109 Search results for "ssh"
Authentication / Troubleshooting SSH /
Error: Key already in use
open a terminal and type the ssh command. Use the -i flag to provide the path to the key you want to check:
$ ssh -T -ai ~/.ssh/id_rsa git@github.com
# Connect
Repositories / Create & manage repositories /
Troubleshooting cloning errors
credentials will cause authentication to fail.
Use SSH instead
If you've previously set up SSH keys, you can use the SSH clone URL instead of HTTPS. For more information
Get started / Getting started with Git /
Managing remote repositories
remote repository URL.
For information on the difference between HTTPS and SSH URLs, see About remote repositories.
The git remote set-url command takes
Migrations / ghe-migrator /
Migrating data to GitHub Enterprise Server
SSH into your target GitHub Enterprise Server instance. For more information, see Accessing the administrative shell (SSH).
ssh -p 122 admin@HOSTNAME
Authentication / Troubleshooting SSH /
Error: Host key verification failed
As a security precaution, SSH keeps track of which hosts it has previously seen.
This error means that the server to which you're connecting presented
Codespaces / Developing in a codespace /
Using GitHub Codespaces with GitHub CLI
Stop a codespace
Delete a codespace
Rename a codespace
Rebuild a codespace
SSH into a codespace
Open a codespace in Visual Studio Code
Open a codespace in
Get started / Getting started with Git /
Why is Git always asking for my password?
HTTPS remote URL has some advantages compared with using SSH. It's easier to set up than SSH, and usually works through strict firewalls and proxies. However
Authentication / Secure your account with 2FA /
Accessing GitHub using two-factor authentication
API or the command line, you'll authenticate using a token, application, or SSH key. For more information, see About authentication to GitHub.
Authentication / Account security /
Preventing unauthorized access
GitHub requires a password to perform sensitive actions, such as adding new SSH keys, authorizing applications, or modifying team members.
After changing
Migrations / ghe-migrator /
Exporting migration data from GitHub Enterprise Server
Enterprise Server source. The best way to do this is to verify that you can SSH into the instance.
Generate an access token with the repo and admin:org scopes