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Syntax for GitHub's form schema

You can use GitHub's form schema to configure forms for supported features.


GitHub's form schema is currently in beta and subject to change.

About GitHub's form schema

You can use GitHub's form schema to configure forms for supported features. For more information, see Configuring issue templates for your repository.

A form is a set of elements for requesting user input. You can configure a form by creating a YAML form definition, which is an array of form elements. Each form element is a set of key-value pairs that determine the type of the element, the properties of the element, and the constraints you want to apply to the element. For some keys, the value is another set of key-value pairs.

For example, the following form definition includes four form elements: a text area for providing the user's operating system, a dropdown menu for choosing the software version the user is running, a checkbox to acknowledge the Code of Conduct, and Markdown that thanks the user for completing the form.

- type: textarea
    label: Operating System
    description: What operating system are you using?
    placeholder: "Example: macOS Big Sur"
    value: operating system
    required: true
- type: dropdown
    label: Version
    description: What version of our software are you running?
    multiple: false
      - 1.0.2 (Default)
      - 1.0.3 (Edge)
    default: 0
    required: true
- type: checkboxes
    label: Code of Conduct
    description: The Code of Conduct helps create a safe space for everyone. We require
      that everyone agrees to it.
      - label: I agree to follow this project's [Code of Conduct](link/to/coc)
        required: true
- type: markdown
    value: "Thanks for completing our form!"


For each form element, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
typeThe type of element that you want to define.String
  • checkboxes
  • dropdown
  • input
  • markdown
  • textarea
idThe identifier for the element, except when type is set to markdown. Can only use alpha-numeric characters, -, and _. Must be unique in the form definition. If provided, the id is the canonical identifier for the field in URL query parameter prefills.String
attributesA set of key-value pairs that define the properties of the element.Map
validationsA set of key-value pairs that set constraints on the element.Map

You can choose from the following types of form elements. Each type has unique attributes and validations.

markdownMarkdown text that is displayed in the form to provide extra context to the user, but is not submitted.
textareaA multi-line text field.
inputA single-line text field.
dropdownA dropdown menu.
checkboxesA set of checkboxes.


You can use a markdown element to display Markdown in your form that provides extra context to the user, but is not submitted.

Attributes for markdown

For the value of the attributes key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
valueThe text that is rendered. Markdown formatting is supported.String


YAML processing will treat the hash symbol as a comment. To insert Markdown headers, wrap your text in quotes.

For multi-line text, you can use the pipe operator.

Example of markdown

- type: markdown
    value: "## Thank you for contributing to our project!"
- type: markdown
    value: |
      Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report.


You can use a textarea element to add a multi-line text field to your form. Contributors can also attach files in textarea fields.

Attributes for textarea

For the value of the attributes key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
labelA brief description of the expected user input, which is also displayed in the form.String
descriptionA description of the text area to provide context or guidance, which is displayed in the form.StringEmpty String
placeholderA semi-opaque placeholder that renders in the text area when empty.StringEmpty String
valueText that is pre-filled in the text area.String
renderIf a value is provided, submitted text will be formatted into a codeblock. When this key is provided, the text area will not expand for file attachments or Markdown editing.StringLanguages known to GitHub. For more information, see the languages YAML file.

Validations for textarea

For the value of the validations key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
requiredPrevents form submission until element is completed. Only for public repositories.Booleanfalse

Example of textarea

- type: textarea
  id: repro
    label: Reproduction steps
    description: "How do you trigger this bug? Please walk us through it step by step."
    value: |
    render: bash
    required: true


You can use an input element to add a single-line text field to your form.

Attributes for input

For the value of the attributes key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
labelA brief description of the expected user input, which is also displayed in the form.String
descriptionA description of the field to provide context or guidance, which is displayed in the form.StringEmpty String
placeholderA semi-transparent placeholder that renders in the field when empty.StringEmpty String
valueText that is pre-filled in the field.String

Validations for input

For the value of the validations key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
requiredPrevents form submission until element is completed. Only for public repositories.Booleanfalse

Example of input

- type: input
  id: prevalence
    label: Bug prevalence
    description: "How often do you or others encounter this bug?"
    placeholder: "Example: Whenever I visit the personal account page (1-2 times a week)"
    required: true

You can use a dropdown element to add a dropdown menu in your form.

Attributes for dropdown

For the value of the attributes key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
labelA brief description of the expected user input, which is displayed in the form.String
descriptionA description of the dropdown to provide extra context or guidance, which is displayed in the form.StringEmpty String
multipleDetermines if the user can select more than one option.Booleanfalse
optionsAn array of options the user can choose from. Cannot be empty and all choices must be distinct.String array
defaultIndex of the preselected option in the options array. When a default option is specified, you cannot include "None" or "n/a" as options.Integer

Validations for dropdown

For the value of the validations key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
requiredPrevents form submission until element is completed. Only for public repositories.Booleanfalse

Example of dropdown

- type: dropdown
  id: download
    label: How did you download the software?
      - Built from source
      - Homebrew
      - MacPorts
      - apt-get
    default: 0
    required: true


You can use the checkboxes element to add a set of checkboxes to your form.

Attributes for checkboxes

For the value of the attributes key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
labelA brief description of the expected user input, which is displayed in the form.String
descriptionA description of the set of checkboxes, which is displayed in the form. Supports Markdown formatting.StringEmpty String
optionsAn array of checkboxes that the user can select. For syntax, see below.Array

For each value in the options array, you can set the following keys.

labelThe identifier for the option, which is displayed in the form. Markdown is supported for bold or italic text formatting, and hyperlinks.String
requiredPrevents form submission until element is completed. Only for public repositories.Booleanfalse

Validations for checkboxes

For the value of the validations key, you can set the following keys.

KeyDescriptionRequiredTypeDefaultValid values
requiredPrevents form submission until element is completed. Only for public repositories.Booleanfalse

Example of checkboxes

- type: checkboxes
  id: operating-systems
    label: Which operating systems have you used?
    description: You may select more than one.
      - label: macOS
      - label: Windows
      - label: Linux

Further reading