Keeping your dependencies updated automatically with Dependabot version updates
You can use Dependabot to automatically keep the dependencies and packages used in your repository updated to the latest version, even when they don’t have any known vulnerabilities.
About Dependabot version updates
You can use Dependabot to keep the packages you use updated to the latest versions.
Configuring Dependabot version updates
You can configure your repository so that Dependabot automatically updates the packages you use.
Optimizing the creation of pull requests for Dependabot version updates
Learn how to streamline and efficiently manage your Dependabot pull requests.
Customizing Dependabot pull requests to fit your processes
Learn how to tailor your Dependabot pull requests to better suit your own internal workflows.
Controlling which dependencies are updated by Dependabot
Learn how to configure your dependabot.yml
file so that Dependabot automatically updates the packages you specify, in the way you define.