Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise Server wird eingestellt am 2025-03-05. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features aktualisiere auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise Server. Wende dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe zum Upgrade zu erhalten.
REST-API-Endpunkte zum Verwalten von GitHub Enterprise Server
Verwende die REST-API zum Verwalten deiner GitHub Enterprise Server-Instanz.
Informationen zur GitHub Enterprise Server-Verwaltungs-API
Du kannst den Ihre GitHub Enterprise Server-Instance mithilfe der Verwaltungs-API GitHub Enterprise Server verwalten. Du kannst beispielsweise Informationen zur Version der GitHub Enterprise Server-Software abrufen, die auf der Instanz ausgeführt wird, oder auf Instanzen mit mehreren Knoten den Status der Replikation anzeigen.
Du kannst diese API verwenden, um die Funktionalität der Verwaltungskonsolen-API zu ersetzen, die in GitHub Enterprise Server Version 3.15 entfernt wurde. Eine Zuordnung zwischen den Endpunkten findest du unter REST-API-Endpunkte für die Verwaltungskonsole.
Gib die Portnummer an, wenn du API-Aufrufe an Endpunkten für die GitHub Enterprise Server-Verwaltungs-API tätigst. Wenn deine Instanz die TLS verwendet, lautet die Portnummer 8443. Andernfalls lautet die Portnummer 8080. Wenn du keine Portnummer angeben kannst, musst du deinen Client so konfigurieren, dass eine automatische Umleitung erfolgt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter TLS konfigurieren.
Sie können auch die GitHub Enterprise Server-Erweiterung der GitHub CLI verwenden, um Endpunkte in GitHub Enterprise Server-API verwalten aufzurufen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im github/gh-es
Um Anforderungen an Endpunkte für die GitHub Enterprise Server-Verwaltungs-API zu authentifizieren, gib das Kennwort für das Stammwebsite-Administratorkonto der Instanz als Authentifizierungstoken an. Verwende zum Senden des Kennworts die HTTP-Standardauthentifizierung. Der api_key
-Benutzer ermittelt den Stammwebsiteadministrator. Im folgenden Beispiel wird die Authentifizierung für diese API veranschaulicht. Ersetzen Sie ROOT-SITE-ADMINISTRATOR-PASSWORD durch das Kennwort und ADMINISTRATION-PORT durch 8443 oder 8080.
Authentifizierung als Verwaltungskonsole-Benutzer*in
Verwaltungskonsole-Benutzerkonten können sich auch authentifizieren, um auf diese Endpunkte zuzugreifen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verwalten des Zugriffs auf die Verwaltungskonsole.
Verwende HTTP-Standardauthentifizierung, um sich mit dem Kennwort für ein Benutzerkonto der Verwaltungskonsole zu authentifizieren. Ersetze im folgenden Beispiel YOUR_USER_NAME und YOUR_PASSWORD durch den Benutzernamen und das Kennwort des Kontos.
Standardmäßig enthält die Antwort Informationen zu allen konfigurierten Knoten für die Instanz. Bei einer Instanz mit mehreren Knoten stammen die Details aus /data/user/common/cluster.conf
. Du kannst die folgenden Abfrageparameter verwenden, um die Antwort nach Informationen zu bestimmten Knoten zu filtern.
Query parameter (Abfrageparameter) | BESCHREIBUNG |
uuid | Dies ist der eindeutige Bezeichner für den Knoten. |
cluster_role | Für Knoten in einem Cluster sind dies die Rollen, die auf den Knoten angewendet werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Informationen zu Clusterknoten. |
Du kannst mehrere Werte für den Abfrageparameter angeben, indem du die Werte durch ein Komma trennst. Die folgende Anforderung verwendet beispielsweise curl, um alle Knoten mit der Rolle web-server
oder storage-server
curl -L -u "api_key:ROOT-SITE-ADMINISTRATOR-PASSWORD" 'http(s)://HOSTNAME:ADMINISTRATION-PORT/manage/v1/config/nodes?cluster_role=WebServer,StorageServer'
Get the configured SSH keys
Gets the configured SSH keys on all available nodes. For more information, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the configured SSH keys“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Codebeispiele für „Get the configured SSH keys“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCwcd9tu20xsJVBMWbIs+JDVQTvkLtrJ8A7eblSwC+zECver22QExC9d6zHy10MAyk1Ck7Bu6/0Z+rr/31vMcAOmNOLjExzWxBCXbtDf3758Qfw7FuvkaTE1sHztwSFi/yNhZSw7uPEWeGQiRY4UldSKG9zZvrZmxpnP8mNZzPriQ==",
"fingeprint": "bd:26:d3:a2:ad:97:c0:7c:2d:57:a4:64:f3:fb:44:45"
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCg73sgCdLL9rWcmVTmvcOgAWZaokZTeNnMFEoaZWZcVtsP4Ed+ICuSbT1wDuyL/XXzr0O2u2bKwx8Np/3UGHb4R9Re+qiz//l5OCBd3KonO2GFICQwKGmVeZ+ki89aN2JDKgfemHbvclHYBD/r56lnbt/kinw7JqGPp+ndzH8nBw==",
"fingeprint": "e1:1e:a0:f1:3f:a9:70:2d:99:dd:02:9d:39:1c:8b:a4"
Set a new SSH key
Adds a SSH key to the authorized_keys
file for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. This will grant access via SSH to your instance. For more information, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."
Parameter für „Set a new SSH key“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
key string ErforderlichThe public SSH key to add to the |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Set a new SSH key“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Set a new SSH key“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/access/ssh \
-d '{"key":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADCIABAAAAgQCY/ZiDDOFWcZnYXPwMbvwQDofXPdHxLfxPK+HWGVPd1DLcDncYBUSB0bmCU2g9Sc+oHKLoHhXp0ivau9h+EpmQJ7V8vqsRdD9pc4aL/WAnUyF4o3Y7xL94rlRpVbVo/tNjzcvqxxyzBiYyy3GciCMpYQh/uKt56B94/5PNyIGEEw=="}'
Status: 200
"hostname": "ghe-local-primary",
"uuid": "1b6cf518-f97c-11ed-8544-061d81f7eedb",
"message": "SSH key added successfully",
"modified": true
Delete a SSH key
Deletes a SSH key from the authorized_keys
file for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. This will remove access via SSH to your instance. For more information, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."
Parameter für „Delete a SSH key“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
key string ErforderlichThe public SSH key to remove from the |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Delete a SSH key“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Delete a SSH key“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/access/ssh \
-d '{"key":"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADCIABAAAAgQCY/ZiDDOFWcZnYXPwMbvwQDofXPdHxLfxPK+HWGVPd1DLcDncYBUSB0bmCU2g9Sc+oHKLoHhXp0ivau9h+EpmQJ7V8vqsRdD9pc4aL/WAnUyF4o3Y7xL94rlRpVbVo/tNjzcvqxxyzBiYyy3GciCMpYQh/uKt56B94/5PNyIGEEw=="}'
Status: 200
"hostname": "ghe-local-primary",
"uuid": "1b6cf518-f97c-11ed-8544-061d81f7eedb",
"message": "SSH key removed successfully"
Get the system requirement check results for configured cluster nodes
Checks if the minimum requirements for system hardware resources are met on each configured cluster node. This endpoint may take several seconds to reply.
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the system requirement check results for configured cluster nodes“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get the system requirement check results for configured cluster nodes“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"status": "OK",
"nodes": [
"hostname": "ghe-local-app",
"status": "OK",
"roles_status": [
"status": "OK",
"role": "ConsulServer"
"status": "OK",
"role": "JobServer"
"status": "OK",
"role": "WebServer"
"hostname": "ghe-local-app2",
"status": "OK",
"roles_status": [
"status": "OK",
"role": "ConsulServer"
"status": "OK",
"role": "GitServer"
Get the status of services running on all cluster nodes
Gets the status of all services running on each cluster node. This endpoint may take several seconds to reply.
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the status of services running on all cluster nodes“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get the status of services running on all cluster nodes“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"status": "OK",
"nodes": [
"hostname": "ghe-local-app",
"status": "OK",
"services": [
"status": "OK",
"name": "es",
"details": "Elasticsearch cluster is in sync (0 shards initializing, 0 shards unassigned)"
"status": "OK",
"name": "git-replication",
"details": "Git replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "kafka-lite-admin-healthcheck",
"details": ""
"status": "OK",
"name": "kafka-lite-broker-is-reachable",
"details": ""
"status": "OK",
"name": "memcache",
"details": ""
"status": "OK",
"name": "metrics",
"details": ""
"status": "OK",
"name": "mysql-replication",
"details": "Replication is running"
"status": "OK",
"name": "mysql-failover",
"details": ""
"status": "OK",
"name": "pages",
"details": "Pages replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "redis",
"details": "Redis is OK"
"status": "OK",
"name": "storage",
"details": "Storage replication is in sync"
"hostname": "ghe-local-app2",
"status": "OK",
"services": [
"status": "OK",
"name": "kafka-lite-admin-healthcheck",
"details": ""
"status": "OK",
"name": "kafka-lite-broker-is-reachable",
"details": ""
Get the status of a ghe-config-apply run
Displays the current status of ghe-config-apply
in the environment or the status of a historical run by ID.
Parameter für „Get the status of a ghe-config-apply run“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
run_id string The unique run ID of the |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the status of a ghe-config-apply run“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Codebeispiele für „Get the status of a ghe-config-apply run“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"running": true,
"successful": false,
"nodes": [
"run_id": "d34db33f",
"hostname": "ghes-01.lan",
"running": true,
"successful": false
Trigger a ghe-config-apply run
Triggers a run of ghe-config-apply
from the ghes-manage
agent on your Nomad Delegate instance.
You can provide a run ID or allow one to be generated randomly.
Parameter für „Trigger a ghe-config-apply run“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
run_id string The run ID to execute |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Trigger a ghe-config-apply run“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Codebeispiele für „Trigger a ghe-config-apply run“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/config/apply \
-d '{"run_id":"d34db33f"}'
Status: 200
"run_id": "d34db33f"
List events from ghe-config-apply
Lists events from an in-process ghe-config-apply
run on your Github Enterprise Server instance.
Parameter für „List events from ghe-config-apply“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
last_request_id string The unique ID of the last response from a host, used for pagination. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „List events from ghe-config-apply“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Codebeispiele für „List events from ghe-config-apply“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"nodes": [
"node": "ghes-01.lan",
"last_request_id": "387cd628c06d606700e79be368e5e574:0cde553750689c76:0000000000000000",
"events": [
"timestamp": "2023-01-01T13:00:00+00:00",
"severity_text": "INFO",
"body": "Validating services",
"event_name": "Enterprise::ConfigApply::PhaseValidation#config_phase_validation",
"topology": "multinode",
"hostname": "ghes-01.lan",
"config_run_id": "d34db33f",
"trace_id": "387cd628c06d606700e79be368e5e574",
"span_id": "0cde553750689c76",
"span_parent_id": 0,
"span_depth": 0
Initialize instance configuration with license and password
When you boot and set up a GitHub instance for the first time, you can use this endpoint to upload a license and set the initial root site administrator password.
To start the configuration process and apply the license, you need to POST
to /manage/v1/config/apply
The root site administrator password provided when calling this endpoint is used to authenticate for all other endpoints in the GHES Manage API and the Management Console UI.
The request body for this operation must be submitted as multipart/form-data
data. You can can reference the license file by prefixing the filename with the @
symbol using curl
. For more information, see the curl
Parameter für „Initialize instance configuration with license and password“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
license string ErforderlichThe content of your .ghl license file. |
password string ErforderlichThe root site administrator password. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Initialize instance configuration with license and password“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
202 | Accepted |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Initialize instance configuration with license and password“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/config/init \
--form 'license=@enterprise.ghl' --form 'password=provide-password-here!'
Status: 202
Get the enterprise license information
Gets information about the license that is currently set for the enterprise.
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the enterprise license information“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get the enterprise license information“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"advancedSecurityEnabled": true,
"advancedSecuritySeats": 0,
"clusterSupport": false,
"company": "GitHub",
"croquetSupport": true,
"customTerms": true,
"evaluation": false,
"expireAt": "2025-01-02T07:59:59Z",
"insightsEnabled": true,
"insightsExpireAt": "2025-01-02T07:59:59.999Z",
"learningLabEvaluationExpires": "2023-01-02T07:59:59Z",
"learningLabSeats": 100,
"perpetual": false,
"referenceNumber": "32a145",
"seats": 0,
"sshAllowed": true,
"supportKey\"": "",
"unlimitedSeating": true
Upload an enterprise license
Uploads a new enterprise license. In order to apply it right away, use the apply
query parameter.
The request body for this operation must be submitted as multipart/form-data
data. You can can reference the license file by prefixing the filename with the @
symbol using curl
. For more information, see the curl
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Upload an enterprise license“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
201 | Created |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Upload an enterprise license“
curl -L \
-X PUT \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/config/license \
--data-binary "@enterprise.ghl"
Status: 201
"output": "License imported successfully on host: example.github.net."
Check a license
Check the status of the license that is currently set for the enterprise.
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Check a license“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Check a license“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"status": "valid"
Get GHES node metadata for all nodes
Get node metadata for all configured nodes in the current cluster. For more information, see "About clustering."
Parameter für „Get GHES node metadata for all nodes“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
uuid string The UUID which identifies a node. |
cluster_roles string The cluster roles from the cluster configuration file. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get GHES node metadata for all nodes“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get GHES node metadata for all nodes“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"topology": "Cluster",
"nodes": [
"hostname": "data1",
"uuid": "1b6cf518-f97c-11ed-8544-061d81f7eedb",
"cluster_roles": [
"hostname": "data2",
"uuid": "228406d4-f97c-11ed-ab01-062281bbcf03",
"cluster_roles": [
Get the GHES settings
Gets a list of settings for a GitHub Enterprise Server instance.
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the GHES settings“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Codebeispiele für „Get the GHES settings“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"private_mode": false,
"public_pages": false,
"subdomain_isolation": true,
"signup_enabled": false,
"github_hostname": "ghe.local",
"identicons_host": "dotcom",
"http_proxy": null,
"auth_mode": "default",
"expire_sessions": false,
"admin_password": null,
"configuration_id": 1401777404,
"configuration_run_count": 4,
"avatar": {
"enabled": false,
"uri": ""
"customer": {
"name": "GitHub",
"email": "stannis@themannis.biz",
"uuid": "af6cac80-e4e1-012e-d822-1231380e52e9",
"secret_key_data": "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)\nlQcYBE5TCgsBEACk4yHpUcapplebaumBMXYMiLF+nCQ0lxpx...\n-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n",
"public_key_data": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)\nmI0ETqzZYgEEALSe6snowdenXyqvLfSQ34HWD6C7....\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n"
"license": {
"seats": 0,
"evaluation": false,
"perpetual": false,
"unlimited_seating": true,
"support_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3N....",
"ssh_allowed": true,
"cluster_support": false,
"expire_at": "2016-04-27T00:00:00-07:00"
"github_ssl": {
"enabled": false,
"cert": null,
"key": null
"ldap": {
"host": null,
"port": 0,
"base": [],
"uid": null,
"bind_dn": null,
"password": null,
"method": "Plain",
"search_strategy": "detect",
"user_groups": [],
"admin_group": null,
"virtual_attribute_enabled": false,
"recursive_group_search": false,
"posix_support": true,
"user_sync_emails": false,
"user_sync_keys": false,
"user_sync_interval": 4,
"team_sync_interval": 4,
"sync_enabled": false,
"reconciliation": {
"user": null,
"org": null
"profile": {
"uid": "uid",
"name": null,
"mail": null,
"key": null
"cas": {
"url": null
"saml": {
"sso_url": null,
"certificate": null,
"certificate_path": null,
"issuer": null,
"idp_initiated_sso": false,
"disable_admin_demote": false
"github_oauth": {
"client_id": "12313412",
"client_secret": "kj123131132",
"organization_name": "Homestar Runners",
"organization_team": "homestarrunners/characters"
"smtp": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "smtp.example.com",
"authentication": "plain",
"port": "1234",
"domain": "blah",
"username": "foo",
"user_name": "mr_foo",
"enable_starttls_auto": true,
"password": "bar",
"discard-to-noreply-address": true,
"support_address": "enterprise@github.com",
"support_address_type": "email",
"noreply_address": "noreply@github.com"
"ntp": {
"primary_server": "0.pool.ntp.org",
"secondary_server": "1.pool.ntp.org"
"timezone": null,
"snmp": {
"enabled": false,
"community": ""
"syslog": {
"enabled": false,
"server": null,
"protocol_name": "udp"
"assets": null,
"pages": {
"enabled": true
"collectd": {
"enabled": false,
"server": null,
"port": 0,
"encryption": null,
"username": null,
"password": null
"mapping": {
"enabled": true,
"tileserver": null,
"basemap": "company.map-qsz2zrvs",
"token": null
"load_balancer": null
Set settings
Updates the settings on your instance. For a list of the available settings, see the Get settings endpoint.
- The request body only requires the settings parameters that should be updated to be specified, all other parameters will be unmodified or populated from the default values.
- You cannot set the Management Console root site administrator password with this API endpoint. Use the
utility to change the management console password. For more information, see "Command-line utilities."
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Set settings“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
204 | No Content |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Set settings“
curl -L \
-X PUT \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/config/settings \
-d '{"public_pages":true}'
Status: 204
Get the status of maintenance mode
Gets the status and details of maintenance mode on all available nodes. For more information, see "Enabling and scheduling maintenance mode."
Parameter für „Get the status of maintenance mode“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
uuid string The UUID which identifies a node. |
cluster_roles string The cluster roles from the cluster configuration file. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the status of maintenance mode“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get the status of maintenance mode“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"hostname": "ghe-local-primary",
"uuid": "1b6cf518-f97c-11ed-8544-061d81f7eedb",
"status": "scheduled",
"scheduled_time": "2006-01-02T15:04:05+00:00",
"connection_services": [
"name": "git operations",
"number": 15
"name": "mysql queries",
"number": 6
"name": "resque jobs",
"number": 10
"name": "aqueduct jobs",
"number": 0
"can_unset_maintenance": true,
"ip_exception_list": [
"maintenance_mode_message": "Scheduled maintenance for upgrading."
Set the status of maintenance mode
Sets or schedules the maintenance mode. For more information, see "Enabling and scheduling maintenance mode."
Parameter für „Set the status of maintenance mode“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
enabled boolean ErforderlichWhether to enable maintenance mode. |
uuid string The UUID of the node to target. This parameter is incompatible with maintenance mode scheduling. Only use |
when string The time to enable maintenance mode. If this parameter is empty or set to |
ip_exception_list array of strings The list of IP addresses to exclude from maintenance mode. IPv4, IPv6, and CIDR addresses are supported. |
maintenance_mode_message string The message to display to users when maintenance mode is enabled. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Set the status of maintenance mode“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Set the status of maintenance mode“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/manage/v1/maintenance \
-d '{"enabled":true,"when":"2006-01-02T15:04:05+00:00","ip_exception_list":["",""]}'
Status: 200
"hostname": "ghe-local-primary",
"uuid": "1b6cf518-f97c-11ed-8544-061d81f7eedb",
"message": "maintenance mode scheduled with exception list []"
Get the status of services running on all replica nodes
Gets the status of all services running on each replica node. This endpoint may take several seconds to reply.
Parameter für „Get the status of services running on all replica nodes“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
uuid string The UUID which identifies a node. |
cluster_roles string The cluster roles from the cluster configuration file. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get the status of services running on all replica nodes“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get the status of services running on all replica nodes“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"status": "OK",
"nodes": [
"hostname": "ghe-local-primary",
"status": "OK",
"services": []
"hostname": "ghe-local-replica",
"status": "OK",
"services": [
"status": "OK",
"name": "redis",
"details": "replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "elasticsearch",
"details": "cluster is in sync (0 shards initializing, 0 shards unassigned)"
"status": "OK",
"name": "git",
"details": "replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "pages",
"details": "replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "alambic",
"details": "replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "git-hooks",
"details": "replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "consul",
"details": "replication is in sync"
"status": "OK",
"name": "mysql",
"details": "replication is in sync"
Get all GHES release versions for all nodes
Gets the GitHub Enterprise Server release versions that are currently installed on all available nodes. For more information, see "GitHub Enterprise Server releases."
Parameter für „Get all GHES release versions for all nodes“
Name, type, BESCHREIBUNG |
uuid string The UUID which identifies a node. |
cluster_roles string The cluster roles from the cluster configuration file. |
HTTP-Antwortstatuscodes für „Get all GHES release versions for all nodes“
Statuscode | BESCHREIBUNG |
200 | OK |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | Internal error |
Codebeispiele für „Get all GHES release versions for all nodes“
curl -L \
-u "api_key:your-password" \
Status: 200
"hostname": "ghe-local-primary",
"version": {
"version": "3.9.0",
"platform": "azure",
"build_id": "fc542058b5",
"build_date": "2023-05-02"