Nota: La revisión de dependencias se encuentra actualmente en versión beta y está sujeta a cambios.
About dependency review
La revisión de dependencias te permite entender los cambios a las dependencias y el impacto de seguridad de estos cambios en cada solicitud de cambios. Te proporciona una visualización fácil de entender para los cambios de dependencia con un diferencial rico en la pestaña de "Archivos que cambiaron" de una solicitud de cambios. La revisión de dependencias te informa sobre:
- Qué dependencias se agregaron, eliminaron o actualizaron junto con las fechas de lanzamiento.
- Cuántos proyectos utilizan estos componentes.
- Datos de las vulnerabilidades para estas dependencias.
If a pull request targets your repository's default branch and contains changes to package manifests or lock files, you can display a dependency review to see what has changed. The dependency review includes details of changes to indirect dependencies in lock files, and it tells you if any of the added or updated dependencies contain known vulnerabilities.
Sometimes you might just want to update the version of one dependency in a manifest and generate a pull request. However, if the updated version of this direct dependency also has updated dependencies, your pull request may have more changes than you expected. The dependency review for each manifest and lock file provides an easy way to see what has changed, and whether any of the new dependency versions contain known vulnerabilities.
By checking the dependency reviews in a pull request, and changing any dependencies that are flagged as vulnerable, you can avoid vulnerabilities being added to your project. For more information about how dependency review works, see "Reviewing dependency changes in a pull request."
For more information about configuring dependency review, see "Configuring dependency review."
Dependabot alerts will find vulnerabilities that are already in your dependencies, but it's much better to avoid introducing potential problems than to fix problems at a later date. For more information about Dependabot alerts, see "About Dependabot alerts."
Dependency review supports the same languages and package management ecosystems as the dependency graph. For more information, see "About the dependency graph."
For more information on supply chain features available on GitHub Enterprise Server, see "About supply chain security."
Enabling dependency review
The dependency review feature becomes available when you enable the dependency graph. For more information, see "Enabling the dependency graph for your enterprise."