781 Search results for "content is not valid ba'e"
Contribute to GitHub Docs / Style guide and content model /
Tutorial content type
Tutorials are useful when someone has a basic understanding of the product and is interested in extending their understanding to solve a specific problem
Contribute to GitHub Docs / Style guide and content model /
Quickstart content type
Quickstarts are best for people who want instructions quickly without lengthy explanations of how something works or why they would want to use it.
Repositories / Archive a repository /
Referencing and citing content
You can use third-party tools to cite and reference content on GitHub.
Issuing a persistent identifier for your repository with Zenodo
To make your repositories
Get started / Writing on GitHub /
Editing and sharing content with gists
Editing and sharing content with gists
Creating gists
You can create two kinds of gists: public and secret. Create a public gist if you're ready to share
Building communities / Using wikis /
Editing wiki content
You can add images and links to content in your wiki, and use some supported MediaWiki formats.
Adding links
You can create links in wikis using one of
REST API / Repositories /
REST API endpoints for repository contents
REST API endpoints for repository contents
Use the REST API to create, modify, and delete Base64 encoded content in a
Contribute to GitHub Docs / Style guide and content model /
Style guide
Follow this guide to make sure GitHub's documentation stays consistent and follows clear patterns that our readers can understand.
These guidelines
Contribute to GitHub Docs / Style guide and content model /
Release note content type
Release notes enable readers to understand and prepare for the user-facing changes in each release of GitHub's versioned enterprise products.
Good release
Contribute to GitHub Docs / Writing for GitHub Docs /
Best practices for GitHub Docs
Follow these best practices to create documentation that's user-friendly and easy to understand.
About GitHub documentation
At GitHub, we strive to create
GitHub Pages / Get started /
Securing your GitHub Pages site with HTTPS
HTTPS adds a layer of encryption that prevents others from snooping on or tampering with traffic to your site. You can enforce HTTPS for your GitHub Pages