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Classifying your repository with topics

To help other people find and contribute to your project, you can add topics to your repository related to your project's intended purpose, subject area, affinity groups, or other important qualities.

En este artículo

About topics

With topics, you can explore repositories in a particular subject area, find projects to contribute to, and discover new solutions to a specific problem. Topics appear on the main page of a repository. You can click a topic name to search for other repositories with that topic.

Main page of the test repository showing topics

To browse the most used topics, go to

Repository admins can add any topics they'd like to a repository. Helpful topics to classify a repository include the repository's intended purpose, subject area, community, or language.

Public and private repositories can have topics, although you will only see private repositories that you have access to in topic search results.

You can search for repositories that are associated with a particular topic. For more information, see "Searching for repositories." You can also search for a list of topics on GitHub Enterprise. For more information, see "Searching topics."

Adding topics to your repository

  1. En GitHub Enterprise, visita la página principal del repositorio.
  2. Under your repository description, click Add topics.
    Add topics link on a repository's main page
  3. Type the topic you want to add to your repository, then type a space.
    Form to enter topics
  4. After you've finished adding topics, click Done.
    Form with a list of topics and Done button