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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise サーバーはこの日付をもって終了となります: 2025-03-05. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの向上、新機能の向上を図るために、最新バージョンの GitHub Enterprise サーバーにアップグレードしてください。 アップグレードに関するヘルプについては、GitHub Enterprise サポートにお問い合わせください

REST API はバージョン管理になりました。 詳細については、「API のバージョン管理について」を参照してください。

ワークフローの REST API エンドポイント

REST API を使って、GitHub Actions のワークフローを操作します。

GitHub Actions のワークフローについて

REST API を使って、GitHub Actions でのリポジトリに対するワークフローを見ることができます。 ワークフローは、豊富なツールとサービスでソフトウェア開発のライフサイクルを自動化します。詳細については、GitHub Actions ドキュメントの「ワークフローについて」を参照してください。

List repository workflows

Lists the workflows in a repository.

Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the repo scope to use this endpoint with a private repository.

"List repository workflows" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Actions" repository permissions (read)

このエンドポイントは、パブリック リソースのみが要求される場合は、認証または前述メンションアクセス許可なしで使用できます。

"List repository workflows" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

クエリ パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

"List repository workflows" の HTTP 応答状態コード



"List repository workflows" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/workflows


Status: 200
{ "total_count": 2, "workflows": [ { "id": 161335, "node_id": "MDg6V29ya2Zsb3cxNjEzMzU=", "name": "CI", "path": ".github/workflows/blank.yaml", "state": "active", "created_at": "2020-01-08T23:48:37.000-08:00", "updated_at": "2020-01-08T23:50:21.000-08:00", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octo-org/octo-repo/actions/workflows/161335", "html_url": "", "badge_url": "" }, { "id": 269289, "node_id": "MDE4OldvcmtmbG93IFNlY29uZGFyeTI2OTI4OQ==", "name": "Linter", "path": ".github/workflows/linter.yaml", "state": "active", "created_at": "2020-01-08T23:48:37.000-08:00", "updated_at": "2020-01-08T23:50:21.000-08:00", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octo-org/octo-repo/actions/workflows/269289", "html_url": "", "badge_url": "" } ] }

Get a workflow

Gets a specific workflow. You can replace workflow_id with the workflow file name. For example, you could use main.yaml.

Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint.

OAuth app tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the repo scope to use this endpoint with a private repository.

"Get a workflow" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Actions" repository permissions (read)

このエンドポイントは、パブリック リソースのみが要求される場合は、認証または前述メンションアクセス許可なしで使用できます。

"Get a workflow" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

workflow_id 必須

The ID of the workflow. You can also pass the workflow file name as a string.

"Get a workflow" の HTTP 応答状態コード



"Get a workflow" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/workflows/WORKFLOW_ID


Status: 200
{ "id": 161335, "node_id": "MDg6V29ya2Zsb3cxNjEzMzU=", "name": "CI", "path": ".github/workflows/blank.yaml", "state": "active", "created_at": "2020-01-08T23:48:37.000-08:00", "updated_at": "2020-01-08T23:50:21.000-08:00", "url": "https://HOSTNAME/repos/octo-org/octo-repo/actions/workflows/161335", "html_url": "", "badge_url": "" }

Disable a workflow

Disables a workflow and sets the state of the workflow to disabled_manually. You can replace workflow_id with the workflow file name. For example, you could use main.yaml.

OAuth tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the repo scope to use this endpoint.

"Disable a workflow" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Actions" repository permissions (write)

"Disable a workflow" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

workflow_id 必須

The ID of the workflow. You can also pass the workflow file name as a string.

"Disable a workflow" の HTTP 応答状態コード


No Content

"Disable a workflow" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -X PUT \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/workflows/WORKFLOW_ID/disable


Status: 204

Create a workflow dispatch event

You can use this endpoint to manually trigger a GitHub Actions workflow run. You can replace workflow_id with the workflow file name. For example, you could use main.yaml.

You must configure your GitHub Actions workflow to run when the workflow_dispatch webhook event occurs. The inputs are configured in the workflow file. For more information about how to configure the workflow_dispatch event in the workflow file, see "Events that trigger workflows."

OAuth tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the repo scope to use this endpoint.

"Create a workflow dispatch event" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Actions" repository permissions (write)

"Create a workflow dispatch event" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

workflow_id 必須

The ID of the workflow. You can also pass the workflow file name as a string.

名前, Type, 説明
ref string 必須

The git reference for the workflow. The reference can be a branch or tag name.

inputs object

Input keys and values configured in the workflow file. The maximum number of properties is 10. Any default properties configured in the workflow file will be used when inputs are omitted.

"Create a workflow dispatch event" の HTTP 応答状態コード


No Content

"Create a workflow dispatch event" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/workflows/WORKFLOW_ID/dispatches \ -d '{"ref":"topic-branch","inputs":{"name":"Mona the Octocat","home":"San Francisco, CA"}}'


Status: 204

Enable a workflow

Enables a workflow and sets the state of the workflow to active. You can replace workflow_id with the workflow file name. For example, you could use main.yaml.

OAuth tokens and personal access tokens (classic) need the repo scope to use this endpoint.

"Enable a workflow" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Actions" repository permissions (write)

"Enable a workflow" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

workflow_id 必須

The ID of the workflow. You can also pass the workflow file name as a string.

"Enable a workflow" の HTTP 応答状態コード


No Content

"Enable a workflow" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -X PUT \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/workflows/WORKFLOW_ID/enable


Status: 204