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657 Search results for "pull%20requests"

Repositories / Branches and merges / Manage branches /

Deleting and restoring branches in a pull request

If you have write access in a repository, you can delete branches that are associated with closed or merged pull requests. You cannot delete branches that

Building communities / Issue & PR templates /

About issue and pull request templates

With issue and pull request templates, you can customize and standardize the information you'd like contributors to include when they open issues and pull

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Working with forks /

Allowing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork

For greater collaboration, you can allow commits on branches you've created from forks owned by your personal account. When a user creates a pull request

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Review changes /

Reviewing dependency changes in a pull request

If a pull request contains changes to dependencies, you can view a summary of what has changed and whether there are known vulnerabilities in any of the

Get started / Writing on GitHub / Start writing on GitHub /

Basic writing and formatting syntax

Create sophisticated formatting for your prose and code on GitHub with simple syntax. Headings To create a heading, add one to six # symbols before your

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Propose changes /

About comparing branches in pull requests

Pull requests display diffs to compare the changes you made in your topic branch against the base branch that you want to merge your changes into. Note:

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Incorporate changes /

Automatically merging a pull request

You can increase development velocity by enabling auto-merge for a pull request so that the pull request will merge automatically when all merge requirements

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Review changes /

Approving a pull request with required reviews

If your repository requires reviews, pull requests must have a specific number of approving reviews from people with write or admin permissions in the

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Propose changes /

Creating a pull request from a fork

You can create a pull request to propose changes you've made to a fork of an upstream repository. If your pull request compares your topic branch with

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Propose changes /

Requesting a pull request review

After you create a pull request, you can ask a specific person to review the changes you've proposed. If you're an organization member, you can also request