510 Résultats de la recherche pour "move repository"
Points de terminaison d’API REST pour Projects (classic)
Get a project
Update a project
Delete a project
List repository projects
Create a repository project
Create a user project
List user projects
GitHub Actions / Exécuteurs hébergés par GitHub / Utilisation des exécuteurs plus grands /
Contrôle de l’accès aux exécuteurs plus grands
organization's runner settings. Optionally, you can assign additional granular repository access policies to the runner group.
When new runners are created, they
Organisations / Organiser les membres en équipes /
À propos des équipes
members can request reviews from specific teams with read access to the repository where the pull request is opened. Teams can be designated as owners of
GitHub Discussions / Gestion des discussions /
Gestion des discussions
open forum for conversation among maintainers and the community for a repository or organization on GitHub. For more information about discussions, see
Contribuer à GitHub Docs / Rédaction pour GitHub Docs /
Création de captures d’écran
button for a repository's social media preview image is small and visually unobtrusive. It may be hard to find among the other repository settings.
Organisations / Gérer les rôles d'organisation /
Rôles dans une organisation
To perform any actions on GitHub, such as creating a pull request in a repository or changing an organization's billing settings, a person must have sufficient
Migrations / GitHub Enterprise Importer / Migrer entre produits GitHub /
Vue d’ensemble d’une migration entre produits GitHub
yourself the following questions.
Do we want to migrate by organization or by repository?
How soon do we need to complete the migration?
Do we understand what
Bien démarrer / Apprendre à coder /
Réutiliser le code d'autres personnes dans vos projets
to reuse. For this example, we'll choose the new2code/python-factorial repository.
First, open factorial_finder.py, which implements the calculator using
Applications / Création d’applications GitHub / Écriture de code pour une application GitHub /
Démarrage rapide pour la création d’applications GitHub
how to quickly create a GitHub App. When a pull request is opened in a repository that the app was granted access to, the app will add a comment to the
Migrations / GitHub Enterprise Importer / Migrer à partir de Bitbucket Server /
Vue d’ensemble d’une migration de Bitbucket Server vers GitHub Enterprise Cloud
based on the number of pull requests in a repository. If you want to migrate 1,000 repositories, and each repository has 100 pull requests on average, and