Viewing dependencies monitored by Dependabot
After you've enabled version updates, you can confirm that your configuration is correct using the Dependabot tab in the dependency graph for the repository. For more information, see Configuring Dependabot version updates.
On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.
Under your repository name, click Insights.
In the left sidebar, click Dependency graph.
Under "Dependency graph", click Dependabot.
Optionally, to view the files monitored for a package manager, to the right of the package manager, click .
If any dependencies are missing, check the log files for errors. If any package managers are missing, review the configuration file.
Viewing Dependabot log files
The job logs list is accessible from the dependency graph of a repository. From the dependency graph, click the Dependabot tab, then to the right of the affected manifest file, click Recent update jobs.
To view the full logs files for a particular job, to the right of the log entry you are interested in, click view logs.
For more information, see Viewing Dependabot job logs.