Team maintainers and organization owners can determine whether a team is visible or secret.

Teams can be visible or secret:

  • Visible teams can be viewed and @mentioned by every organization member.
  • Secret teams are only visible to the people on the team and people with owner permissions. They're great for hiding teams with sensitive names or members, such as those used for working with external partners or clients. Secret teams cannot be nested under parent teams or have child teams.

Tip: If a team has child or parent teams, you cannot make it a secret team.

  1. Profile photoIn the top right corner of GitHub Enterprise, click your profile photo, then click Your profile.

  2. organization iconsOn the left side of your profile page, under "Organizations", click the icon for your organization.

  3. Teams tab on the organization pageUnder your organization name, click Teams.

  4. List of teams with two teams selectedSelect the team or teams whose visibility you'd like to change.

  5. Drop-down menu with option to change team visibilityAbove the list of teams, use the drop-down menu and click Change visibility.
  6. Radio buttons for making a team visible or secret and Change visibility buttonChoose whether to make the team or teams visible or secret, then click Change visibility.