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field projectColumnName was added to object type RemovedFromProjectEvent
                    • Field project was added to object type RemovedFromProjectEvent
                    • Field projectColumnName was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                    • Field projectCard was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                    • Field project was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                    • Field previousProjectColumnName was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                    • Field projectColumnName was added to object type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
                    • Field projectCard was added to object type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
                    • Field project was added to object type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
                    • Field projectColumnName was added to object type AddedToProjectEvent
                    • Field projectCard was added to object type AddedToProjectEvent
                    • Field project was added to object type AddedToProjectEvent

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value BAD_CERT was added to enum GitSignatureState

                    Schema changes for 2018-09-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field isArchived was added to input object type UpdateProjectCardInput
                    • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field PullRequest.projectCards
                    • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field Issue.projectCards
                    • Field isArchived was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field
                    • Field purpose was added to object type ProjectColumn
                    • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field Project.pendingCards
                    • Type PullRequestOrderField was added
                    • Type ProjectColumnPurpose was added
                    • Type ProjectCardArchivedState was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-08-31

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field logoBackgroundColor was added to object type App

                    Schema changes for 2018-08-24

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument includeCategories: [String!] added to field Query.marketplaceCategories

                    Schema changes for 2018-08-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Union member DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                    • Type DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-08-09

                    The Temporary Cloning Token for Private Repositories preview includes these changes:

                    • Field tempCloneToken was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2018-08-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field isVerified was added to object type Organization
                    • Field app was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                    • Type App was added

                    The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field warningLevel was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Field startLine was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Field filename was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Field endLine was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Field creator was removed from object type CheckRun
                    • Field updateCheckSuitePreferences was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateCheckRun was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field rerequestCheckSuite was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createCheckSuite was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createCheckRun was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field path was added to object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Field location was added to object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Field annotationLevel was added to object type CheckAnnotation
                    • Type CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference was added
                    • Type UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput was added
                    • Type UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateCheckRunInput was added
                    • Type UpdateCheckRunPayload was added
                    • Type RerequestCheckSuiteInput was added
                    • Type RerequestCheckSuitePayload was added
                    • Type CreateCheckSuiteInput was added
                    • Type CreateCheckSuitePayload was added
                    • Type RequestableCheckStatusState was added
                    • Type CheckRunOutputImage was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationRange was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationData was added
                    • Type CheckRunOutput was added
                    • Type CheckRunAction was added
                    • Type CreateCheckRunInput was added
                    • Type CreateCheckRunPayload was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationPosition was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationSpan was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-08-01

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member AcceptTopicSuggestionPayload.topic: Type for topic will change from Topic! to Topic. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddCommentPayload.commentEdge: Type for commentEdge will change from IssueCommentEdge! to IssueCommentEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddCommentPayload.subject: Type for subject will change from Node! to Node. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddCommentPayload.timelineEdge: Type for timelineEdge will change from IssueTimelineItemEdge! to IssueTimelineItemEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddProjectCardPayload.cardEdge: Type for cardEdge will change from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddProjectCardPayload.projectColumn: Type for projectColumn will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge: Type for columnEdge will change from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddProjectColumnPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.comment: Type for comment will change from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.commentEdge: Type for commentEdge will change from PullRequestReviewCommentEdge! to PullRequestReviewCommentEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddPullRequestReviewPayload.reviewEdge: Type for reviewEdge will change from PullRequestReviewEdge! to PullRequestReviewEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddReactionPayload.reaction: Type for reaction will change from Reaction! to Reaction. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddReactionPayload.subject: Type for subject will change from Reactable! to Reactable. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member AddStarPayload.starrable: Type for starrable will change from Starrable! to Starrable. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member CreateProjectPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload.topic: Type for topic will change from Topic! to Topic. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeleteProjectCardPayload.column: Type for column will change from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeleteProjectCardPayload.deletedCardId: Type for deletedCardId will change from ID! to ID. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeleteProjectColumnPayload.deletedColumnId: Type for deletedColumnId will change from ID! to ID. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeleteProjectColumnPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeleteProjectPayload.owner: Type for owner will change from ProjectOwner! to ProjectOwner. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DeletePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member DismissPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member MoveProjectCardPayload.cardEdge: Type for cardEdge will change from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member MoveProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge: Type for columnEdge will change from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member RemoveOutsideCollaboratorPayload.removedUser: Type for removedUser will change from User! to User. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member RemoveReactionPayload.reaction: Type for reaction will change from Reaction! to Reaction. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member RemoveReactionPayload.subject: Type for subject will change from Reactable! to Reactable. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member RemoveStarPayload.starrable: Type for starrable will change from Starrable! to Starrable. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member RequestReviewsPayload.pullRequest: Type for pullRequest will change from PullRequest! to PullRequest. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member RequestReviewsPayload.requestedReviewersEdge: Type for requestedReviewersEdge will change from UserEdge! to UserEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member SubmitPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdateProjectCardPayload.projectCard: Type for projectCard will change from ProjectCard! to ProjectCard. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdateProjectColumnPayload.projectColumn: Type for projectColumn will change from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdateProjectPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentPayload.pullRequestReviewComment: Type for pullRequestReviewComment will change from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdatePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdateSubscriptionPayload.subscribable: Type for subscribable will change from Subscribable! to Subscribable. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • On member UpdateTopicsPayload.repository: Type for repository will change from Repository! to Repository. Effective 2019-01-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2018-07-26

                    The [Deployments preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#deployments-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Enum value QUEUED was added to enum DeploymentState
                    • Enum value IN_PROGRESS was added to enum DeploymentState
                    • Field createDeploymentStatus was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createDeployment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field environment was added to object type DeploymentStatus
                    • Type CreateDeploymentStatusInput was added
                    • Type CreateDeploymentStatusPayload was added
                    • Type CreateDeploymentInput was added
                    • Type CreateDeploymentPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-07-16

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field task was added to object type Deployment

                    Schema changes for 2018-07-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field GitHubMetadata.gitHubServicesSha changed type from String! to GitObjectID!
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was removed
                    • Type RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation was removed
                    • Type PullRequestPubSubTopic was removed
                    • Type IssuePubSubTopic was removed
                    • Type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField was removed
                    • Type Date was removed

                    Schema changes for 2018-07-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field checkSuites was added to object type Commit
                    • Type CheckSuiteFilter was added
                    • Type Push was added
                    • Type CheckRunType was added
                    • Type CheckRunFilter was added
                    • Type CheckStatusState was added
                    • Type CheckConclusionState was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationLevel was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotation was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationEdge was added
                    • Type CheckAnnotationConnection was added
                    • Type CheckRun was added
                    • Type CheckRunEdge was added
                    • Type CheckRunConnection was added
                    • Type CheckSuite was added
                    • Type CheckSuiteEdge was added
                    • Type CheckSuiteConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-07-06

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Deployment
                    • Field description was added to object type Deployment

                    Schema changes for 2018-07-04

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field subject was removed from object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                    • Field subject was removed from object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                    • Field isCrossReference was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field commit was removed from object type ClosedEvent
                    • Field reviewer was removed from object type ReviewRequest
                    • Field license was removed from object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field license was removed from object type Repository
                    • Field contributedRepositories was removed from object type User
                    • Field projectColumn was removed from object type ProjectCard

                    Schema changes for 2018-07-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Repository object implements RegistryPackageOwner interface
                    • User object implements RegistryPackageSearch interface
                    • User object implements RegistryPackageOwner interface
                    • Organization object implements RegistryPackageSearch interface
                    • Organization object implements RegistryPackageOwner interface
                    • Type RegistryPackageSearch was added
                    • Type RegistryPackageOwner was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-06-26

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field permalink was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2018-06-22

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Input field UpdateProjectCardInput.note changed type from String! to String

                    Schema changes for 2018-06-21

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument useTopicAliases: Boolean added to field Query.marketplaceListings
                    • Argument useTopicAliases: Boolean added to field Query.marketplaceCategory

                    Schema changes for 2018-06-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field unlockLockable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type UnlockLockableInput was added
                    • Type UnlockLockablePayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-06-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field subject was added to object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                    • Field subject was added to object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                    • Field isCrossReference was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field commit was added to object type ClosedEvent
                    • Field reviewer was added to object type ReviewRequest
                    • Field license was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field license was added to object type Repository
                    • Field contributedRepositories was added to object type User
                    • Field projectColumn was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Type TopicConnection was added
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was added
                    • Type RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation was added
                    • Type PullRequestPubSubTopic was added
                    • Type IssuePubSubTopic was added
                    • Type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField was added
                    • Type Date was added
                    • Type MergeStateStatus was added

                    The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                    • Field updateTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field discussionsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field discussionsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field discussions was added to object type Team
                    • Field discussion was added to object type Team
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionOrder was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionEdge was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionConnection was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrder was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionComment was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentEdge was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentConnection was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussion was added

                    The Protected Branch: Multiple Required Approving Reviews preview includes these changes:

                    • Field requiredApprovingReviewCount was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                    The Protected Branch: Required Signatures preview includes these changes:

                    • Field hasRequiredSignatures was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                    The [Merge info preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#merge-info-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field mergeStateStatus was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field canBeRebased was added to object type PullRequest

                    The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                    • Field vulnerabilityAlerts was added to object type Repository
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert was added
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEdge was added
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertConnection was added

                    The [Access to a Repositories Dependency Graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field dependencyGraphManifests was added to object type Repository
                    • Type DependencyGraphDependency was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphDependencyEdge was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphDependencyConnection was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphManifest was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphManifestEdge was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphManifestConnection was added

                    The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                    • Field hovercard was added to object type User
                    • Type OrganizationsHovercardContext was added
                    • Type OrganizationTeamsHovercardContext was added
                    • Type GenericHovercardContext was added
                    • Type HovercardContext was added
                    • Type Hovercard was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-06-11

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.watching changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR", "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER"]

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-30

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field editedAt was added to object type UserContentEdit

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-25

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field TextMatch.highlights changed type from [TextMatchHighlight]! to [TextMatchHighlight!]!
                    • Type MergeStateStatus was added

                    The [Merge info preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#merge-info-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field mergeStateStatus was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field canBeRebased was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-18

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • License object implements Node interface

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-17

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • MarketplaceCategory object implements Node interface
                    • Field id was added to object type MarketplaceCategory

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type PullRequestReview
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type Comment
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type Issue
                    • Argument excludeSubcategories: Boolean added to field Query.marketplaceCategories

                    The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type TeamDiscussionComment
                    • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type TeamDiscussion

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-08

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • ClosedEvent object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                    • Field url was added to object type ClosedEvent
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type ClosedEvent

                    Schema changes for 2018-05-03

                    The [Access to a Repositories Dependency Graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field totalCount was added to object type DependencyGraphDependencyConnection

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-28

                    The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                    • Field externalReference was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field externalIdentifier was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field dismisser was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field dismissedAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                    • Field dismissReason was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-27

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value TIMELINE was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Enum value TIMELINE was added to enum IssuePubSubTopic

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-24

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field lockReason was added to object type LockedEvent

                    The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                    • Field vulnerabilityAlerts was added to object type Repository
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert was added
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEdge was added
                    • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertConnection was added

                    The [Access to a Repositories Dependency Graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                    • Field dependencyGraphManifests was added to object type Repository
                    • Type DependencyGraphDependency was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphDependencyEdge was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphDependencyConnection was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphManifest was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphManifestEdge was added
                    • Type DependencyGraphManifestConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-23

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field Team.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                    • Field PullRequest.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                    • Field Commit.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                    • Enum value UNAVAILABLE was removed from enum SubscriptionState
                    • Field Subscribable.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                    • Field Repository.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                    • Field Issue.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState

                    The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                    • Field TeamDiscussion.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-19

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type UnknownSignature
                    • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type SmimeSignature
                    • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type GpgSignature
                    • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type GitSignature

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-12

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field url was added to object type Label
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Label
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type Label
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type Label
                    • Field pseudoLicense was added to object type License

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field mergedBy was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field maintainerCanModify was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field diff was added to object type UserContentEdit
                    • Field deletedBy was added to object type UserContentEdit
                    • Field deletedAt was added to object type UserContentEdit

                    Schema changes for 2018-04-03

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field bodyText was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field bodyText was added to object type Comment
                    • Field bodyText was added to object type CommitComment

                    The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                    • Field bodyText was added to object type TeamDiscussionComment
                    • Field bodyText was added to object type TeamDiscussion

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-28

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Type StaffHovercardContext was removed

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-22

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Argument orderBy: TeamMemberOrder added to field Team.members
                    • Type TeamMemberOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamMemberOrder was added

                    The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                    • Field hovercard was added to object type User
                    • Type StaffHovercardContext was added
                    • Type OrganizationsHovercardContext was added
                    • Type OrganizationTeamsHovercardContext was added
                    • Type GenericHovercardContext was added
                    • Type HovercardContext was added
                    • Type Hovercard was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-16

                    The Protected Branch: Multiple Required Approving Reviews preview includes these changes:

                    • Field requiredApprovingReviewCount was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-14

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value OCSP_REVOKED was added to enum GitSignatureState
                    • Enum value OCSP_PENDING was added to enum GitSignatureState
                    • Enum value OCSP_ERROR was added to enum GitSignatureState

                    The following changes will be made to the schema:

                  • On member AddedToProjectEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member BaseRefChangedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Bot.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Bot.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ClosedEvent.commit: commit will be removed. Use ClosedEvent.closer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Comment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member CommentDeletedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member CommitComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member CommitComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member DeployedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Deployment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member DeploymentStatus.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Gist.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member GistComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member GistComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Issue.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Issue.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member IssueComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member IssueComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member MentionedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Milestone.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member MovedColumnsInProjectEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Organization.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Project.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Project.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ProjectCard.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ProjectCard.projectColumn: projectColumn will be removed. Use ProjectCard.column instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ProjectCard.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ProjectColumn.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ProjectColumn.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member PullRequest.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member PullRequest.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member PullRequestReview.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member PullRequestReview.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member PullRequestReviewComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Reactable.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Reaction.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReferencedEvent.isCrossReference: isCrossReference will be removed. Use ReferencedEvent.isCrossRepository instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Release.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReleaseAsset.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member RemovedFromProjectEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Repository.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Repository.license: license will be removed. Use Repository.licenseInfo instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Repository.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryInfo.license: license will be removed. Use Repository.licenseInfo instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member RepositoryInfo.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewRequest.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewRequest.reviewer: reviewer will be removed. Use ReviewRequest.requestedReviewer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.subject: subject will be removed. Use ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.requestedReviewer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member ReviewRequestedEvent.subject: subject will be removed. Use ReviewRequestedEvent.requestedReviewer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member Team.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member TeamDiscussion.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member TeamDiscussion.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member User.contributedRepositories: contributedRepositories will be removed. Use User.repositoriesContributedTo instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member User.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member User.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • On member UserContentEdit.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
                  • Schema changes for 2018-03-13

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field RepositoryInvitation.repository changed type from RepositoryInvitationRepository to RepositoryInfo
                    • Type RepositoryInvitationRepository was removed
                    • Field squashMergeAllowed was added to object type Repository
                    • Field rebaseMergeAllowed was added to object type Repository
                    • Field mergeCommitAllowed was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-10

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Enum value NONE was added to enum DefaultRepositoryPermissionField

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-09

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field databaseId was added to object type GistComment

                    Schema changes for 2018-03-07

                    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                    • Field permission was added to object type RepositoryInvitation
                    • Field isDefault was added to object type Label
                    • Field description was added to object type Label
                    • Argument query: String added to field Repository.labels
                    • Field viewerPermission was added to object type Repository
                    • Type CollectionItemContent was added

                    The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                    • Type TeamDiscussion was added
                    • Field updateTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field createTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field discussionsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field discussionsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field discussions was added to object type Team
                    • Field discussion was added to object type Team
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionOrder was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionEdge was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionConnection was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrder was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionComment was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentEdge was added
                    • Type TeamDiscussionCommentConnection was added

                    The Protected Branch Required Signatures preview includes these changes:

                    • Field hasRequiredSignatures was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                    Schema changes for 2018-02-14

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument orderBy: MilestoneOrder added to field Repository.milestones
                    • Argument states: [MilestoneState!] added to field Repository.milestones
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field Organization.pinnedRepositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field Organization.repositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field Repository.forks.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.repositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.contributedRepositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.pinnedRepositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.repositories.
                    • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.watching.
                    • Field avatarUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
                    • Field organization was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
                    • Type MilestoneOrderField was added
                    • Type MilestoneOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2018-01-19

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field baseRefOid was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field headRefOid was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2018-01-10

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field activeLockReason was added to object type Issue
                    • Field activeLockReason was added to object type Lockable
                    • Field activeLockReason was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field lockLockable was added to object type Mutation
                    • Type LockLockableInput was added
                    • Type LockLockablePayload was added
                    • Type LockReason was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-12-15

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field additions was added to object type Commit
                    • Field changedFiles was added to object type Commit
                    • Field closedAt was added to object type Milestone
                    • Field closed was added to object type Milestone
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type Milestone
                    • Field deletions was added to object type Commit
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Milestone
                    • Milestone object implements Closable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-12-12

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value UNAVAILABLE was added to enum SubscriptionState
                    • Field authoredDate was added to object type Commit
                    • Field pushedDate was added to object type Commit

                    Schema changes for 2017-12-09

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field deployKeys was added to object type Repository
                    • Type DeployKeyConnection was added
                    • Type DeployKeyEdge was added
                    • Type DeployKey was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-12-05

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field release was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2017-12-02

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field forkCount was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field forkCount was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                    • Field forkCount was added to object type Repository
                    • Field marketplaceListing was added to object type Query
                    • Field marketplaceListings was added to object type Query
                    • Type MarketplaceListingConnection was added
                    • Type MarketplaceListingEdge was added
                    • Type MarketplaceListing was added
                    • Union member MarketplaceListing was added to Union type SearchResultItem

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-28

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field repositoriesContributedTo was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-24

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field changedFiles was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field reactable was added to object type Reaction

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-18

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Input field changed type from String! to String
                    • Input field public was added to input object type UpdateProjectInput

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-17

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field issues was added to object type Milestone
                    • Type TopicConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-16

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field issues was added to object type Milestone

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-15

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field parents was added to object type Commit
                    • Type CommitConnection was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-14

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument orderBy: ReleaseOrder added to field Repository.releases
                    • Field marketplaceCategories was added to object type Query
                    • Field marketplaceCategory was added to object type Query
                    • Field parents was added to object type Commit
                    • Field publicKeys was added to object type User
                    • Field totalCount was added to object type CommitHistoryConnection
                    • Type CommitConnection was added
                    • Type MarketplaceCategory was added
                    • Type PublicKeyConnection was added
                    • Type PublicKeyEdge was added
                    • Type PublicKey was added
                    • Type ReleaseOrderField was added
                    • Type ReleaseOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-10

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field createdAt was added to object type DeploymentStatus
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type DeploymentStatus
                    • Field viewerCanSubscribe was added to object type Team
                    • Field viewerSubscription was added to object type Team
                    • Team object implements Subscribable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-08

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field BaseRefForcePushedEvent.afterCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field BaseRefForcePushedEvent.beforeCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field HeadRefForcePushedEvent.afterCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field HeadRefForcePushedEvent.beforeCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.subject changed type from User! to User
                    • Field ReviewRequestedEvent.subject changed type from User! to User
                    • Argument orderBy: RefOrder added to field Repository.refs
                    • Field requestedReviewer was added to object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                    • Field requestedReviewer was added to object type ReviewRequest
                    • Field requestedReviewer was added to object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                    • Type RefOrderField was added
                    • Type RefOrder was added
                    • Type RequestedReviewer was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-03

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field tarballUrl was added to object type Commit
                    • Field zipballUrl was added to object type Commit

                    Schema changes for 2017-11-02

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field tarballUrl was added to object type Commit
                    • Field zipballUrl was added to object type Commit
                    • Type TopicEdge was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-10-27

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument author: String added to field
                    • Field additions was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field deletions was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2017-10-25

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Type UserContentEditEdge was added
                    • Type UserContentEdit was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-10-24

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field assignableUsers was added to object type Repository
                    • Type UserContentEditEdge was added
                    • Type UserContentEdit was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-10-20

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field projectCards was added to object type Issue
                    • Field projectCards was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2017-10-14

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field isInvoiced was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field isInvoiced was removed from object type User

                    Schema changes for 2017-10-04

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field collaborators was added to object type Repository
                    • Field isArchived was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field isArchived was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                    • Field isArchived was added to object type Repository
                    • Type CollaboratorAffiliation was added
                    • Type RepositoryCollaboratorConnection was added
                    • Type RepositoryCollaboratorEdge was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-28

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Type Date was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-22

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field gitIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
                    • Field hookIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
                    • Field importerIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
                    • Field pagesIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-18

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field GistComment.gist changed type from Gist to Gist!

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-15

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field meta was added to object type Query
                    • Type GitHubMetadata was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-14

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field User.gistComments changed type from IssueCommentConnection! to GistCommentConnection!

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-13

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field createdAt was added to object type Bot
                    • Field gist was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Bot

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-11

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field downloadUrl was added to object type ReleaseAsset

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-08

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • OrganizationInvitation object implements Node interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-07

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field meta was removed from object type Query
                    • GitHubMetadata was removed
                    • Field closed was added to object type Project
                    • Field invitationType was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
                    • Field pendingCards was added to object type Project
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field url was added to object type ProjectColumn
                    • Type OrganizationInvitationType was added
                    • Project object implements Closable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-06

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field GitHubMetadata.gitIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                    • Field GitHubMetadata.hookIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                    • Field GitHubMetadata.importerIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                    • Field GitHubMetadata.pagesIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                    • Field installedVersion was removed from object type GitHubMetadata
                    • Field repository was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-05

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field repository was removed from object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Field meta was added to object type Query
                    • Type GitHubMetadata was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-04

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field closed was removed from object type Project
                    • Field pendingCards was removed from object type Project
                    • Field resourcePath was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field url was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                    • Project object type no longer implements Closable interface
                    • Field repository was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread

                    Schema changes for 2017-09-01

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field channel was removed from object type Project
                    • Field searchQueryForViewer was removed from object type Project

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-31

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field searchQueryForViewer was added to object type Project
                    • Field url was added to object type ProjectColumn

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-30

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field channel was added to object type Project
                    • Field closed was added to object type Project
                    • Field pendingCards was added to object type Project
                    • Project object implements Closable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-21

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field replyTo was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-16

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field description was added to object type Organization
                    • Field email was added to object type Organization
                    • Field location was added to object type Organization
                    • Field websiteUrl was added to object type Organization

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-15

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field gistComments was added to object type User
                    • Field id was added to object type Subscribable
                    • Field issueComments was added to object type User
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field url was added to object type CommitComment

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-14

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field blog was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field description was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field email was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field location was removed from object type Organization
                    • Argument dryRun: Boolean added to field Query.rateLimit
                    • Field milestone was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field nodeCount was added to object type RateLimit
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-11

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument dryRun: Boolean was removed from field Query.rateLimit
                    • Field closed was removed from object type Project
                    • Field gistComments was removed from object type User
                    • Field id was removed from object type Subscribable
                    • Field issueComments was removed from object type User
                    • Field milestone was removed from object type PullRequest
                    • Field nodeCount was removed from object type RateLimit
                    • Field pendingCards was removed from object type Project
                    • Field replyTo was removed from object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field repository was removed from object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Field resourcePath was removed from object type CommitComment
                    • Field resourcePath was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field url was removed from object type CommitComment
                    • Field url was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field websiteUrl was removed from object type Organization
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was removed from Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                    • Project object type no longer implements Closable interface
                    • Field blog was added to object type Organization

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-10

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument dryRun: Boolean added to field Query.rateLimit
                    • Field closed was added to object type Project
                    • Field description was added to object type Organization
                    • Field email was added to object type Organization
                    • Field gistComments was added to object type User
                    • Field id was added to object type Subscribable
                    • Field issueComments was added to object type User
                    • Field location was added to object type Organization
                    • Field milestone was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field nodeCount was added to object type RateLimit
                    • Field pendingCards was added to object type Project
                    • Field replyTo was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field repository was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field url was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field url was added to object type ProjectColumn
                    • Field websiteUrl was added to object type Organization
                    • Type CrossReferencedEvent was added
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                    • Project object implements Closable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-09

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field PullRequestReviewComment.originalCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-08

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field changed type from String! to String
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type Deployment
                    • Field licenseInfo was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field licenseInfo was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                    • Field licenseInfo was added to object type Repository
                    • Field license was added to object type Query
                    • Field licenses was added to object type Query
                    • Field payload was added to object type Deployment
                    • Type LicenseRule was added
                    • Type License was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-07

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field contentType was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type Team
                    • Field downloadCount was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                    • Field size was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Team
                    • Field uploadedBy was added to object type ReleaseAsset

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-03

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field repositoriesContributedTo was removed from object type User
                    • Field author was added to object type Release
                    • Field commitComments was added to object type User
                    • Field createdAt was added to object type Release
                    • Field isDraft was added to object type Release
                    • Field isPrerelease was added to object type Release
                    • Field updatedAt was added to object type Release

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-02

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field commitComments was removed from object type User
                    • Field repositoriesContributedTo was added to object type User
                    • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                    • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                    • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type Repository

                    Schema changes for 2017-08-01

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field commitComments was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-28

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value FIRST_TIMER was added to enum CommentAuthorAssociation
                    • Field pullRequest was added to object type IssueComment

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-27

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field CommitComment.commit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type Deployment
                    • Field payload was removed from object type Deployment
                    • Argument environments: [String!] added to field Repository.deployments

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-26

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field databaseId was added to object type Deployment

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-25

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value FIRST_TIMER was removed from enum CommentAuthorAssociation
                    • Argument orderBy: GistOrder added to field User.gists
                    • Field payload was added to object type Deployment
                    • Field pushedAt was added to object type Gist
                    • Type GistOrderField was added
                    • Type GistOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-24

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value FIRST_TIMER was added to enum CommentAuthorAssociation

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-21

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument rootTeamsOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.teams
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Type RepositoryPermission was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMemberRole was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-20

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field Label.pullRequests changed type from PullRequestConnection to PullRequestConnection!
                    • Field releaseAsset was removed from object type Release
                    • Argument baseRefName: String added to field Label.pullRequests
                    • Argument baseRefName: String added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                    • Argument headRefName: String added to field Label.pullRequests
                    • Argument headRefName: String added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                    • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Label.pullRequests
                    • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                    • Argument name: String added to field Release.releaseAssets
                    • Argument orderBy: IssueOrder added to field Label.pullRequests
                    • Argument orderBy: IssueOrder added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                    • Argument states: [PullRequestState!] added to field Label.pullRequests
                    • Field pinnedRepositories was added to object type Organization
                    • Field pinnedRepositories was added to object type RepositoryOwner

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-19

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument rootTeamsOnly: Boolean was removed from field Organization.teams
                    • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                    • Field TreeEntry.object changed type from GitObject! to GitObject
                    • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field members was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                    • RepositoryPermission was removed
                    • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                    • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                    • TeamMemberRole was removed
                    • TeamMembershipType was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-18

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument rootTeamsOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.teams
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                    • Type CommitCommentThread was added
                    • Type RepositoryPermission was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMemberRole was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Union member CommitCommentThread was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-17

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Milestone object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-13

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • CrossReferencedEvent was removed
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was removed from Union type IssueTimelineItem

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-11

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument name: String was removed from field Release.releaseAssets
                    • Field releaseAsset was added to object type Release
                    • Type CrossReferencedEvent was added
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-10

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • CrossReferencedEvent was removed
                    • Field releaseAsset was removed from object type Release
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was removed from Union type IssueTimelineItem
                    • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Label.issues
                    • Argument name: String added to field Release.releaseAssets
                    • Field issues was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-07

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Argument labels: [String!] was removed from field Label.issues
                    • Field issues was removed from object type User
                    • Type CrossReferencedEvent was added
                    • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-06

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                    • CreateTeamInput was removed
                    • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                    • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                    • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                    • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field members was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                    • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                    • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                    • TeamMembershipType was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                    • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                    • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Label.issues
                    • Field issues was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-05

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Input field RequestReviewsInput.userIds changed type from [ID!]! to [ID!]
                    • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Input field teamIds was added to input object type RequestReviewsInput
                    • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type AddedToProjectEvent was added
                    • Type BaseRefChangedEvent was added
                    • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                    • Type CommentDeletedEvent was added
                    • Type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent was added
                    • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                    • Type MentionedEvent was added
                    • Type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type RemovedFromProjectEvent was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-04

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                    • CreateTeamInput was removed
                    • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                    • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                    • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                    • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field members was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                    • MemberOrder was removed
                    • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                    • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                    • TeamMembershipType was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                    • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                    • UserOrderField was removed

                    Schema changes for 2017-07-01

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Input field RequestReviewsInput.userIds changed type from [ID!] to [ID!]!
                    • Input field teamIds was removed from input object type RequestReviewsInput
                    • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                    • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-30

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Input field RequestReviewsInput.userIds changed type from [ID!]! to [ID!]
                    • Input field teamIds was added to input object type RequestReviewsInput

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-29

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field revertResourcePath was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field revertUrl was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-28

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field PullRequestReviewComment.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-27

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field revertResourcePath was removed from object type MergedEvent
                    • Field revertUrl was removed from object type MergedEvent

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-26

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field issues was removed from object type User
                    • Enum value STARGAZERS was added to enum RepositoryOrderField
                    • Field revertResourcePath was added to object type MergedEvent
                    • Field revertUrl was added to object type MergedEvent

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-25

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field issues was added to object type User

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-23

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type AssignedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type BaseRefForcePushedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type ClosedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type DemilestonedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type HeadRefDeletedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type HeadRefForcePushedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type HeadRefRestoredEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type LabeledEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type LockedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type MergedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type MilestonedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type RenamedTitleEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReopenedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type SubscribedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnassignedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnlabeledEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnlockedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnsubscribedEvent
                    • TimelineEvent was removed
                    • AssignedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • BaseRefForcePushedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ClosedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • DemilestonedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • DeployedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • HeadRefDeletedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • HeadRefForcePushedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • HeadRefRestoredEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • LabeledEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • LockedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • MergedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • MilestonedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReferencedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • RenamedTitleEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReopenedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReviewDismissedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReviewRequestRemovedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReviewRequestedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • SubscribedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnassignedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnlabeledEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnlockedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnsubscribedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-22

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field databaseId was added to object type AssignedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type BaseRefForcePushedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type ClosedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type DemilestonedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type HeadRefDeletedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type HeadRefForcePushedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type HeadRefRestoredEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type LabeledEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type LockedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type MergedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type MilestonedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type RenamedTitleEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type ReopenedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type SubscribedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type UnassignedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type UnlabeledEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type UnlockedEvent
                    • Field databaseId was added to object type UnsubscribedEvent
                    • Field deployments was added to object type Repository
                    • Type DeploymentConnection was added
                    • Type DeploymentEdge was added
                    • Type TimelineEvent was added
                    • AssignedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • BaseRefForcePushedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ClosedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • DemilestonedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • DeployedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • HeadRefDeletedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • HeadRefForcePushedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • HeadRefRestoredEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • LabeledEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • LockedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • MergedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • MilestonedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReferencedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • RenamedTitleEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReopenedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReviewDismissedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReviewRequestRemovedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • ReviewRequestedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • SubscribedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnassignedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnlabeledEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnlockedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                    • UnsubscribedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-21

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                    • CreateTeamInput was removed
                    • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                    • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                    • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                    • Field MergedEvent.commit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field members was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                    • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                    • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                    • TeamMembershipType was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                    • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type Comment
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type CommitComment
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type GistComment
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type Issue
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type PullRequestReview
                    • Field authorAssociation was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type MergedEvent
                    • Field url was added to object type MergedEvent
                    • Type CommentAuthorAssociation was added
                    • MergedEvent object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-20

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field MergedEvent.commit changed type from Commit to Commit!
                    • Field resourcePath was removed from object type MergedEvent
                    • Field url was removed from object type MergedEvent
                    • MergedEvent object type no longer implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                    • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                    • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-16

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field MergedEvent.commit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                    • Field isDirectReference was added to object type ReferencedEvent

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-15

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type MergedEvent
                    • Field url was added to object type MergedEvent
                    • MergedEvent object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-14

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field column was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Field project was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Field url was added to object type ProjectCard

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-12

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field column was removed from object type ProjectCard
                    • Field project was removed from object type ProjectCard
                    • Field resourcePath was removed from object type ProjectCard
                    • Field teamsSearchResourcePath was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field teamsSearchUrl was removed from object type Organization
                    • Field url was removed from object type ProjectCard

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-09

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field PullRequest.headRepositoryOwner changed type from RepositoryOwner! to RepositoryOwner
                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field column was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field project was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectCard
                    • Field url was added to object type ProjectCard

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-06

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • App was removed
                    • AppConnection was removed
                    • AppEdge was removed
                    • Field viaApp was removed from object type DeployedEvent
                    • Field viaApp was removed from object type IssueComment
                    • Field viaApp was removed from object type Issue
                    • Field viaApp was removed from object type PullRequest
                    • PerformableViaApp was removed
                    • DeployedEvent object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • IssueComment object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • Issue object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • PullRequest object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field viaIntegration was added to object type DeployedEvent
                    • Field viaIntegration was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Field viaIntegration was added to object type Issue
                    • Field viaIntegration was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                    • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                    • Type IntegrationConnection was added
                    • Type IntegrationEdge was added
                    • Type Integration was added
                    • Type PerformableViaIntegration was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added
                    • DeployedEvent object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • IssueComment object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • Issue object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • Organization object implements Actor interface
                    • PullRequest object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-05

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was removed from enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field hasLimitExceeded was removed from object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                    • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type PullRequest
                    • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type DeployedEvent
                    • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type IssueComment
                    • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type Issue
                    • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type PullRequest
                    • Integration was removed
                    • IntegrationConnection was removed
                    • IntegrationEdge was removed
                    • PerformableViaIntegration was removed
                    • DeployedEvent object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • IssueComment object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • Issue object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • PullRequest object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                    • Field viaApp was added to object type DeployedEvent
                    • Field viaApp was added to object type IssueComment
                    • Field viaApp was added to object type Issue
                    • Field viaApp was added to object type PullRequest
                    • Type AppConnection was added
                    • Type AppEdge was added
                    • Type App was added
                    • Type PerformableViaApp was added
                    • DeployedEvent object implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • IssueComment object implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • Issue object implements PerformableViaApp interface
                    • PullRequest object implements PerformableViaApp interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-02

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Organization object type no longer implements Actor interface
                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field hasLimitExceeded was added to object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2017-06-01

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was removed from enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field hasLimitExceeded was removed from object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                    • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type PullRequest
                    • Field comments was added to object type Gist
                    • Type GistCommentConnection was added
                    • Type GistCommentEdge was added
                    • Organization object implements Actor interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-31

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                    • CreateTeamInput was removed
                    • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                    • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                    • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                    • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field members was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                    • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                    • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                    • TeamMembershipType was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                    • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field hasLimitExceeded was added to object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-30

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was removed from enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field hasLimitExceeded was removed from object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                    • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type PullRequest
                    • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Field viewerCanSubscribe was added to object type Commit
                    • Field viewerSubscription was added to object type Commit
                    • Input field commitOID was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewInput
                    • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                    • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added
                    • Commit object implements Subscribable interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-26

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • CreateTeamInput was removed
                    • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                    • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                    • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                    • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field members was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                    • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                    • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                    • TeamMembershipType was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                    • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                    • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                    • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                    • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                    • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                    • Field hasLimitExceeded was added to object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                    • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-25

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field membershipRequests was removed from object type Team
                    • TeamMembershipRequest was removed
                    • TeamMembershipRequestConnection was removed
                    • TeamMembershipRequestEdge was removed
                    • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-24

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field comments was removed from object type Gist
                    • Field isAuthoredByPusher was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field isDirectReference was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field viewerCanSubscribe was removed from object type Commit
                    • Field viewerSubscription was removed from object type Commit
                    • GistCommentConnection was removed
                    • GistCommentEdge was removed
                    • Input field commitOID was removed from input object type AddPullRequestReviewInput
                    • Commit object type no longer implements Subscribable interface
                    • Organization object type no longer implements Actor interface
                    • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                    • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                    • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field members was added to object type Team
                    • Field membershipRequests was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                    • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                    • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                    • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                    • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                    • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                    • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                    • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipRequestConnection was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipRequestEdge was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipRequest was added
                    • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                    • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                    • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-23

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Field comments was added to object type Gist
                    • Field isAuthoredByPusher was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field isDirectReference was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                    • Field organization was added to object type Team
                    • Field viewerCanSubscribe was added to object type Commit
                    • Field viewerSubscription was added to object type Commit
                    • Input field commitOID was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewInput
                    • Type GistCommentConnection was added
                    • Type GistCommentEdge was added
                    • Commit object implements Subscribable interface
                    • Organization object implements Actor interface

                    Schema changes for 2017-05-22

                    The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                    • Nothing! The schema was made public!