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About secrets

Learn about secrets as they're used in GitHub Actions.

About secrets

Secrets allow you to store sensitive information in your organization, repository, or repository environments. Secrets are variables that you create to use in GitHub Actions workflows in an organization, repository, or repository environment.

GitHub Actions can only read a secret if you explicitly include the secret in a workflow.

Naming your secrets


To help ensure that GitHub redacts your secrets in logs correctly, avoid using structured data as the values of secrets.

The following rules apply to secret names:

  • 名称只能包含字母数字字符([a-z][A-Z][0-9])或下划线 (_)。 不允许空格。
  • 名称不能以 GITHUB_ 前缀开头。
  • 名称不能以数字开头。
  • 名称不区分大小写。
  • 名称在所创建的级别上必须是唯一的。

如果具有相同名称的机密存在于多个级别,则级别最低的机密优先。 例如,如果组织级别密码的名称与仓库级别的密码相同,则仓库级别的密码优先。 Similarly, if an organization, repository, and environment all have a secret with the same name, the environment-level secret takes precedence.

Using your secrets in workflows


如果在作业中使用了机密,GitHub 会自动对输出到日志中的机密进行编辑。 应避免故意将机密输出到日志中。

对于存储在组织级别的密码,可以使用访问策略来控制哪些仓库可以使用组织密码。 组织级密码允许在多个仓库之间共享密码,从而减少创建重复密码的需要。 在一个位置更新组织密码还可确保更改在使用该密码的所有仓库工作流程中生效。

For environment secrets, you can enable required reviewers to control access to the secrets. A workflow job cannot access environment secrets until approval is granted by required approvers.

To make a secret available to an action, you must set the secret as an input or environment variable in your workflow file. Review the action's README file to learn about which inputs and environment variables the action expects. See GitHub Actions 的工作流语法.

Organization and repository secrets are read when a workflow run is queued, and environment secrets are read when a job referencing the environment starts.

Limiting credential permissions

When generating credentials, we recommend that you grant the minimum permissions possible. For example, instead of using personal credentials, use deploy keys or a service account. Consider granting read-only permissions if that's all that is needed, and limit access as much as possible.

When generating a personal access token (classic), select the fewest scopes necessary. When generating a fine-grained personal access token, select the minimum permissions and repository access required.

Instead of using a personal access token, consider using a GitHub App, which uses fine-grained permissions and short lived tokens, similar to a fine-grained personal access token. Unlike a personal access token, a GitHub App is not tied to a user, so the workflow will continue to work even if the user who installed the app leaves your organization. For more information, see 使用 GitHub Actions 工作流中的 GitHub App 发出经过身份验证的 API 请求.

Further reading