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This version of GitHub Enterprise Server was discontinued on 2023-09-25. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Security log events

Learn about security log events recorded for your personal account.


  • This article contains the events available in the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. Some of the events may not be available in previous versions.
  • This article contains the events that may appear in your user account's security log. For the events that can appear in an organization's audit log or the audit log for an enterprise, see "Audit log events for your organization" and "Audit log events for your enterprise."

About security log events

The name for each audit log entry is composed of a category of events, followed by an operation type. For example, the repo.create entry refers to the create operation on the repo category. The reference information in this article is grouped by categories.


business.set_actions_retention_limitThe retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs was changed for an enterprise.


checks.auto_trigger_disabledAutomatic creation of check suites was disabled on a repository in the organization or enterprise.
checks.auto_trigger_enabledAutomatic creation of check suites was enabled on a repository in the organization or enterprise.


hook.config_changedA hook's configuration was changed.
hook.createA new hook was added.
hook.destroyA hook was deleted.
hook.events_changedA hook's configured events were changed.


integration.createAn integration was created.
integration.destroyAn integration was deleted.
integration.manager_addedA member of an enterprise or organization was added as an integration manager.
integration.manager_removedA member of an enterprise or organization was removed from being an integration manager.
integration.transferOwnership of an integration was transferred to another user or organization.


integration_installation.createAn integration was installed.
integration_installation.destroyAn integration was uninstalled.
integration_installation.repositories_addedRepositories were added to an integration.
integration_installation.repositories_removedRepositories were removed from an integration.
integration_installation.version_updatedPermissions for an integration were updated.


oauth_application.createAn OAuth application was created.
oauth_application.destroyAn OAuth application was deleted.
oauth_application.reset_secretThe secret key for an OAuth application was reset.
oauth_application.revoke_tokensToken(s) for an OAuth application were revoked.
oauth_application.transferAn OAuth application was transferred from one account to another.


oauth_authorization.createAn authorization for an OAuth application was created.
oauth_authorization.destroyAn authorization for an OAuth application was deleted.


org.add_memberA user joined an organization.
org.advanced_security_disabled_for_new_reposGitHub Advanced Security was disabled for new repositories in an organization.
org.advanced_security_disabled_on_all_reposGitHub Advanced Security was disabled for all repositories in an organization.
org.advanced_security_enabled_for_new_reposGitHub Advanced Security was enabled for new repositories in an organization.
org.advanced_security_enabled_on_all_reposGitHub Advanced Security was enabled for all repositories in an organization.
org.remove_memberA member was removed from an organization, either manually or due to a two-factor authentication requirement.
org.set_actions_retention_limitThe retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in an organization was changed.
org.update_member_repository_creation_permissionThe create repository permission for organization members was changed.
org.update_member_repository_invitation_permissionAn organization owner changed the policy setting for organization members inviting outside collaborators to repositories.


public_key.createAn SSH key was added to a user account or a deploy key was added to a repository.
public_key.deleteAn SSH key was removed from a user account or a deploy key was removed from a repository.
public_key.unverification_failureA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unable to be unverified.
public_key.unverifyA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unverified.
public_key.updateA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was updated.
public_key.verification_failureA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unable to be verified.
public_key.verifyA user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was verified.


repo.accessThe visibility of a repository changed.
repo.add_memberA collaborator was added to a repository.
repo.add_topicA topic was added to a repository.
repo.advanced_security_disabledGitHub Advanced Security was disabled for a repository.
repo.advanced_security_enabledGitHub Advanced Security was enabled for a repository.
repo.archivedA repository was archived.
repo.change_merge_settingPull request merge options were changed for a repository.
repo.code_scanning_analysis_deletedCode scanning analysis for a repository was deleted.
repo.code_scanning_configuration_for_branch_deletedA code scanning configuration for a branch of a repository was deleted.
repo.config.disable_collaborators_onlyThe interaction limit for collaborators only was disabled.
repo.config.disable_contributors_onlyThe interaction limit for prior contributors only was disabled in a repository.
repo.config.disable_sockpuppet_disallowedThe interaction limit for existing users only was disabled in a repository.
repo.config.enable_collaborators_onlyThe interaction limit for collaborators only was enabled in a repository Users that are not collaborators or organization members were unable to interact with a repository for a set duration.
repo.config.enable_contributors_onlyThe interaction limit for prior contributors only was enabled in a repository Users that are not prior contributors, collaborators or organization members were unable to interact with a repository for a set duration.
repo.config.enable_sockpuppet_disallowedThe interaction limit for existing users was enabled in a repository New users aren't able to interact with a repository for a set duration Existing users of the repository, contributors, collaborators or organization members are able to interact with a repository.
repo.createA repository was created.
repo.destroyA repository was deleted.
repo.pages_cnameA GitHub Pages custom domain was modified in a repository.
repo.pages_createA GitHub Pages site was created.
repo.pages_destroyA GitHub Pages site was deleted.
repo.pages_https_redirect_disabledHTTPS redirects were disabled for a GitHub Pages site.
repo.pages_https_redirect_enabledHTTPS redirects were enabled for a GitHub Pages site.
repo.pages_privateA GitHub Pages site visibility was changed to private.
repo.pages_publicA GitHub Pages site visibility was changed to public.
repo.pages_sourceA GitHub Pages source was modified.
repo.register_self_hosted_runnerA new self-hosted runner was registered.
repo.remove_memberA collaborator was removed from a repository.
repo.remove_self_hosted_runnerA self-hosted runner was removed.
repo.remove_topicA topic was removed from a repository.
repo.renameA repository was renamed.
repo.set_actions_retention_limitThe retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in a repository was changed.
repo.staff_unlockAn enterprise owner or GitHub staff (with permission from a repository administrator) temporarily unlocked the repository.
repo.transferA user accepted a request to receive a transferred repository.
repo.transfer_outgoingA repository was transferred to another repository network.
repo.transfer_startA user sent a request to transfer a repository to another user or organization.
repo.unarchivedA repository was unarchived.
repo.update_actions_access_settingsThe setting to control how a repository was used by GitHub Actions workflows in other repositories was changed.
repo.update_actions_settingsA repository administrator changed GitHub Actions policy settings for a repository.
repo.update_memberA user's permission to a repository was changed.


repository_invitation.acceptAn invitation to join a repository was accepted.
repository_invitation.cancelAn invitation to join a repository was canceled.
repository_invitation.createAn invitation to join a repository was sent.
repository_invitation.rejectAn invitation to join a repository was declined.


repository_ruleset.createA repository ruleset was created.
repository_ruleset.destroyA repository ruleset was deleted.
repository_ruleset.updateA repository ruleset was edited.


security_key.registerA security key was registered for an account.
security_key.removeA security key was removed from an account.


two_factor_authentication.add_factorA secondary authentication factor was added to a user account.
two_factor_authentication.disabledTwo-factor authentication was disabled for a user account.
two_factor_authentication.enabledTwo-factor authentication was enabled for a user account.
two_factor_authentication.password_reset_fallback_smsA one-time password code was sent to a user account fallback phone number.
two_factor_authentication.recovery_codes_regeneratedTwo factor recovery codes were regenerated for a user account.
two_factor_authentication.remove_factorA secondary authentication factor was removed from a user account.
two_factor_authentication.sign_in_fallback_smsA one-time password code was sent to a user account fallback phone number.
two_factor_authentication.update_fallbackThe two-factor authentication fallback for a user account was changed.


user.add_emailAn email address was added to a user account.
user.async_deleteAn asynchronous job was started to destroy a user account, eventually triggering a user.delete event.
user.audit_log_exportAudit log entries were exported.
user.block_userA user was blocked by another user.
user.change_passwordA user changed their password.
user.createA new user account was created.
user.creation_rate_limit_exceededThe rate of creation of user accounts, applications, issues, pull requests or other resources exceeded the configured rate limits, or too many users were followed too quickly.
user.deleteA user account was destroyed by an asynchronous job.
user.demoteA site administrator was demoted to an ordinary user account.
user.destroyA user deleted his or her account, triggering user.async_delete.
user.failed_loginA user tried to sign in with an incorrect username, password, or two-factor authentication code.
user.forgot_passwordA user requested a password reset.
user.hide_private_contributions_countA user changed the visibility of their private contributions. The number of contributions to private repositories on the user's profile are now hidden.
user.loginA user signed in.
user.logoutA user signed out.
user.promoteAn ordinary user account was promoted to a site administrator.
user.recreateA user's account was restored.
user.remove_emailAn email address was removed from a user account.
user.renameA username was changed.
user.reset_passwordA user reset their account password.
user.show_private_contributions_countA user changed the visibility of their private contributions. The number of contributions to private repositories on the user's profile are now shown.
user.sign_in_from_unrecognized_deviceA user signed in from an unrecognized device.
user.sign_in_from_unrecognized_device_and_locationA user signed in from an unrecognized device and location.
user.suspendA user account was suspended.
user.two_factor_challenge_failureA 2FA challenge issued for a user account failed.
user.two_factor_challenge_successA 2FA challenge issued for a user account succeeded.
user.two_factor_recoverA user used their 2FA recovery codes.
user.two_factor_recovery_codes_downloadedA user downloaded 2FA recovery codes for their account.
user.two_factor_recovery_codes_printedA user printed 2FA recovery codes for their account.
user.two_factor_recovery_codes_viewedA user viewed 2FA recovery codes for their account.
user.two_factor_requestedA user was prompted for a two-factor authentication code.
user.unblock_userA user was unblocked by another user.
user.unsuspendA user account was unsuspended.


workflows.approve_workflow_jobA workflow job was approved.
workflows.delete_workflow_runA workflow run was deleted.
workflows.disable_workflowA workflow was disabled.
workflows.enable_workflowA workflow was enabled, after previously being disabled by disable_workflow.
workflows.reject_workflow_jobA workflow job was rejected.