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Viewing contributions on your profile

Your GitHub Enterprise Server profile shows off your pinned repositories as well as a graph of your repository contributions over the past year.

Neste artigo

Your contribution graph shows activity from public repositories. You can choose to show activity from both public and private repositories, with specific details of your activity in private repositories anonymized. For more information, see "Publicizing or hiding your private contributions on your profile."

Note: Commits will only appear on your contributions graph if the email address you used to author the commits is connected to your account on GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see "Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile?"

What counts as a contribution

On your profile page, certain actions count as contributions:

  • Committing to a repository's default branch or gh-pages branch
  • Opening an issue
  • Proposing a pull request
  • Submitting a pull request review
  • Co-authoring commits in a repository's default branch or gh-pages branch


  • To appear on your profile contributions graph, co-authored commits must meet the same criteria as commits with one author.
  • When rebasing commits, the original authors of the commit and the person who rebased the commits, whether on the command line or on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, receive contribution credit.

This section displays your repositories with the most watchers. Once you pin repositories to your profile, this section will change to "Pinned repositories."

Popular repositories

Pinned repositories

This section displays up to six public repositories and can include your repositories as well as repositories you've contributed to. To easily see important details about the repositories you've chosen to feature, each repository in this section includes a summary of the work being done, the number of stars the repository has received, and the main programming language used in the repository. For more information, see "Pinning repositories to your profile."

Pinned repositories

Contributions calendar

Your contributions calendar shows your contribution activity.

Viewing contributions from specific times

  • Click on a day's square to show the contributions made during that 24-hour period.
  • Press Shift and click on another day's square to show contributions made during that timespan.

Note: You can select up to a one-month range on your contributions calendar. If you select a larger timespan, we will only display one month of contributions.

Your contributions graph

How contribution event times are calculated

Timestamps are calculated differently for commits and pull requests:

Activity overview

Ao habilitar a seção de visão geral das atividades no seu perfil, os visualizadores podem ver mais informações sobre os tipos de contribuição que você faz e os repositórios nos quais você está mais ativo. Um visualizador só pode ver informações na visão geral da atividade sobre os repositórios aos quais tem acesso de leitura. Uma vez habilitado, um visualizador também pode filtrar seu gráfico de contribuição e linha do tempo de atividade para uma organização específica. For more information, see "Showing an overview of your activity on your profile."

Activity overview section on profile

The organizations featured in the activity overview are prioritized according to how active you are in the organization. If you @mention an organization in your profile bio, and you’re an organization member, then that organization is prioritized first in the activity overview. For more information, see “Mentioning people and teams” or "Adding a bio to your profile."

Contribution activity

The contribution activity section includes a detailed timeline of your work, including commits you've made or co-authored, pull requests you've proposed, and issues you've opened. You can see your contributions over time by either clicking Show more activity at the bottom of your contribution activity or by clicking the year you're interested in viewing on the right side of the page. Important moments, like the date you joined an organization, proposed your first pull request, or opened a high-profile issue, are highlighted in your contribution activity. If you can't see certain events in your timeline, check to make sure you still have access to the organization or repository where the event happened.

Contribution activity time filter

Viewing contributions from sua instância do GitHub Enterprise Server on

If your site administrator has enabled contribuições unificadas, you can send GitHub Enterprise contribution counts to your profile. For more information, see "Sending your GitHub Enterprise Server contributions to your"

Further reading