About integration with code scanning
As an alternative to running code scanning within GitHub, you can perform analysis elsewhere, using the CodeQL CLI or another static analysis tool, and then upload the results. For more information, see "Using code scanning with your existing CI system."
If you run code scanning using multiple configurations, the same alert will sometimes be generated by more than one configuration. If an alert comes from multiple configurations, you can view the status of the alert for each configuration on the alert page. For more information, see "About code scanning alerts."
Integrations with webhooks
You can use code scanning webhooks to build or configure integrations, such as GitHub Apps or OAuth apps, that subscribe to code scanning events in your repository. For example, you could build an integration that creates an issue on GitHub Enterprise Cloud or sends you a Slack notification when a new code scanning alert is added in your repository. For more information, see "Webhooks documentation" and "Webhook events and payloads."