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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-10-12. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener rendimiento mejorado, seguridad mejorada y nuevas características, actualice a la versión más reciente de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, póngase en contacto con el soporte técnico de GitHub Enterprise.

Cambios importantes

Aprende sobre los cambios sustanciales recientes y venideros a la API de GraphQL de GitHub.

Acerca de los cambios sustanciales

Los cambios sustanciales son aquellos que pudieran necesitar que nuestros integradores realicen alguna acción al respecto. Dividimos estos cambios en dos categorías:

  • Importantes: cambios que interrumpirán consultas existentes a GraphQL API. Por ejemplo, eliminar un campo sería un cambio sustancial.
  • Peligrosos: cambios que no interrumpirán las consultas existentes, pero que podrían afectar al comportamiento del tiempo de ejecución de los clientes. Agregar un valor de enumerador es un ejemplo de un cambio peligroso.

Nos esforzamos por proporcionar API estables para nuestros integradores. Cuando una característica nueva sigue en evolución, se publica detrás de una versión preliminar del esquema.

Anunciaremos los cambios sustanciales por venir por lo menos tres meses antes de aplicarlos al modelo de GraphQL, para proporcionar a los integradores tiempo para realizar los ajustes necesarios. Los cambios toman efecto en el primer día de un trimestre (1 de enero, 1 de abril, 1 de julio, o 1 de octubre). Por ejemplo, si anunciamos un cambio en el 15 de enero, se aplicará en el 1 de julio.

Changes scheduled for 2021-10-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to ReactionGroup.users.


    users will be removed. Use the reactors field instead.


    Reactors can now be mannequins, bots, and organizations.

Changes scheduled for 2021-06-21

  • Breaking A change will be made to PackageType.DOCKER.


    DOCKER will be removed.


    DOCKER will be removed from this enum as this type will be migrated to only be used by the Packages REST API.

Changes scheduled for 2021-01-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to MergeStateStatus.DRAFT.


    DRAFT will be removed. Use PullRequest.isDraft instead.


    DRAFT state will be removed from this enum and isDraft should be used instead

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge.isUnlicensed.


    isUnlicensed will be removed.


    All pending collaborators consume a license

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge.isUnlicensed.


    isUnlicensed will be removed.


    All outside collaborators consume a license

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterpriseMemberEdge.isUnlicensed.


    isUnlicensed will be removed.


    All members consume a license

Changes scheduled for 2020-10-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to Sponsorship.sponsor.


    sponsor will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorEntity instead.


    Sponsorship.sponsor will be removed.

  • Breaking A change will be made to RepositoryInvitationOrderField.INVITEE_LOGIN.


    INVITEE_LOGIN will be removed.


    INVITEE_LOGIN is no longer a valid field value. Repository invitations can now be associated with an email, not only an invitee.

  • Breaking A change will be made to PullRequest.timeline.


    timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead.


    timeline will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to Issue.timeline.


    timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead.


    timeline will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingCollaborators.


    pendingCollaborators will be removed. Use the pendingCollaboratorInvitations field instead.


    Repository invitations can now be associated with an email, not only an invitee.

Changes scheduled for 2020-07-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge.isUnlicensed.


    isUnlicensed will be removed.


    All pending members consume a license

Changes scheduled for 2020-04-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to Sponsorship.maintainer.


    maintainer will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorable instead.


    Sponsorship.maintainer will be removed.

Changes scheduled for 2020-01-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to UnassignedEvent.user.


    user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead.


    Assignees can now be mannequins.

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterpriseBillingInfo.seats.


    seats will be removed. Use EnterpriseBillingInfo.totalLicenses instead.


    seats will be replaced with totalLicenses to provide more clarity on the value being returned

  • Breaking A change will be made to EnterpriseBillingInfo.availableSeats.


    availableSeats will be removed. Use EnterpriseBillingInfo.totalAvailableLicenses instead.


    availableSeats will be replaced with totalAvailableLicenses to provide more clarity on the value being returned

  • Breaking A change will be made to AssignedEvent.user.


    user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead.


    Assignees can now be mannequins.

Changes scheduled for 2019-04-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to LegacyMigration.uploadUrlTemplate.


    uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead.


    uploadUrlTemplate is being removed because it is not a standard URL and adds an extra user step.