About the migrator role
To remove the need for organization owners to complete migrations, GitHub.com includes a distinct role for using GitHub Enterprise Importer. Granting the migrator role allows you to designate other teams or individuals to handle your migrations.
You can grant the migrator role to an individual user or a team. We strongly recommend that you assign the migrator role to a team. Then, you can further customize who can run a migration by adjusting team membership. For more information about changing team membership, see "Adding organization members to a team" or "Removing organization members from a team."
You can only grant the migrator role for an organization on GitHub.com. If you're migrating a repository between two organizations on GitHub.com, you can grant the migrator role to the same person or team for both organizations, but you must grant each separately.
Note: You cannot grant the migrator role for enterprise accounts. Therefore, you can only run an organization migration if you're an owner of the destination enterprise. However, you can grant the migrator role to that enterprise owner for the source organization.
After you grant the migrator role, make sure the migrator uses a personal access token that meets all the requirements for running migrations. For the details of those requirements, see "Managing access for GitHub Enterprise Importer."
To see instructions for using the API, use the tool switcher at the top of the page.
Granting the migrator role with the ADO2GH extension
On GitHub.com, create and record a personal access token that meets all the requirements for granting the migrator role. For a full list of requirements, see "Managing access for GitHub Enterprise Importer."
Set the personal access token as an environment variable, replacing TOKEN in the commands below with the personal access token you recorded above.
If you're using Terminal, use the
command.Shell export GH_PAT="TOKEN"
export GH_PAT="TOKEN"
If you're using PowerShell, use the
command.Shell $env:GH_PAT="TOKEN"
Use the
gh ado2gh grant-migrator-role
command, replacing ORGANIZATION with the organization you want to grant the migrator role for, ACTOR with the user or team name, and TYPE withUSER
.Shell gh ado2gh grant-migrator-role --github-org ORGANIZATION --actor ACTOR --actor-type TYPE
gh ado2gh grant-migrator-role --github-org ORGANIZATION --actor ACTOR --actor-type TYPE
Granting the migrator role with the BBS2GH extension
Note: Migrations from Bitbucket Server using GitHub Enterprise Importer are currently in private beta and subject to change. To request access to the beta, see Join the Bitbucket Server migrations Waitlist.
On GitHub.com, create and record a personal access token that meets all the requirements for granting the migrator role. For a full list of requirements, see "Managing access for GitHub Enterprise Importer."
Set the personal access token as an environment variable, replacing TOKEN in the commands below with the personal access token you recorded above.
If you're using Terminal, use the
command.Shell export GH_PAT="TOKEN"
export GH_PAT="TOKEN"
If you're using PowerShell, use the
command.Shell $env:GH_PAT="TOKEN"
Use the
gh bbs2gh grant-migrator-role
command, replacing ORGANIZATION with the organization you want to grant the migrator role for, ACTOR with the user or team name, and TYPE withUSER
.Shell gh bbs2gh grant-migrator-role --github-org ORGANIZATION --actor ACTOR --actor-type TYPE
gh bbs2gh grant-migrator-role --github-org ORGANIZATION --actor ACTOR --actor-type TYPE
Granting the migrator role with the GEI extension
Note: The GitHub CLI does not support granting the migrator role for organizations on GitHub Enterprise Server, so you must be an organization owner of the source organization to migrate repositories from GitHub Enterprise Server.
On GitHub.com, create and record a personal access token that meets all the requirements for granting the migrator role. For a full list of requirements, see "Managing access for GitHub Enterprise Importer."
Set the personal access token as an environment variable, replacing TOKEN in the commands below with the personal access token you recorded above.
If you're using Terminal, use the
command.Shell export GH_PAT="TOKEN"
export GH_PAT="TOKEN"
If you're using PowerShell, use the
command.Shell $env:GH_PAT="TOKEN"
Use the
gh gei grant-migrator-role
command, replacing ORGANIZATION with the organization you want to grant the migrator role for, ACTOR with the user or team name, and TYPE withUSER
.Shell gh gei grant-migrator-role --github-org ORGANIZATION --actor ACTOR --actor-type TYPE
gh gei grant-migrator-role --github-org ORGANIZATION --actor ACTOR --actor-type TYPE