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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise Server 将于以下日期停止服务 2024-08-29. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

Using workflow run logs

You can view, search, and download the logs for each job in a workflow run.

注意:GitHub Enterprise Server 目前不支持 GitHub 托管的运行器。 可以在 GitHub public roadmap 上查看有关未来支持计划的更多信息。

You can see whether a workflow run is in progress or complete from the workflow run page. You must be logged in to a GitHub account to view workflow run information, including for public repositories. For more information, see "GitHub 上的访问权限."

If the run is complete, you can see whether the result was a success, failure, canceled, or neutral. If the run failed, you can view and search the build logs to diagnose the failure and re-run the workflow. You can also view billable job execution minutes, or download logs and build artifacts.

GitHub Actions use the Checks API to output statuses, results, and logs for a workflow. GitHub creates a new check suite for each workflow run. The check suite contains a check run for each job in the workflow, and each job includes steps. GitHub Actions are run as a step in a workflow. For more information about the Checks API, see "检查的 REST API 终结点."

注意:确保只将有效的工作流文件提交到存储库。 如果 .github/workflows 含有无效的工作流文件,则 GitHub Actions 将为每次新提交生成失败的工作流运行。

Viewing logs to diagnose failures

If your workflow run fails, you can see which step caused the failure and review the failed step's build logs to troubleshoot. You can see the time it took for each step to run. You can also copy a permalink to a specific line in the log file to share with your team. 执行这些步骤需要对仓库的读取访问权限。

In addition to the steps configured in the workflow file, GitHub adds two additional steps to each job to set up and complete the job's execution. These steps are logged in the workflow run with the names "Set up job" and "Complete job".

For jobs run on GitHub-hosted runners, "Set up job" records details of the runner image, and includes a link to the list of preinstalled tools that were present on the runner machine.

  1. 在 你的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 上,导航到存储库的主页。

  2. 在存储库名称下,单击 “操作”。

    “github/docs”存储库的选项卡的屏幕截图。 “操作”选项卡以橙色边框突出显示。

  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击您想要查看的工作流程。


  4. 在工作流运行列表中,单击运行的名称以查看工作流运行摘要。

  5. 在“作业”或可视化图中,选择要查看的作业。

  6. 任何失败的步骤都会自动展开以显示结果。

  7. (可选)要获取指向日志中特定行的链接,请单击该步骤的行号。 然后,您可以从 web 浏览器的地址栏中复制链接。

    作业日志的屏幕截图。 已展开失败步骤的日志,并以橙色轮廓突出显示行号。

Searching logs

You can search the build logs for a particular step. When you search logs, only expanded steps are included in the results. 执行这些步骤需要对仓库的读取访问权限。

  1. 在 你的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 上,导航到存储库的主页。

  2. 在存储库名称下,单击 “操作”。

    “github/docs”存储库的选项卡的屏幕截图。 “操作”选项卡以橙色边框突出显示。

  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击您想要查看的工作流程。


  4. 在工作流运行列表中,单击运行的名称以查看工作流运行摘要。

  5. 在“作业”或可视化图中,选择要查看的作业。

  6. In the upper-right corner of the log output, in the Search logs search box, type a search query.

Downloading logs

You can download the log files from your workflow run. You can also download a workflow's artifacts. For more information, see "将工作流程数据存储为构件." 执行这些步骤需要对仓库的读取访问权限。

  1. 在 你的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 上,导航到存储库的主页。

  2. 在存储库名称下,单击 “操作”。

    “github/docs”存储库的选项卡的屏幕截图。 “操作”选项卡以橙色边框突出显示。

  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击您想要查看的工作流程。


  4. 在工作流运行列表中,单击运行的名称以查看工作流运行摘要。

  5. 在“作业”或可视化图中,选择要查看的作业。

  6. In the upper right corner of the log, select the dropdown menu, then click Download log archive.

    Screenshot of the log for a job. In the header, a gear icon is outlined in dark orange.

Note: When you download the log archive for a workflow that was partially re-run, the archive only includes the jobs that were re-run. To get a complete set of logs for jobs that were run from a workflow, you must download the log archives for the previous run attempts that ran the other jobs.

Deleting logs

You can delete the log files from your workflow runs through the GitHub web interface or programmatically. 执行这些步骤需要对仓库的写入访问权限。

Deleting logs via the GitHub web interface

  1. 在 你的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 上,导航到存储库的主页。

  2. 在存储库名称下,单击 “操作”。

    “github/docs”存储库的选项卡的屏幕截图。 “操作”选项卡以橙色边框突出显示。

  3. 在左侧边栏中,单击您想要查看的工作流程。


  4. 在工作流运行列表中,单击运行的名称以查看工作流运行摘要。

  5. In the upper-right corner, select the dropdown menu, then click Delete all logs.

    Screenshot of the page for a workflow run. In the top-right corner, a button, labeled with a kebab icon, is outlined in dark orange.

  6. Review the confirmation prompt.

After deleting logs, the Delete all logs button is removed to indicate that no log files remain in the workflow run.

Deleting logs programmatically

You can use the following script to automatically delete all logs for a workflow. This can be a useful way to clean up logs for multiple workflow runs.

To run the example script below:

  1. Copy the code example and save it to a file called

  2. Grant it the execute permission with chmod +x

  3. Run the following command, where REPOSITORY_NAME is the name of your repository and WORKFLOW_NAME is the file name of your workflow.


    For example, to delete all of the logs in the monalisa/octocat repository for the .github/workflows/ci.yaml workflow, you would run ./ monalisa/octocat ci.yaml.

Example script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Delete all logs for a given workflow
# Usage: <repository> <workflow-name>

set -oe pipefail


# Validate arguments
if [[ -z "$REPOSITORY" ]]; then
  echo "Repository is required"
  exit 1

if [[ -z "$WORKFLOW_NAME" ]]; then
  echo "Workflow name is required"
  exit 1

echo "Getting all completed runs for workflow $WORKFLOW_NAME in $REPOSITORY"

  gh api \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
    -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
    "/repos/$REPOSITORY/actions/workflows/$WORKFLOW_NAME/runs" \
    --paginate \
    --jq '.workflow_runs[] | select(.conclusion != "") | .id'

echo "Found $(echo "$RUNS" | wc -l) completed runs for workflow $WORKFLOW_NAME"

# Delete logs for each run
for RUN in $RUNS; do
  echo "Deleting logs for run $RUN"
  gh api \
    --silent \
    --method DELETE \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
    -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
    "/repos/$REPOSITORY/actions/runs/$RUN/logs" || echo "Failed to delete logs for run $RUN"

  # Sleep for 100ms to avoid rate limiting
  sleep 0.1

Viewing logs with GitHub CLI

若要详细了解 GitHub CLI,请参阅“关于 GitHub CLI”。

To view the log for a specific job, use the run view subcommand. Replace run-id with the ID of run that you want to view logs for. GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a job from the run. If you don't specify run-id, GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a recent run, and then returns another interactive menu for you to choose a job from the run.

gh run view RUN_ID --log

You can also use the --job flag to specify a job ID. Replace job-id with the ID of the job that you want to view logs for.

gh run view --job JOB_ID --log

You can use grep to search the log. For example, this command will return all log entries that contain the word error.

gh run view --job JOB_ID --log | grep error

To filter the logs for any failed steps, use --log-failed instead of --log.

gh run view --job JOB_ID --log-failed