An organization owner can promote any member of the organization to team maintainer for a team, giving them a subset of privileges available to organization owners.

Members with team maintainer permissions can:

Promoting an organization member to team maintainer

Before promoting an organization member to team maintainer, the person must already be a member of the team.

  1. Profile photo
    In the top right corner of GitHub Enterprise, click your profile photo, then click Your profile.

  2. organization icons
    On the left side of your profile page, under "Organizations", click the icon for your organization.

  3. Teams tab
    Under your organization name, click Teams.

  4. List of the organization's teams
    On the Teams tab, click the name of the team.

  5. Check box next to organization member
    Select the person or people you'd like to promote to team maintainer.

  6. Drop-down menu with option to change role
    Above the list of team members, use the drop-down menu and click Change role....
  7. Radio buttons for Maintainer or Member roles
    Select a new role and click Change role.