Votre administrateur de site doit configurer les Dependabot updates pour votre instance GitHub Enterprise Server afin que vous puissiez utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Activation de Dependabot pour votre entreprise ».
Il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas activer ou désactiver Dependabot updates si le propriétaire de l'entreprise a défini une politique au niveau de l'entreprise. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Application de stratégies de sécurité et d’analyse du code pour votre entreprise ».
About Dependabot errors
Dependabot déclenche des demandes de tirage pour mettre à jour les dépendances. Selon la configuration de votre dépôt, Dependabot peut déclencher des demandes de tirage pour des mises à jour de version et/ou des mises à jour de sécurité. Vous gérez ces demandes de tirage comme toute demande de tirage, mais des commandes supplémentaires sont disponibles. Pour plus d’informations sur l’activation des mises à jour de dépendances Dependabot, consultez « Configuration des mises à jour de sécurité Dependabot » et « Configuration de mises à jour de version Dependabot ».
If anything prevents Dependabot from raising a pull request, this is reported as an error.
Dependabot doesn't create pull requests for inactive repositories. For information about inactivity criteria, see À propos des mises à jour de sécurité Dependabot and À propos des mises à jour de version Dependabot, for security and version updates, respectively.
Investigating errors with Dependabot security updates
When Dependabot is blocked from creating a pull request to fix a Dependabot alert, it posts the error message on the alert. The Dependabot alerts view shows a list of any alerts that have not been resolved yet. To access the alerts view, click Dependabot alerts on the Security tab for the repository. Where a pull request that will fix the vulnerable dependency has been generated, the alert includes a link to that pull request.
There are several reasons why an alert may have no pull request link:
- Dependabot security updates are not enabled for the repository.
- The alert is for an indirect or transitive dependency that is not explicitly defined in a lock file.
- An error blocked Dependabot from creating a pull request.
If an error blocked Dependabot from creating a pull request, you can display details of the error by clicking the alert.
Investigating errors with Dependabot version updates
When Dependabot is blocked from creating a pull request to update a dependency in an ecosystem, it posts the error icon on the manifest file.
The manifest files that are managed by Dependabot are listed on the Dependabot tab. To access this tab, on the Insights tab for the repository click Dependency graph, and then click the Dependabot tab.
To see the logs for any manifest file, click the Last checked TIME ago link, and then click View logs.
Understanding Dependabot errors
Pull requests for security updates act to upgrade a vulnerable dependency to the minimum version that includes a fix for the vulnerability. In contrast, pull requests for version updates act to upgrade a dependency to the latest version allowed by the package manifest and Dependabot configuration files. Consequently, some errors are specific to one type of update.
Dependabot cannot update DEPENDENCY to a non-vulnerable version
Security updates only. Dependabot cannot create a pull request to update the vulnerable dependency to a secure version without breaking other dependencies in the dependency graph for this repository.
Every application that has dependencies has a dependency graph, that is, a directed acyclic graph of every package version that the application directly or indirectly depends on. Every time a dependency is updated, this graph must resolve otherwise the application won't build. When an ecosystem has a deep and complex dependency graph, for example, npm and RubyGems, it is often impossible to upgrade a single dependency without upgrading the whole ecosystem.
The best way to avoid this problem is to stay up to date with the most recently released versions, for example, by enabling version updates. This increases the likelihood that a vulnerability in one dependency can be resolved by a simple upgrade that doesn't break the dependency graph. For more information, see Configuration de mises à jour de version Dependabot.
Dependabot tries to update dependencies without an alert
Security updates only. Dependabot updates explicitly defined transitive dependencies that are vulnerable for all ecosystems. For npm, Dependabot will raise a pull request that also updates the parent dependency if it's the only way to fix the transitive dependency.
For example, a project with a dependency on A
version ~2.0.0
which has a transitive dependency on B
version ~1.0.0
which has resolved to 1.0.1
my project
--> A (2.0.0) [~2.0.0]
--> B (1.0.1) [~1.0.0]
If a security vulnerability is released for B
versions <2.0.0
and a patch is available at 2.0.0
then Dependabot will attempt to update B
but will find that it's not possible due to the restriction in place by A
which only allows lower vulnerable versions. To fix the vulnerability, Dependabot will look for updates to dependency A
which allow the fixed version of B
to be used.
Dependabot automatically generates a pull request that upgrades both the locked parent and child transitive dependencies.
Dependabot fails to close a open pull request for an update that has already been applied on the default branch
Dependabot will close pull requests for dependency updates, once it detects these updates have been committed to the default branch. However, in rare circumstances, the pull request may remain open. If you notice that you have committed an update to a dependency manually, and that the pull request for that same update is still open, you can use one of the following commands in a comment on the pull request:
@dependabot recreate
, or@dependabot rebase
Either comment will trigger Dependabot to check if the dependency is no longer upgradable or vulnerable. If Dependabot detects that the pull request is no longer required, it will close the pull request in this particular case.
For more information about Dependabot comment commands, see Gestion des demandes de tirage (pull request) pour les mises à jour des dépendances.
Dependabot cannot update to the required version as there is already an open pull request for the latest version
Security updates only. Dependabot will not create a pull request to update the vulnerable dependency to a secure version because there is already an open pull request to update this dependency. You will see this error when a vulnerability is detected in a single dependency and there's already an open pull request to update the dependency to the latest version.
There are two options: you can review the open pull request and merge it as soon as you are confident that the change is safe, or close that pull request and trigger a new security update pull request. For more information, see Triggering a Dependabot pull request manually.
No security update is needed as DEPENDENCY is no longer vulnerable
Security updates only. Dependabot cannot close a pull request to update a dependency that is not, or is no longer, vulnerable. You may see this error when dependency graph data is stale, or when the dependency graph and Dependabot do not agree if a particular version of a dependency is vulnerable.
To debug the problem, we recommend you first examine the dependency graph for your repository, review what version it has detected for the dependency, and check if the identified version matches what is being used in your repository.
If you suspect your dependency graph data is out of date, you may need to manually update the dependency graph for your repository or investigate your dependency information further. For more information, see Résolution des problèmes liés au graphe de dépendances.
If you are able to confirm the dependency version is no longer vulnerable, you can close the Dependabot pull request.
Dependabot timed out during its update
Dependabot took longer than the maximum time allowed to assess the update required and prepare a pull request. This error is usually seen only for large repositories with many manifest files, for example, npm or yarn monorepo projects with hundreds of package.json files. Updates to the Composer ecosystem also take longer to assess and may time out.
This error is difficult to address. If a version update times out, you could specify the most important dependencies to update using the allow
parameter or, alternatively, use the ignore
parameter to exclude some dependencies from updates. Updating your configuration might allow Dependabot to review the version update and generate the pull request in the time available.
If a security update times out, you can reduce the chances of this happening by keeping the dependencies updated, for example, by enabling version updates. For more information, see Configuration de mises à jour de version Dependabot.
Dependabot cannot open any more pull requests
There's a limit on the number of open pull requests Dependabot will generate. When this limit is reached, no new pull requests are opened and this error is reported. The best way to resolve this error is to review and merge some of the open pull requests.
There are separate limits for security and version update pull requests, so that open version update pull requests cannot block the creation of a security update pull request. The limit for security update pull requests is 10. By default, the limit for version updates is 5 but you can change this using the open-pull-requests-limit
parameter in the configuration file. For more information, see Dependabot options reference.
The best way to resolve this error is to merge or close some of the existing pull requests and trigger a new pull request manually. For more information, see Triggering a Dependabot pull request manually.
Dependabot can't resolve or access your dependencies
If Dependabot attempts to check whether dependency references need to be updated in a repository, but can't access one or more of the referenced files, the operation will fail with the error message "Dependabot can't resolve your LANGUAGE dependency files." The API error type is git_dependencies_not_reachable
Similarly, if Dependabot can't access a private package registry in which a dependency is located, one of the following errors is generated:
- "Dependabot can't reach a dependency in a private package registry"
(API error type:private_source_not_reachable
) - "Dependabot can't authenticate to a private package registry"
(API error type:private_source_authentication_failure
) - "Dependabot timed out while waiting for a private package registry"
(API error type:private_source_timed_out
) - "Dependabot couldn't validate the certificate for a private package registry"
(API error type:private_source_certificate_failure
To allow Dependabot to update the dependency references successfully, make sure that all of the referenced dependencies are hosted at accessible locations.
Version updates only. Lors de l’exécution de mises à jour de sécurité ou de version, certains écosystèmes doivent être capables de résoudre toutes les dépendances de leur source pour vérifier que les mises à jour ont réussi. Si vos fichiers manifeste ou de verrouillage contiennent des dépendances privées, Dependabot doit être capable d’accéder à l’emplacement auquel ces dépendances sont hébergées. Les propriétaires de l’organisation peuvent octroyer à Dependabot un accès aux dépôts privés contenant des dépendances pour un projet au sein de cette même organisation. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Gestion des paramètres de sécurité et d'analyse pour votre organisation ». Vous pouvez configurer un accès aux registres privés dans le fichier de configuration dependabot.yml
d’un dépôt. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Dependabot options reference ». Additionally, Dependabot doesn't support private GitHub dependencies for all package managers. For more information, see Les écosystèmes et dépôts pris en charge par Dependabot.
Triggering a Dependabot pull request manually
If you unblock Dependabot, you can manually trigger a fresh attempt to create a pull request.
- Security updates: Display the Dependabot alert that shows the error you have fixed and click Create Dependabot security update.
- Version updates: On the Insights tab for the repository click Dependency graph, and then click the Dependabot tab. Click Last checked TIME ago to see the log file that Dependabot generated during the last check for version updates. Click Check for updates.