
このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となります: このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2020-08-20. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてください。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してください。

記事のバージョン: Enterprise Server 2.18

Creating a GitHub App

You can create and register a GitHub App under your personal account or under any organization you have administrative access to.

  1. 任意のページの右上で、プロフィール画像をクリックし、続いてSettings(設定)をクリックしてください。

    ユーザバーの [Settings(設定)] アイコン

  2. 左サイドバーで [Developer settings] をクリックします。

    Developer settings(開発者設定)セクション

  3. In the left sidebar, click GitHub Apps.

    GitHub Apps セクション

  4. Click New GitHub App.

    Button to create a new GitHub App

  5. In "GitHub App name", type the name of your app.

    Field for the name of your GitHub App

    Give your app a clear and succinct name. Your app cannot have the same name as an existing GitHub user, unless it is your own user or organization name. A slugged version of your app's name will be shown in the user interface when your integration takes an action.

  6. Optionally, in "Description", type a description of your app that users will see.

    Field for a description of your GitHub App

  7. In "Homepage URL", type the full URL to your app's website.

    Field for the homepage URL of your GitHub App

  8. In "User authorization callback URL", type the full URL to redirect to after a user authorizes an installation. This URL is used if your app needs to identify and authorize user-to-server requests.

    Field for the user authorization callback URL of your GitHub App

  9. If your app authorizes users using the OAuth flow, you can select Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation to allow people to authorize the app when they install it, saving a step. If you select this option, the "Setup URL" becomes unavailable and users will be redirected to your "User authorization callback URL" after installing the app. See "Authorizing users during installation" for more information.

    Request user authorization during installation

  10. If additional setup is required after installation, add a "Setup URL" to redirect users to after they install your app.

    Field for the setup URL of your GitHub App

    Note: When you select Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation in the previous step, this field becomes unavailable and people will be redirected to the "User authorization callback URL" after installing the app.

  11. In "Webhook URL", type the URL that events will POST to. Each app receives its own webhook which will notify you every time the app is installed or modified, as well as any other events the app subscribes to.

    Field for the webhook URL of your GitHub App

  12. Optionally, in "Webhook Secret", type an optional secret token used to secure your webhooks.

    Field to add a secret token for your webhook

    Note: We highly recommend that you set a secret token. 詳しい情報については「webhookをセキュアにする」を参照してください。

  13. In "Permissions", choose the permissions your app will request. For each type of permission, use the drop-down menu and click Read-only, Read & write, or No access.

    Various permissions for your GitHub App

  14. In "Subscribe to events", choose whether to subscribe your app to Label, Public, Repository, or Watch events.

    Subscribe to events options for your GitHub App

  15. To choose where the app can be installed, select either Only on this account or Any account. For more information on installation options, see "Making a GitHub App public or private."

    Installation options for your GitHub App

  16. Click Create GitHub App.

    Button to create your GitHub App


