About changing the default branch
You can choose the default branch for a repository. The default branch is the base branch for pull requests and code commits. For more information about the default branch, see "About branches."
Note: If you use the Git-Subversion bridge, changing the default branch will affect your trunk
branch contents and the HEAD
you see when you list references for the remote repository. For more information, see "Support for Subversion clients" and git-ls-remote in the Git documentation.
To change the default branch, your repository must have more than one branch. Weitere Informationen findest Du unter „Branches in Deinem Repository erstellen und löschen.“
Changing the default branch
- Navigiere in GitHub Enterprise Server zur Hauptseite des Repository.
- Klicke unter Deinem Repository-Namen auf Settings (Einstellungen).
- Klicke im linken Menü auf Branches.
- In the default branch drop-down, choose the new default branch.
- Klicke auf Update (Aktualisieren).