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Enterprise Server 3.16 is currently available as a release candidate.

Disabling and enabling a workflow

You can disable and re-enable a workflow using the GitHub UI, the REST API, or GitHub CLI.

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GitHub-hosted runners are not currently supported on GitHub Enterprise Server. You can see more information about planned future support on the GitHub public roadmap.

Disabling a workflow allows you to stop a workflow from being triggered without having to delete the file from the repo. You can easily re-enable the workflow again on GitHub.

Temporarily disabling a workflow can be useful in many scenarios. These are a few examples where disabling a workflow might be helpful:

  • A workflow error that produces too many or wrong requests, impacting external services negatively.
  • A workflow that is not critical and is consuming too many minutes on your account.
  • A workflow that sends requests to a service that is down.
  • Workflows on a forked repository that aren't needed (for example, scheduled workflows).


To prevent unnecessary workflow runs, scheduled workflows may be disabled automatically. When a public repository is forked, scheduled workflows are disabled by default. In a public repository, scheduled workflows are automatically disabled when no repository activity has occurred in 60 days.

You can also disable and enable a workflow using the REST API. For more information, see REST API endpoints for workflows.

Disabling a workflow


To learn more about GitHub CLI, see About GitHub CLI.

To disable a workflow, use the workflow disable subcommand. Replace workflow with either the name, ID, or file name of the workflow you want to disable. For example, "Link Checker", 1234567, or "link-check-test.yml". If you don't specify a workflow, GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a workflow.

gh workflow disable WORKFLOW

Enabling a workflow

To enable a workflow, use the workflow enable subcommand. Replace workflow with either the name, ID, or file name of the workflow you want to enable. For example, "Link Checker", 1234567, or "link-check-test.yml". If you don't specify a workflow, GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a workflow.

gh workflow enable WORKFLOW