Article version: Enterprise Server 2.13

This version of GitHub Enterprise will be discontinued on This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on 2019-03-27. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Reviewing migration conflicts

After generating a list of migration conflicts, you should review them to ensure that you agree with the default actions ghe-migrator will take when resolving them.

  1. Using a text editor or CSV-compatible spreadsheet software, open conflicts.csv.
  2. With guidance from the examples and reference tables below, review the conflicts.csv file to ensure that the proper actions will be taken upon import.

The conflicts.csv file contains a migration map of conflicts and recommended actions. A migration map lists out both what data is being migrated from the source, and how the data will be applied to the target.

model_name source_url target_url recommended_action
user https://example-gh.source/octocat map
organization https://example-gh.source/octo-org map
repository https://example-gh.source/octo-org/widgets rename
team https://example-gh.source/orgs/octo-org/teams/admins merge

Each row in conflicts.csv provides the following information:

Name Description
model_name The type of data being changed.
source_url The source URL of the data.
target_url The expected target URL of the data.
recommended_action The preferred action ghe-migrator will take when importing the data.

Possible mappings for each record type

There are several different mapping actions that ghe-migrator can take when transferring data:

action Description Applicable models
import (default) Data from the source is imported to the target. All record types
map Data from the source is replaced by existing data on the target. Users, organizations, repositories
rename Data from the source is renamed, then copied over to the target. Users, organizations, repositories
map_or_rename If the target exists, map to that target. Otherwise, rename the imported model. Users
merge Data from the source is combined with existing data on the target. Teams

We strongly suggest you review the conflicts.csv file and use ghe-migrator audit to ensure that the proper actions are being taken. If everything looks good, you can continue to "Applying the imported data on GitHub Enterprise Server".

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