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Enforcing artifact attestations with a Kubernetes admission controller

Use an admission controller to enforce artifact attestations in your Kubernetes cluster.

About Kubernetes admission controller

Artifact attestations enable you to create unfalsifiable provenance and integrity guarantees for the software you build. In turn, people who consume your software can verify where and how your software was built.

Kubernetes admission controllers are plugins that govern the behavior of the Kubernetes API server. They are commonly used to enforce security policies and best practices in a Kubernetes cluster.

Using the open source Sigstore Policy Controller project you can add an admission controller to your Kubernetes cluster that can enforce artifact attestations. This way, you can ensure that only artifacts with valid attestations can be deployed.

To install the controller, we offer two Helm charts: one for deploying the Sigstore Policy Controller, and another for loading the GitHub trust root and a default policy.

About trust roots and policies

The Sigstore Policy Controller is primarily configured with trust roots and policies, represented by the Custom Resources TrustRoot and ClusterImagePolicy. A TrustRoot represents a trusted distribution channel for the public key material used to verify attestations. A ClusterImagePolicy represents a policy for enforcing attestations on images.

A TrustRoot may also contain a TUF repository root, making it possible for your cluster to continuously and securely receive updates to its trusted public key material. If left unspecified, a ClusterImagePolicy will by default use the open source Sigstore Public Good Instance's key material. When verifying attestations generated for private repositories, the ClusterImagePolicy must reference the GitHub TrustRoot.

Getting started with Kubernetes admission controller

To set up an admission controller for enforcing GitHub artifact attestations, you need to:

  1. Deploy the Sigstore Policy Controller.
  2. Add the GitHub TrustRoot and a ClusterImagePolicy to your cluster.
  3. Enable the policy in your namespace.

Deploy the Sigstore Policy Controller

We have packaged the Sigstore Policy Controller as a GitHub distributed Helm chart. Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A Kubernetes cluster with version 1.27 or later
  • Helm 3.0 or later
  • kubectl

First, install the Helm chart that deploys the Sigstore Policy Controller:

helm upgrade policy-controller --install --atomic \
  --create-namespace --namespace artifact-attestations \
  oci:// \
  --version v0.10.0-github7

This installs the Policy Controller into the artifact-attestations namespace. At this point, no policies have been configured, and it will not enforce any attestations.

Add the GitHub TrustRoot and a ClusterImagePolicy

Once the policy controller has been deployed, you need to add the GitHub TrustRoot and a ClusterImagePolicy to your cluster. Use the Helm chart we provide to do this. Make sure to replace MY-ORGANIZATION with your GitHub organization's name (e.g., github or octocat-inc).

helm upgrade trust-policies --install --atomic \
 --namespace artifact-attestations \
 oci:// \
 --version v0.6.1 \
 --set policy.enabled=true \
 --set policy.organization=MY-ORGANIZATION

You've now installed the GitHub trust root, and an artifact attestation policy into your cluster. This policy will reject artifacts that have not originated from within your GitHub organization.

Enable the policy in your namespace


This policy will not be enforced until you specify which namespaces it should apply to.

Each namespace in your cluster can independently enforce policies. To enable enforcement in a namespace, you can add the following label to the namespace:

  labels: "true"

After the label is added, the GitHub artifact attestation policy will be enforced in the namespace.

Alternatively, you may run:

kubectl label namespace MY-NAMESPACE

Matching images

By default, the policy installed with the trust-policies Helm chart will verify attestations for all images before admitting them into the cluster. If you only intend to enforce attestations for a subset of images, you can use the Helm values policy.images and policy.exemptImages to specify a list of images to match against. These values can be set to a list of glob patterns that match the image names. The globbing syntax uses Go filepath semantics, with the addition of ** to match any character sequence, including slashes.

For example, to enforce attestations for images that match the pattern* and admit busybox without a valid attestation, you can run:

helm upgrade trust-policies --install --atomic \
 --namespace artifact-attestations \
 oci:// \
 --version v0.6.1 \
 --set policy.enabled=true \
 --set policy.organization=MY-ORGANIZATION \
 --set-json 'policy.exemptImages=["**"]' \
 --set-json 'policy.images=["**"]'

All patterns must use the fully-qualified name, even if the images originate from Docker Hub. In this example, if we want to exempt the image busybox, we must provide the full name including the domain and double-star glob to match all image versions:**.

Note that any image you intend to admit must have a matching glob pattern in the policy.images list. If an image does not match any pattern, it will be rejected. Additionally, if an image matches both policy.images and policy.exemptImages, it will be rejected.

If your GitHub Enterprise account has a subdomain on, you must specify a value for the GitHub trust domain. This value is used to fetch the trusted materials associated with the data residency region that hosts your GitHub Enterprise account. This value can be found by logging into your enterprise account with the gh CLI tool and running the following command:

gh api meta --jq .domains.artifact_attestations.trust_domain

This value must be added when installing the trust-policies chart, like so:


Advanced usage

To see the full set of options you may configure with the Helm chart, you can run either of the following commands. For policy controller options:

helm show values oci:// --version v0.10.0-github7

For trust policy options:

helm show values oci:// --version v0.6.1

For more information on the Sigstore Policy Controller, see the Sigstore Policy Controller documentation.