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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise será descontinuada em Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2020-08-20. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, melhorar a segurança e novos recursos, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. Para ajuda com a atualização, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Versão do artigo: Enterprise Server 2.18

Breaking changes

Learn about recent and upcoming breaking changes to the GitHub GraphQL API.

Neste artigo

About breaking changes

Breaking changes are any changes that might require action from our integrators. We divide these changes into two categories:

  • Breaking: Changes that will break existing queries to the GraphQL API. For example, removing a field would be a breaking change.
  • Dangerous: Changes that won't break existing queries but could affect the runtime behavior of clients. Adding an enum value is an example of a dangerous change.

We strive to provide stable APIs for our integrators. When a new feature is still evolving, we release it behind a schema preview.

We'll announce upcoming breaking changes at least three months before making changes to the GraphQL schema, to give integrators time to make the necessary adjustments. Changes go into effect on the first day of a quarter (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, or October 1st). For example, if we announce a change on January 15th, it will be made on July 1st.

Changes scheduled for 2019-04-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to Migration.uploadUrlTemplate.


    uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead.


    uploadUrlTemplate is being removed because it is not a standard URL and adds an extra user step.

  • Breaking A change will be made to Organization.members.


    members will be removed. Use Organization.membersWithRole instead.


    The members field is deprecated and will be removed soon.

Changes scheduled for 2019-07-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution.ignoreTimeRange.


    ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back


    ignore_time_range will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution.ignoreTimeRange.


    ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back


    ignore_time_range will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution.ignoreTimeRange.


    ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back


    ignore_time_range will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution.ignoreTimeRange.


    ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back


    ignore_time_range will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to ReviewDismissedEvent.message.


    message will be removed. Use dismissalMessage instead.


    message is being removed because it not nullable, whereas the underlying field is optional.

  • Breaking A change will be made to ReviewDismissedEvent.messageHtml.


    messageHtml will be removed. Use dismissalMessageHTML instead.


    messageHtml is being removed because it not nullable, whereas the underlying field is optional.

Changes scheduled for 2019-10-01

  • Breaking A change will be made to ContributionOrder.field.


    field will be removed. Only one order field is supported.


    field will be removed.

  • Breaking A change will be made to Issue.timeline.


    timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead.


    timeline will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to Organization.pinnedRepositories.


    pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead.


    pinnedRepositories will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to PullRequest.timeline.


    timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead.


    timeline will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories.


    pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead.


    pinnedRepositories will be removed

  • Breaking A change will be made to User.pinnedRepositories.


    pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead.


    pinnedRepositories will be removed

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