485 Search results for "token"
Apps / Creating GitHub Apps / Authenticate with a GitHub App /
Generating a user access token for a GitHub App
generate a user access token for your GitHub App in order to attribute app activity to a user.
About user access tokens
User access tokens that expire are
Authentication / Account security /
Token expiration and revocation
Your tokens can expire and can also be revoked by you, applications you have authorized, and GitHub itself.
When a token has expired or has been revoked
Apps / Creating GitHub Apps / Authenticate with a GitHub App /
Generating an installation access token for a GitHub App
Learn how to generate an installation access token for your GitHub App.
About installation access tokens
In order to authenticate as an app installation
Apps / Creating GitHub Apps / Authenticate with a GitHub App /
Generating a JSON Web Token (JWT) for a GitHub App
how to create a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authenticate to certain REST API endpoints with your GitHub App.
About JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
In order to authenticate
Authentication / Account security /
Managing your personal access tokens
personal access token in place of a password when authenticating to GitHub in the command line or with the API.
Treat your access tokens like passwords
Organizations / Manage programmatic access /
Setting a personal access token policy for your organization
to resources by applying policies to personal access tokens
Fine-grained personal access token are currently in public preview and subject to change
GitHub Actions / Security / Security guides /
Automatic token authentication
GitHub provides a token that you can use to authenticate on behalf of GitHub Actions.
About the GITHUB_TOKEN secret
At the start of each workflow job,
Code security / Code scanning / Troubleshooting SARIF uploads /
GitHub token is required to upload SARIF results
upload process to use to access the repository.
About this error
A GitHub token is required to upload SARIF results but none was specified
This error is
Apps / OAuth apps / Maintaining OAuth apps /
Troubleshooting OAuth app access token request errors
When exchanging a code for an access token, there are an additional set of errors that can occur. The format of these responses is determined by the accept
REST API / Organizations /
REST API endpoints for personal access tokens
Personal access tokens
REST API endpoints for personal access tokens
Use the REST API to manage fine-grained personal access tokens.