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Troubleshooting Dependabot
If you have problems with Dependabot, you can use tips in these articles to help resolve issues.
Listing dependencies configured for version updates
You can view the dependencies that Dependabot monitors for updates.
Dependabot update pull requests no longer generated
Dependabot can pause updates based on your interaction with Dependabot pull requests. Learn more about the automatic deactivation of Dependabot updates.
Troubleshooting Dependabot errors
Sometimes Dependabot is unable to raise a pull request to update your dependencies. You can review the error and unblock Dependabot.
Troubleshooting Dependabot on GitHub Actions
This article provides troubleshooting information for issues you may encounter when using Dependabot with GitHub Actions.
Troubleshooting the detection of vulnerable dependencies
If the dependency information reported by GitHub Enterprise Server is not what you expected, there are a number of points to consider, and various things you can check.