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About alerts for vulnerable dependencies

GitHub Enterprise Server sends security alerts when we detect vulnerabilities affecting your repository.

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About vulnerable dependencies

Uma vulnerabilidade é um problema no código de um projeto que poderia ser explorada para corromper a confidencialidade, a integridade ou a disponibilidade do projeto ou de outros projetos que usam o código. As vulnerabilidades variam de tipo, gravidade e método de ataque.

When your code depends on a package that has a security vulnerability, this vulnerable dependency can cause a range of problems for your project or the people who use it.

Detection of vulnerable dependencies

GitHub Enterprise Server detects vulnerable dependencies and sends security alerts when:

For a list of the ecosystems that GitHub Enterprise Server can detect vulnerabilities and dependencies for, see "Supported package ecosystems."

Note: It is important to keep your manifest and lock files up to date. If the dependency graph doesn't accurately reflect your current dependencies and versions, then you could miss alerts for vulnerable dependencies that you use. You may also get alerts for dependencies that you no longer use.

Security alerts for vulnerable dependencies

O seu administrador do site deve habilitar alertas de segurança para dependências vulneráveis para your GitHub Enterprise Server instance antes de você poder usar este recurso. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Habilitar alertas para dependências vulneráveis em GitHub Enterprise Server".

When GitHub Enterprise Server identifies a vulnerable dependency, we send a security alert to the maintainers of affected repositories with details of the vulnerability, a link to the affected file in the project, and information about a fixed version.

Note: GitHub Enterprise Server's security features do not claim to catch all vulnerabilities. Though we are always trying to update our vulnerability database and generate alerts with our most up-to-date information, we will not be able to catch everything or tell you about known vulnerabilities within a guaranteed time frame. These features are not substitutes for human review of each dependency for potential vulnerabilities or any other issues, and we recommend consulting with a security service or conducting a thorough vulnerability review when necessary.

Access to security alerts

You can see all of the alerts that affect a particular project in the repository's dependency graph.

We send security alerts to people with admin permissions in the affected repositories by default. GitHub Enterprise Server never publicly discloses identified vulnerabilities for any repository.

Você pode escolher o método de entrega para notificações sobre Dependabot alerts em repositórios que você está inspecionando, bem como a frequência na qual as notificações são enviadas para você. For more information, see "Choosing the delivery method for your notifications."