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Showing your private contributions and achievements on your profile

Your GitHub Enterprise Server profile shows a graph of your repository contributions over the past year. You can choose to show anonymized activity from private and internal repositories in addition to the activity from public repositories.

If you publicize your private contributions, people without access to the private repositories you work in won't be able to see the details of your private contributions. Instead, they'll see the number of private contributions you made on any given day. Your public contributions will include detailed information. For more information, see "Viewing contributions on your profile page."

Note: On GitHub Enterprise Server, public contributions on your profile are visible only to other users of your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

Changing the visibility of your private contributions

  1. 在 GitHub Enterprise Server 的右上角,单击� 的头像照片,然后单击“� 的个人资料”。 个人资料照片
  2. Publicize or hide your private contributions on your profile:
    • To publicize your private contributions, above your contributions graph, use the Contribution settings drop-down menu, and select Private contributions. Visitors will see your private contribution counts without further details. Enable visitors to see private contributions from contribution settings drop-down menu
    • To hide your private contributions, above your contributions graph, use the Contribution settings drop-down menu, and unselect Private contributions. Visitors will only see your public contributions. Enable visitors to see private contributions from contribution settings drop-down menu

Changing the visibility of Achievements

  1. 在任何页面的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击“设置”。

    用户� �中的 Settings 图� �

  2. Show or hide Achievements on your profile:

    • To show Achievements on your profile, navigate to Profile settings, and select the checkbox next to Show Achievements on my profile. Enable visitors to see Achievements from profile settings
    • To hide Achievements from your profile, navigate to Profile settings, and unselect the checkbox next to Show Achievements on my profile. Hide Achievements from visitors in profile settings

Further reading