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136 Search results for "readme"

GitHub Pages / Get started /

Creating a GitHub Pages site

information, see About repositories. Select Initialize this repository with a README. Click Create repository. Creating your site Before you can create your

GitHub Packages / Learn GitHub Packages /

Connecting a repository to a package

landing page will show information and links from the repository, such as the README. You can also choose to have the package inherit its access permissions

Codespaces / Troubleshooting /

Troubleshooting your connection to GitHub Codespaces

JupyterLab documentation. For more information about the python feature, see the README page in the devcontainers/features repository. For more information about

Codespaces / Setting up your project / Setting up your repository /

Setting up a template repository for GitHub Codespaces

GitHub Codespaces. Describe your template If you don't have one, create a README for your template repository to describe the purpose of your template and

Codespaces / Developing in a codespace /

Getting started with GitHub Codespaces for machine learning

option "installJupyterlab": true. For more information, see the README for the python feature, in the devcontainers/features repository. Configuring

GitHub Sponsors / Receiving sponsorships /

Managing your sponsorship tiers

rewards for a tier could include: Early access to new versions Logo or name in README Weekly newsletter updates Other rewards your sponsors would enjoy ✨ You

GitHub Packages / Learn GitHub Packages /

Introduction to GitHub Packages

supports, see Working with a GitHub Packages registry. You can view a package's README, as well as metadata such as licensing, download statistics, version history

Codespaces / Setting up your project / Adding a dev container configuration /

Setting up a Python project for GitHub Codespaces

details, see For config options, see the // README at: { "name":

Codespaces / Setting up your project / Adding a dev container configuration /

Setting up a Node.js project for GitHub Codespaces

details, see For config options, see the // README at:

GitHub Packages / Managing GitHub packages with workflows /

Publishing and installing a package with GitHub Actions

"[Usage](" in the README of the `docker/build-push-action` repository. # It uses the `tags` and `labels`