This version of GitHub Enterprise Server was discontinued on 2024-12-19. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise Server. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.
Maintaining OAuth apps
After you create and register an OAuth app, you can make modifications to the app, change permissions, transfer ownership, and delete the app.
Modifying an OAuth app
After creating and registering an OAuth app, you can make changes to it.
Activating optional features for OAuth apps
You can test new optional features for your OAuth apps.
Transferring ownership of an OAuth app
You can transfer ownership of an OAuth app to another user or organization.
Troubleshooting authorization request errors
When obtaining an OAuth token for a user, some errors may occur during the initial authorization request phase.
Troubleshooting OAuth app access token request errors
When exchanging a code for an access token, there are an additional set of errors that can occur. The format of these responses is determined by the accept header you pass.
Deleting an OAuth app
You can delete OAuth apps when you no longer use them.