About unions
A union is a type of object representing many objects.
For example, a field marked as an ProjectCardItem
could be an Issue
or a PullRequest
because each of those objects can be inside a project card. Using a union instead of an object gives you flexibility.
For more information, see "Introduction to GraphQL."
Types that can initiate an audit log event.
Preview notice
is available under the Audit log preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.
Possible types
Represents either a issue the viewer can access or a restricted contribution.
Possible types
Represents either a pull request the viewer can access or a restricted contribution.
Possible types
Represents either a repository the viewer can access or a restricted contribution.
Possible types
An item in an issue timeline.
Possible types
- AddedToProjectEvent
- AssignedEvent
- ClosedEvent
- CommentDeletedEvent
- ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
- CrossReferencedEvent
- DemilestonedEvent
- IssueComment
- LabeledEvent
- LockedEvent
- MentionedEvent
- MilestonedEvent
- MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
- PinnedEvent
- ReferencedEvent
- RemovedFromProjectEvent
- RenamedTitleEvent
- ReopenedEvent
- SubscribedEvent
- TransferredEvent
- UnassignedEvent
- UnlabeledEvent
- UnlockedEvent
- UnpinnedEvent
- UnsubscribedEvent
- UserBlockedEvent
Types of memberships that can be restored for an Organization member.
Preview notice
is available under the Audit log preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.
Possible types
An audit entry in an organization audit log.
Preview notice
is available under the Audit log preview. During the preview period, the API may change without notice.
Possible types
- MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
- MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
- OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
- OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgAddMemberAuditEntry
- OrgBlockUserAuditEntry
- OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
- OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry
- OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
- OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry
- OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
- OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry
- OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry
- OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
- PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
- RepoAccessAuditEntry
- RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
- RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
- RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
- RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
- RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
- TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
- TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
- TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
- TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
An item in an pull request timeline.
Possible types
- AssignedEvent
- BaseRefForcePushedEvent
- ClosedEvent
- Commit
- CommitCommentThread
- CrossReferencedEvent
- DemilestonedEvent
- DeployedEvent
- DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent
- HeadRefDeletedEvent
- HeadRefForcePushedEvent
- HeadRefRestoredEvent
- IssueComment
- LabeledEvent
- LockedEvent
- MergedEvent
- MilestonedEvent
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewComment
- PullRequestReviewThread
- ReferencedEvent
- RenamedTitleEvent
- ReopenedEvent
- ReviewDismissedEvent
- ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
- ReviewRequestedEvent
- SubscribedEvent
- UnassignedEvent
- UnlabeledEvent
- UnlockedEvent
- UnsubscribedEvent
- UserBlockedEvent
An item in a pull request timeline.
Possible types
- AddedToProjectEvent
- AssignedEvent
- BaseRefChangedEvent
- BaseRefForcePushedEvent
- ClosedEvent
- CommentDeletedEvent
- ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
- CrossReferencedEvent
- DemilestonedEvent
- DeployedEvent
- DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent
- HeadRefDeletedEvent
- HeadRefForcePushedEvent
- HeadRefRestoredEvent
- IssueComment
- LabeledEvent
- LockedEvent
- MentionedEvent
- MergedEvent
- MilestonedEvent
- MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
- PinnedEvent
- PullRequestCommit
- PullRequestCommitCommentThread
- PullRequestReview
- PullRequestReviewThread
- PullRequestRevisionMarker
- ReadyForReviewEvent
- ReferencedEvent
- RemovedFromProjectEvent
- RenamedTitleEvent
- ReopenedEvent
- ReviewDismissedEvent
- ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
- ReviewRequestedEvent
- SubscribedEvent
- TransferredEvent
- UnassignedEvent
- UnlabeledEvent
- UnlockedEvent
- UnpinnedEvent
- UnsubscribedEvent
- UserBlockedEvent