Setting your personal account's billing email
Your personal account's primary email is where GitHub Enterprise Cloud sends receipts and other billing-related communication.
Your primary email address is the first email listed in your account email settings. We also use your primary email address as our billing email address.
If you'd like to change your billing email, see "更改主电子邮件地址."
Setting your organization's billing email
Your organization's billing email is where GitHub Enterprise Cloud sends receipts and other billing-related communication. The email address does not need to be unique to the organization account.
- 在 GitHub 任意页的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击“设置”。
- 在边栏的“访问”部分中,单击“ 组织”。
- 在组织旁边,单击“设置”。
- 如果你是组织所有者,请在侧边栏的“访问”部分,单击“ 计费和计划”。
- Under "Billing management", under "Email recipients", find the email address you want to change and click Edit.
- Type a valid email address, then click Update.
Managing additional recipients for your organization's billing email
If you have users that want to receive billing reports, you can add their email addresses as billing email recipients. This feature is only available to organizations that are not managed by an enterprise.
Adding a recipient for billing notifications for your organization
- 在 GitHub 任意页的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击“设置”。
- 在边栏的“访问”部分中,单击“ 组织”。
- 在组织旁边,单击“设置”。
- 如果你是组织所有者,请在侧边栏的“访问”部分,单击“ 计费和计划”。
- Under "Billing management", to the right of "Email recipients", click Add.
- Type the email address of the recipient, then click Add.
Changing the primary recipient for billing notifications for your organization
One address must always be designated as the primary recipient. The address with this designation can't be removed until a new primary recipient is selected.
- 在 GitHub 任意页的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击“设置”。
- 在边栏的“访问”部分中,单击“ 组织”。
- 在组织旁边,单击“设置”。
- 如果你是组织所有者,请在侧边栏的“访问”部分,单击“ 计费和计划”。
- Under "Billing management", under "Email recipients", find the email address you want to set as the primary recipient.
- To the right of the email address, select Edit, then click Mark as primary.
Removing a recipient from billing notifications for your organization
- 在 GitHub 任意页的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击“设置”。
- 在边栏的“访问”部分中,单击“ 组织”。
- 在组织旁边,单击“设置”。
- 如果你是组织所有者,请在侧边栏的“访问”部分,单击“ 计费和计划”。
- Under "Email recipients", find the email address you want to remove.
- To the right of the email address, select "Edit", then click Remove.
- Review the confirmation prompt, then click Remove.
Setting your enterprise's billing email
Your enterprise's billing email is where GitHub Enterprise Cloud sends receipts and other billing-related communication. The email address does not need to be unique to the enterprise account.
Only enterprise members with the owner or billing manager role can access or change billing settings for your enterprise. For more information, see "企业中的角色."
在 GitHub 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“你的企业”****。
在页面左侧的企业帐户边栏中,单击 “设置”。
在“ 设置”下,单击“账单” 。
Click Billing emails.
Under "Email recipients", to the right of the billing email address, click Edit.
Type a valid email address, then click Update.
Managing additional recipients for your enterprise's billing email
If you have users that want to receive billing reports, you can add their email addresses as billing email recipients.
Only enterprise members with the owner or billing manager role can access or change billing settings for your enterprise. For more information, see "企业中的角色."
Adding a recipient for billing notifications for your enterprise
在 GitHub 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“你的企业”****。
在页面左侧的企业帐户边栏中,单击 “设置”。
在“ 设置”下,单击“账单” 。
Click Billing emails.
Under "Email recipients", to the right of the billing email address, click Add.
Type the email address of the recipient, then click Add.
Removing a recipient from billing notifications for your enterprise
在 GitHub 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“你的企业”****。
在页面左侧的企业帐户边栏中,单击 “设置”。
在“ 设置”下,单击“账单” 。
Click Billing emails.
Under "Email recipients", find the email address you want to remove.
To the right of the email address, select "Edit", then click Remove.
Review the confirmation prompt, then click Remove.