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Cette version de GitHub Enterprise Server n'est plus disponible depuis le 2024-09-25. Aucune publication de correctifs n’est effectuée, même pour les problèmes de sécurité critiques. Pour de meilleures performances, une sécurité améliorée et de nouvelles fonctionnalités, effectuez une mise à niveau vers la dernière version de GitHub Enterprise. Pour obtenir de l’aide sur la mise à niveau, contactez le support GitHub Enterprise.

À propos des discussions d’équipe

Votre équipe peut planifier ensemble, s’informer mutuellement ou aborder un sujet dans les billets de discussion de la page de l’équipe d’une organisation.


Team discussions are deprecated in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13 in favor of GitHub Discussions. You can transfer your existing team discussions to a repository's discussions by using a migration tool that allows team admins to migrate both public and private team discussions. Click the "Transfer" button in the banner at the top of your team discussions page, then choose the repository in your organization that you want to migrate the discussions to.

For more information about GitHub Discussions, see "GitHub Discussions documentation."

On your team's page, you can use team discussions for conversations that span across projects or repositories and don't belong in a specific issue or pull request. Instead of opening an issue in a repository to discuss an idea, you can include the entire team by having a conversation in a team discussion.

Any organization member can post on your team's page or participate in a public discussion. Private posts are only visible to team members and organization owners, and public posts are visible to all members of the organization.

You can link to any team discussion to reference it elsewhere. You can pin important posts to your team's page for quick reference later. For more information, see "Pinning a team discussion."

Team discussions are available in organizations by default. Owners can disable team discussions for the entire organization. For more information, see "Disabling team discussions for your organization."

Notifications for team discussions

When someone posts or replies to a public discussion on a team's page, members of the team and members of any child teams receive email or web notifications. When someone posts or replies to a private discussion on a team's page, only members of the team receive notifications.


Depending on your notification settings, you'll receive updates by email, the web notifications page on GitHub Enterprise Server, or both. For more information, see "Configuring notifications."

By default, if your username is mentioned in a team discussion, you'll receive notifications for the post mentioning your username and any replies to that post. Also, by default, if you reply to a post, you will receive notifications for other replies to the post.

To turn off notifications for team discussions, you can unsubscribe to a specific discussion post or change your notification settings to unwatch or completely ignore a specific team's discussions. You can subscribe to notifications for a specific discussion post even if you're unwatching that team's discussions.

For more information, see "Viewing your subscriptions" and "About teams."

Further reading