An organization owner can promote any member of the organization to team maintainer for a team, giving them a subset of privileges available to organization owners.
Members with team maintainer permissions can:
- Change the team's name and description
- Change the team's visibility
- Request to add a child team
- Add organization members to the team
- Remove organization members from the team
- Promote an existing team member to team maintainer
- Remove the team's access to repositories
- Reinstate a former organization member
Promoting an organization member to team maintainer
Before promoting an organization member to team maintainer, the person must already be a member of the team.
- In the top right corner of GitHub Enterprise, click your profile photo, then click Your profile.
- On the left side of your profile page, under "Organizations", click the icon for your organization.
- Under your organization name, click Teams.
- On the Teams tab, click the name of the team.
- Select the person or people you'd like to promote to team maintainer.
- Above the list of team members, use the drop-down menu and click Change role....
- Select a new role and click Change role.