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1,642 Search results for "move repository"

GitHub Discussions /

Discussions guides

GitHub You can use discussions to brainstorm with your team, and eventually move the conversation to an issue when you are ready to scope out the work. Finding

GitHub Discussions / Managing discussions /

Managing categories for discussions

maintainers and the community for a repository or organization on GitHub. All discussions must be created in a category. For repository discussions, people with maintain

Migrations /

Using ghe-migrator

ghe-migrator You can use ghe-migrator to migrate user, organization, and repository data to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance from or another

Repositories / Manage repository settings / Manage repository settings /

Managing teams and people with access to your repository

everyone who has access to your repository and adjust permissions. About access management for repositories For each repository that you administer on GitHub

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Incorporate changes /

Automatically merging a pull request

met, so you can move on to other tasks. Before you can use auto-merge with a pull request, auto-merge must be enabled for the repository. For more information

GitHub Discussions / Managing discussions /

Managing discussions

open forum for conversation among maintainers and the community for a repository or organization on GitHub. For more information about discussions, see

Get started / Using Git /

Pushing commits to a remote repository

Use git push to push commits made on your local branch to a remote repository. About git push The git push command takes two arguments: A remote name,

Pull requests / Collaborate with pull requests / Propose changes /

Creating and deleting branches within your repository

in a repository to which you have push access. Creating a branch via the branches overview On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository. From

GitHub Discussions / Guides /

Best practices for community conversations on GitHub

You can use discussions to brainstorm with your team, and eventually move the conversation to an issue when you are ready to scope out the work. Community

Secure coding / Security advisories / Guidance on reporting and writing /

Best practices for writing repository security advisories

using the standard formats. Anyone with admin permissions to a public repository can create and edit a security advisory. Note If you are a security researcher