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Hardening security for your enterprise

You can configure features and settings to harden security for your enterprise.

Configuring TLS

You can configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) on tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server so that you can use a certificate that is signed by a trusted certificate authority.

Troubleshooting TLS errors

If you run into TLS issues with your appliance, you can take actions to resolve them.

Enabling private mode

In private mode, GitHub Enterprise Server requires every user to sign in to access the installation.

Enabling subdomain isolation

You can set up subdomain isolation to securely separate user-supplied content from other portions of your GitHub Enterprise Server appliance.

Configuring host keys for your instance

You can increase the security of tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server by configuring the algorithms that your instance uses to generate and advertise host keys for incoming SSH connections.

Configuring SSH connections to your instance

You can increase the security of tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server by configuring the SSH algorithms that clients can use to establish a connection.

Configuring the referrer policy for your enterprise

You can increase the privacy of tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server by configuring the policy for cross-origin requests.