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240 搜索结果 "pull requests"

存储库 / 管理存储库设置 / 启用功能 /

管理存储库的 GitHub Actions 设置

are modified for abusive purposes. To help prevent this, workflows on pull requests to public repositories from some outside contributors will not run automatically



上的触发操作以及每个事件的唯一属性。 Issue events are triggered by activity in issues and pull requests and are available in the REST API for Issue events and Timeline events

GitHub Education / GitHub Classroom / 教学 /


turn feedback pull requests on or off, select or deselect Enable feedback pull requests. Note Enabling or disabling feedback pull requests for an assignment

身份验证 / 帐户安全性 /


closed pull requests: Removing the sensitive data will require removing the internal references used for displaying the diff view in pull requests, so you

组织 / 管理组织设置 /

禁用或限制组织的 GitHub Actions

are modified for abusive purposes. To help prevent this, workflows on pull requests to public repositories from some outside contributors will not run automatically

代码安全 / Dependabot / Dependabot 版本更新 /

自定义 Dependabot 拉取请求以适应你的流程

YAML # `dependabot.yml` file with # reviews and an assignee for all npm pull requests version: 2 updates: # Keep npm dependencies up to date - package-ecosystem:

GitHub Issues /


议题可以通过多种方式创建,因此您可以为工作流程选择最方便的方法。 Pull requests Issues Project management 筛选和搜索议题以及拉取请求 操作指南 要在 上查找有关仓库的详细信息,您可以过滤、排序和搜索与仓库相关的议题和拉取请求。 Issues Pull requests 为您的团队或项目规划和跟踪工作

代码安全 / Dependabot / Dependabot 安全更新 /

自定义 Dependabot 安全更新的拉取请求

Dependabot to use the private registry for npm - example # Raise all npm pull requests for security updates with custom labels labels: - "npm dependencies"

REST API / 拉取请求 /

用于拉取请求审查的 REST API 终结点

GitHub App 用户访问令牌 GitHub App 安装访问令牌 细粒度的个人访问令牌 精细令牌必须具有以下权限集: "Pull requests" repository permissions (read) 如果仅请求公共资源,则无需身份验证或上述权限即可使用此终结点。 “List

REST API / 拉取请求 /

用于拉取请求审查注释的 REST API 终结点

终结点。 List review comments in a repository Lists review comments for all pull requests in a repository. By default, review comments are in ascending order by