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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

Autolinked references and URLs

References to URLs, issues, pull requests, and commits are automatically shortened and converted into links.


GitHub Enterprise Server automatically creates links from standard URLs.


Rendered autolinked URL

For more information on creating links, see "Basic writing and formatting syntax."

Issues and pull requests

Within conversations on GitHub Enterprise Server, references to issues and pull requests are automatically converted to shortened links.

Note: Autolinked references are not created in wikis or files in a repository.

Reference typeRaw referenceShort link
Issue or pull request URL
# and issue or pull request number#26#26
GH- and issue or pull request numberGH-26GH-26
Username/Repository# and issue or pull request numberjlord/sheetsee.js#26jlord/sheetsee.js#26
Organization_name/Repository# and issue or pull request numbergithub/linguist#4039github/linguist#4039


When referencing the URL of a label in Markdown, the label is automatically rendered. Only labels of the same repository are rendered, URLs pointing to a label from a different repository are rendered as any URL.

The URL of a label can be found by navigating to the labels page and clicking on a label. For example, the URL of the label "enhancement" in our public docs repository is

Note: If the label name contains a period (.), the label will not automatically render from the label URL.

Commit SHAs

References to a commit's SHA hash are automatically converted into shortened links to the commit on GitHub Enterprise Server.

Reference typeRaw referenceShort link
Commit URL

如果自定义自动链接引用配置用于仓库,则对外部资源(如 JIRA 议题或 Zendesk 事件单)的引用将转换为缩短的链接。 要了解在您的仓库中哪些自动链接可用,请联系拥有仓库管理员权限的人。 有关详细信息,请参阅“配置自动链接以引用外部资源”。

Further reading