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Versão do artigo: Enterprise Server 2.15

Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise será descontinuada em Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2019-10-16. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Substituir um nó de cluster

Para substituir um nó do GitHub Enterprise Server, você deve marcar os nós afetados offline no arquivo de configuração do cluster (cluster.conf) e adicionar os nós de substituição. Fazer isso pode ser necessário em caso de falha de algum nó ou para adicionar nós com mais recursos a fim de melhorar o desempenho.

Aviso: para evitar conflitos, o nó de substituição deve usar um nome de host exclusivo no cluster.

Neste artigo:

Substituir um nó em caso de emergência

  1. Provision and install GitHub Enterprise Server with a unique hostname on the replacement node.

  2. Using the administrative shell or DHCP, only configure the IP address of the replacement node. Não altere outras configurações.

  3. To mark the failed node offline, on any node, modify the cluster configuration file (cluster.conf) in the relevant node section to include the text offline = true.

    For example, this modified cluster.conf will mark the ghe-data-node-3 node as offline:

    [cluster "ghe-data-node-3"]
    hostname = ghe-data-node-3offline = trueipv4 =
    # ipv6 = fd12:3456:789a:1::6
  4. From the administrative shell of the node where you modified cluster.conf, run ghe-cluster-config-apply. This will validate the configuration file, copy it to each node in the cluster, and mark the node offline.

  5. To add the newly provisioned replacement node, on any node, modify the cluster.conf file to remove the failed node and add the replacement node. For example, this modified cluster.conf file replaces ghe-data-node-3 with the newly provisioned node, ghe-replacement-data-node-3:

    [cluster "ghe-replacement-data-node-3"]
    hostname = ghe-replacement-data-node-3ipv4 =

    ipv6 = fd12:3456:789a:1::7

    git-server = true pages-server = true mysql-server = true elasticsearch-server = true redis-server = true memcache-server = true metrics-server = true storage-server = true

  6. If you're replacing the MySQL master node or Redis master node, in cluster.conf, modify the mysql-master or redis-master value with the replacement node name.

    For example, this modified cluster.conf file specifies a newly provisioned cluster node, ghe-replacement-data-node-1 as the MySQL and Redis master node:

    mysql-master = ghe-replacement-data-node-1redis-master = ghe-replacement-data-node-1

  7. From the administrative shell of the node with the modified cluster.conf, run ghe-cluster-config-init. This will initialize the newly added node in the cluster.

  8. From the same node, run ghe-cluster-config-apply. This will validate the configuration file, copy it to each node in the cluster, and configure each node according to the modified cluster.conf file.

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