519 Resultados de la búsqueda para "move repository"
GitHub Packages / Trabajar con un registro de Paquetes de GitHub /
Trabajar con el registro de NuGet
can use:
GITHUB_TOKEN to publish packages associated with the workflow repository.
A personal access token (classic) with at least read:packages scope to
GitHub Copilot / Usar GitHub Copilot / Copilot Chat /
Preguntas a GitHub Copilot en GitHub
questions in different contexts. For example, you can ask about a specific repository, a specific issue, or a specific pull request. You can also ask general
GitHub Copilot / Usar GitHub Copilot / Copilot Chat /
Preguntas sobre GitHub Copilot en GitHub Mobile
your project. For more information, see Asking questions about a specific repository.
Questions about a specific file or specified lines of code within a file
Repositorios / Crear y administrar repositorios /
Solucionar los errores de clonado
indicate you have an old version of Git, or you don't have access to the repository.
Here's an example of an HTTPS error you might receive:
> error: The
Webhooks / Uso de webhooks /
Crear webhooks
create webhooks to subscribe to specific events on GitHub that occur in a repository, organization, GitHub Marketplace account, GitHub Sponsors account,
REST API / Acciones /
Puntos de conexión de API de REST para flujos de trabajo
documentación de GitHub Actions.
List repository workflows
Lists the workflows in a repository.
Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint.
Seguridad de código / Análisis de código / Habilitar el análisis de código /
Establecimiento de la configuración predeterminada para el examen del código
low-maintenance way to enable code scanning for your repository. Based on the code in your repository, default setup will automatically create a custom code
Las organizaciones / Administrar la configuración de la organización /
Inhabilitar o limitar GitHub Actions para tu organización
run actions and reusable workflows located within your repository and any other public repository. You can disable GitHub Actions for all repositories in
Aplicaciones / Creación de aplicaciones de GitHub / Escritura de código para una aplicación de GitHub /
Creación de comprobaciones de CI con una aplicación de GitHub
integration (CI) server that runs tests on new code that's pushed to a repository. The tutorial shows how to build and configure a GitHub App to act as
REST API / Acciones /
Puntos de conexión de API de REST para artefactos de Acciones de GitHub
List artifacts for a repository
Lists all artifacts for a repository.
Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint.
OAuth app