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Cette version de GitHub Enterprise Server n'est plus disponible depuis le 2024-09-25. Aucune publication de correctifs n’est effectuée, même pour les problèmes de sécurité critiques. Pour de meilleures performances, une sécurité améliorée et de nouvelles fonctionnalités, effectuez une mise à niveau vers la dernière version de GitHub Enterprise. Pour obtenir de l’aide sur la mise à niveau, contactez le support GitHub Enterprise.

Navigateurs pris en charge

Pour une utilisation optimale de GitHub Enterprise Server, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser la dernière version de Chrome, Edge, Firefox, ou Safari.

About web browser support for GitHub Enterprise Server

We design GitHub Enterprise Server with the latest web browsers in mind. We recommend that you use the latest version of one of the following browsers.

If you do not use the latest version of a recommended browser, or if you use a browser that is not listed above, GitHub Enterprise Server or some features may not work as you expect, or at all.

For more information about how we maintain browser compatibility for GitHub's products, see the github/browser-support repository.

Some browser vendors provide extended support releases. We do our best to ensure that GitHub Enterprise Server functions properly in the latest extended support release for:

In earlier extended support releases, GitHub Enterprise Server may not work as you expect, and some features may not be available.

Beta and developer builds

You may encounter unexpected bugs in beta and developer builds of our supported browsers. If you encounter a bug on GitHub Enterprise Server in one of these unreleased builds, please verify that it also exists in the stable version of the same browser. If the bug only exists in the unstable version, consider reporting the bug to the browser developer.