Releases are a great way to ship projects on GitHub to your users.

Note: Only users with write access to the repository can view drafts of releases. For more information, see:

  1. In the top right corner of any page, click your username. highlighted username

  2. On your profile page, click the Repositories tab, then click the name of your repository. Repository tab

  3. In the top header, click releases. Releases in the header
  4. Click Draft a new release. Releases draft button
  5. Type a version number for your release. Versions are based on Git tags. We recommend naming tags that fit within semantic versioning. Releases tagged version
  6. Select a branch that contains the project you want to release. Usually, you'll want to release against your master branch, unless you're releasing beta software. Releases tagged branch
  7. Type a title and description that describes your release. Releases description
  8. If you'd like to include binary files along with your release, such as compiled programs, drag and drop or select files manually in the binaries box. Providing a DMG with the Release
  9. If the release is unstable, select This is a pre-release to notify users that it's not ready for production. Marking it as a prerelease
  10. If you're ready to publicize your release, click Publish release. Otherwise, click Save draft to work on it later. Publish or draft release buttons

Automatically creating releases

If you'd like to automatically create releases (either from the command line or in a script), check out our Releases API documentation.

Further reading