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이 버전의 GitHub Enterprise는 다음 날짜에 중단되었습니다. 2024-03-26. 중요한 보안 문제에 대해서도 패치 릴리스가 이루어지지 않습니다. 더 뛰어난 성능, 향상된 보안, 새로운 기능을 위해 최신 버전의 GitHub Enterprise Server로 업그레이드합니다. 업그레이드에 대한 도움말은 GitHub Enterprise 지원에 문의하세요.

대화 잠금

리포지토리 소유자 및 협력자, 그리고 리포지토리에 대한 쓰기 권한이 있는 사용자는 과열된 상호작용을 멈추기 위해 문제에 대한 대화, 끌어오기 요청, 커밋을 영구적으로 또는 일시적으로 잠글 수 있습니다.

It's appropriate to lock a conversation when the entire conversation is not constructive or violates your community's code of conduct. When you lock a conversation, you can also specify a reason, which is publicly visible.

Locking a conversation creates a timeline event that is visible to anyone with read access to the repository. However, the username of the person who locked the conversation is only visible to people with write access to the repository. For anyone without write access, the timeline event is anonymized.

Screenshot of a timeline event, which says "octo-org locked as too heated and limited conversation to collaborators 2 minutes ago."

While a conversation is locked, only people with write access and repository owners and collaborators can add, hide, and delete comments. Reactions and votes in a locked conversation are disabled for all users.

To search for locked conversations in a repository that is not archived, you can use the search qualifiers is:locked and archived:false. Conversations are automatically locked in archived repositories. For more information, see "Searching issues and pull requests."

  1. Optionally, write a comment explaining why you're locking the conversation.
  2. In the right sidebar of the issue or pull request, or above the comment box on the commit page, click Lock conversation.
  3. Optionally, select the Choose a reason dropdown menu, then click a reason for locking the conversation.
  4. Read the information about locking conversations and click Lock conversation on this issue, Lock conversation on this pull request, or Lock conversation on this commit.
  5. When you're ready to unlock the conversation, in the right sidebar of the issue or pull request, or above the comment box on the commit page, click Unlock conversation.

Further reading

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