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Problem with controller repository

If you see this warning, update your controller repository to a private repository.

Note: Multi-repository variant analysis is currently available as a beta release and is subject to change. To use this feature, you must upgrade CodeQL for Visual Studio Code to a minimum of version 1.8.0.

About this warning

Publicly visible controller repository can't be used to analyze private repositories. NUMBER private repositories were not analyzed.

If you run variant analysis on a custom list of repositories, you may receive this warning as a banner in Visual Studio Code, where NUMBER is the number of private repositories that have not been analyzed.

Confirming the cause of the problem

When you run variant analysis, you'll see any errors and warnings displayed in the "Variant Analysis Results" view.

Fixing the problem

To analyze private repositories, you should edit your settings to update your controller repository to a private repository. For information on how to edit the controller repository, see "Customizing settings."